Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Aaaaaand He's Gone

Exit stage left for the world's most unpopular Etonian, Justsin Welby. Not content with rallying for homosexual sex, Justsin just covered it up. Now he's gone, resigned in disgrace. Such Terrible PR for Eton and the Trav (Travellers Club). 

you utter frauds

So who will fill the vacancy? Good question. Guinea on the chick, if you can call it that. But whatev, your call, as always.

Your Old Pal,


Monday, November 11, 2024

What A Headsplitter


You know, as in berserker war rage total head splitting charge the shield wall wipeout. He's all in. About time someone was.

Maybe someone needs to call out the asylum/refugee leftist vote scam, and while we're at it smash the Cartels. With extreme prejudice, please. Enough of this garbage, just have at it. And it means the entire lib elite bi-coastal condescendancy. 

Regardless. WHAT. A. SAVAGE.

Keep it coming,


Veterans Day


On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 the guns fell, generally, silent. Today we honor all who have served and serve today in our military. May God bless them.

O LORD God of Hosts, stretch forth, we pray thee, thine almighty arm to strengthen and protect the soldiers of our country; Support them in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep them safe from all evil; endue them with courage and loyalty; and grant that in all things they may serve without reproach; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




Sunday, November 10, 2024

Thank Christ For The Bomb


All hail TS McPhee,




Nικη, Victory! not to be confused with a wretched running shoe; and victory's exactly what we've got, a resounding nationwide smackdown of loony left governance. Guess what, idiots, normal people don't want the schools they pay for to trans their kids. And lo and behold, your great open border import the vote scheme didn't fly so high either.

Go figure, it seems persyns from south of the border don't automatically vote rainbow left because of the color of their skin. Good heavens, how remarkable, think Pinochet. What a wake up call, do you think they'll hear it? I doubt it, these fools are locked down deep into their own bicoastal unreality and will go, in my opinion, double or quits.

Fair enough, roll those bones, see where they fall, but don't be surprised when everything you do produces the opposite of its intended result. It's like an axiom.

Word to the Wise,


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Oh Dear Nancy


Thanks for the excellent infographic, RHSM. But my, Nancy doesn't look too happy, almost as if the Baltimore Mob's been weighed and found wanting on the scales of justice. Who knows, perhaps 47 will go after this corrupt, insider dealing, multi-millionaire socialist fraud. Don't hold your breath but...

Yes please,


I Believe In Miracles


Do you believe in miracles? I most definitely do, seriously, and this song seems appropriate right about now. Via Adrienne, who ran the excellent and missed Catholic Corner:

Cheers and DFTR,


Friday, November 8, 2024

Some Words From Pat


How could the Left have lost so very, very hard? Here's Pat Buchanon:

In half a lifetime, many have seen their God dethroned, their heroes defiled, their culture polluted, their values assaulted, their country invaded, and themselves demonised as extremists and bigots for holding on to beliefs held for generations.

Americans, unlike Europeans, are massively tired and sick of this and voted against it. Me? I was pleasantly surprised to discover we had the mechanism to do so.



4B Inanity


So just what is this "4B" thing, LSP, if that's your real name, which we doubt. Good question, punters, I'll tell you. It comes from South Korea and stands for no dating, no sex, no marriage and no child-rearing. This, roughly translated into American fem anti Trump protest = shaving your head and being an ugly baldy who won't have sex or children with evil Fascist men. That'll teach those NAZIS! runs the logic. Look, here's just one example:

Quite apart from larping as Auschwitz victims, which is despicable, have these persyns not considered the Darwin effect? We can put it another way, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect. But not so fast, LSP -- they lie.

How many of these baldheads will abort their babies in the next quarter, either in or out of state? And, in passing, surely this isn't a 4 Chan prank.

Your Pal,


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Billie Eilish Hates El Senor


Superstar pop genius celebrity Billie Eilish hates El Senor Trump and accused him of being a "predator" who "so, so hates women" at a pop concert in Nashville in November.

"Now a person who is a convicted... uh, so many things ... let's say a convicted predator, let's say that, someone who hates women so, so deeply is about to be president of the United States of America," said the talented, popular singer songwriter.

Self-proclaimed rainbow bisexual Eilish's superstar socialist net worth is an estimated $53 MN. Not shabby. Maybe Billie will use her millions to move from her Malibu mansion to somewhere more congenial, away from predator Trump; perhaps to Mayfair to join Cher?

Your Friend,


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

For What It's Worth


See what I'm sayn'? Thanks, Wild.

Your Pal,




Really, you're really gonna do it? The world holds it's bated breath. In the meanwhile, Hollywood celebs who, notoriously, aren't on Epstein's or P Diddy's degenerate sex list are threatening to leave the country. My, what a surprise. Deportations, panda eyes and pizzagate anyone? Don't say sick pedos.

I told you so

Whatev, that appears to be kinda self-policing. In the meanwhile, the greatest Russian agent in the history of Kremlinocracy prepares to take power and slice through our bloated government like the sick fish it is. Power to him and to RFK, Tulsi and the team. Well done, stay the course.

Pompey Redivus

Speaking of which, UK correspondents are saying, "We're really scared, were p*ssing our pants!" Why? Because 47's gonna not be socialist? Oh, what a terrible tragedy. Because he'll punish Two-Tier Kier with tariffs and make that neo-commie fool pay? Maybe because he'll back Farage and Reform.

Protect Your Kids, No Fkn Fooling

Reform, my dear friends, is a fine club on Pall Mall with an unreconstructed Georgian interior. But let's return to the point. America has, evidently, voted to kick out its celebrities to Canada and the UK. And there you have it.

Ahem, Membership Please

Sicut Erat,