Showing posts with label Darwinian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darwinian. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2024

Let's Get Ready To Fight A War!


Yeah, with trannies, because as everyone knows they increase FORCE LETHALITY. That's right, the more trannies you have the more lethal you are. Why? Because the enemy dies laughing as you NATO snerk charge their positions. 

What a risible, pathetic joke, and made all the more laughable for the fact that the same people who transed our militaries are baying, shouting, voting, raising their soft pampered hands for MOAR WAR. Why? To defeat evil AUTOCRAT PUTLER, who's notoriously anti-rainbow. Unlike, say, NATO, our beloved Multi-Hued, diversity is our strength Alliance. 

Be that as it may, here's a video of Pussy Riot getting whipped, the same P Riot who blasphemed St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. Check it out:

Seriously, would you go out and die for the Rainbow? Would you go out there and lay down your life for the Unicorn, for P Riot, Two-Tier, Mitch McConnell and Blackrock? I wouldn't, not for a dam second, but that's just me. Perhaps you're different, feel free to disagree, this is just a humble Mind Blog.

Your Call,


Friday, November 8, 2024

4B Inanity


So just what is this "4B" thing, LSP, if that's your real name, which we doubt. Good question, punters, I'll tell you. It comes from South Korea and stands for no dating, no sex, no marriage and no child-rearing. This, roughly translated into American fem anti Trump protest = shaving your head and being an ugly baldy who won't have sex or children with evil Fascist men. That'll teach those NAZIS! runs the logic. Look, here's just one example:

Quite apart from larping as Auschwitz victims, which is despicable, have these persyns not considered the Darwin effect? We can put it another way, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect. But not so fast, LSP -- they lie.

How many of these baldheads will abort their babies in the next quarter, either in or out of state? And, in passing, surely this isn't a 4 Chan prank.

Your Pal,