Sunday, September 1, 2024

Go On - Attack Israel You Moslem Savages


Hamas Attacks Ravers

So. Six Jewish hostages were just found shot in the head by the IDF in a tunnel somewhere in Gaza. Now help me out. On October 7 Hamas paragliders (!) drifted down onto Israeli kibbutz raves and kidnapped all these young people, ravers. One minute you're listening to dance music, the next you're hog-tied to a dirt bike and driven into a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.

Like, wow. Imagine that happening in Texas. MS 13 paradrops into El Paso and carries off men, women and children to... tunnels underneath Jaurez. And they demand, give us El Paso and the border or we kill them. After all, it's Mexican territory, stolen by the gringo. What d'ye think we'd do, in such a case?

HAMAS shot this civilian in a tunnel, what utter scum

Wipe. Them. Out. Utterly. With extreme prejudice. Probably set up a buffer zone in Mexico to boot. That in mind, why should the Jews in Israel behave any different? They're in a war for their very survival, and if they don't prosecute that to the best of their ability, i.e. by killing Hamas and its supporters, then they're traitors to themselves.

OK, we get IDF logic, which I pretty much support, I have friends in that crew, but still we have to ask. Why did the IDF allow the Hamas outrage to occur in the first place and, again, why did they do it in the first place knowing that retribution would be on an unprecedented industrial scale?

Get Down On It Boys

Serious questions, and if you know the answers, and even if you don't, feel free to enlarge.

All Best,


A Short Musical Sunday Sermon


Let's have this back. After all, we need the Bosphorus and Constantinople, psuedo-Caliph Erdogan regardless. But guess what, we won't regain the glory of the Faith until we embrace it.  Christians, wake up, and that's it, that's the sermon.

Ad Orientem,


Saturday, August 31, 2024



A young churchman called, "We're shooting skeet this evening at the ranch to knock the rust off before Opening Day. Are you in?" Sure I was, and loaded a new CZ over and under 20 gauge into the rig and drove off to the countryside.

It's not far, and before you could say Dialectical Materialism is rubbish, there we were, five shooters and a couple of spectators in a ranch shop, checking out guns, shaking hands and all of that. Then we set up in the shade of an old oak and got down to it.

First up, two shooters on the firing line with Old LSP throwing the clays. Boom! Smoke that skeet! Good work boys, didn't take long at all to get in the zone. Then it was my turn, would the CZ work, would I work? Magnum mysterium. But lo and behold, I somehow remembered how to shoot and was up there with the young 'uns. What a lot of fun. But here's the thing.

The boys were shooting 12 gauge pumps, mostly newer Remington 870 Wingmasters, to be precise, and guess what, their weapons kept jamming. My CZ 20? Worked flawlessly, as well as being lighter and easier to shoot. I tell you, I'm a double barrel 20 convert after years of 12 gauge pumpery (Mossberg Ulti Mag and Wingmaster). For that matter and for the most part, I'd go for a double 12 over a pump, they're more reliable. 

Mind you, a smooth working pump does have that rate of fire advantage, so there is that. Double v. Pump, 12 v. 20 reverie over, my shoot was done and I left the guys striking steel with various deadly assault rifles and banned in England pistols. 

What a great evening and so good to get out in the clean air and big sky of Texas, with the added bonus of putting lead on clay to boot. Maybe we need to organize a church shoot, with BBQ, obviously, and prizes for taking out John Lennon CDs at 500 yards.



Friday, August 30, 2024



There you are, whistling John Lennon's famous Buddhist Max-Commie pop song and what happens? You start thinking about the war in Ukraine. Oops, guaranteed to mess up your karma. So what's it all about? In the UK everything's incredibly simple. Viz:

Putler, the evil, insane, Hitlerian, psycho, transphobe AUTOCRAT launched against Rainbow Ukraine in an act of mad unprovoked Hitlerian fervor. That's the narrative, and if you don't believe it we'll LOCK YOU UP, for terrorism, in the UK. That's the UK; why are they so invested in this fight against Russia? Because Crimea 1860s? C'mon, help me out. Because US imperial plaything? Whatev, your call.

That aside, in another timeline NATO provokes Russia into a proxy war in which NATO countries gambled onna fast victory and then got surprised when the thing went industrial and they... didn't have any industry, oops, because all off-shored to China. And guess what?

The same industrial behemoth you've sent all your factories to, you know, like steel and stuff, is a RUSSIAN ALLY. Well far out. Good thing the Ivy League's in power, right? All hail Duke and Princeton. Bow down before the Harvard Genius Patrol. And thank Gaia this result is in an alt timeline.

Your old Battle Buddy,


Fish On


Well there you are, Morning Prayer complete, so whaddya do? 1. Answer emails 2. Check Telegram for war updates 3. Sketch out a Sunday homily 4. Drink strong coffee as you pray for the Church and her Missions and 5. Go fishing.

It's not hard, just put a rod or two in the bed of the rig and drive onwards and outwards to the lake, which sits there basking in springlike climate change. You see, we're moving into cool Autumn where it's only in the '90s.

All well and good, stand fast against the WEF, and cast off with a shad lure and see what you get. Nothing. Huh. Switch out to #6 hooks and worms and get... five or six perch. Ferocious little fish and plenty of fun on a light rod. Sorry, BIS. Then, as it starts to rain, DAVOS, I'm looking at you, head for home and the Compound.

So that adventure was all good, mission accomplished. In other news, my Mother-in-Law may be in her final days if not hours, and a close friend's wife has died from cancer. She was a good woman and a Christian lady. Rest in peace and rise in glory, EN. Some of you may have worked with her, I was happy to have known her. She will be sorely missed.

With every good wish,


Thursday, August 29, 2024

You're Living In A Vacuum

We're living in a void. So says Paul Kingsworth, and he has a point. Is the dominant culture pagan, secular or even atheist? Hardly, it's nothing at all, a void or vacuum in which Christianity is taken-for-granted-rejected and thus the West itself. Call it intellectual and cultural suicide if you like, call it nihilism, call it blasphemy LARPING as lib project freedom. Anyway, here's a snapshot:

In the West today, that means that we have to live in a culture without faith. Without faith in the Christian God, obviously, but without faith in anything else either. We are not pagans because pagans, like Christians, believe in something. We believe in nothing. Most significantly, we are now even ceasing to believe in the ideas which arose to replace all religions in the age of ‘Enlightenment.’ Reason, progress, liberalism, freedom of speech, democracy, the enlightened rational individual, the scientific process as a means of determining truth: everywhere, these ‘secular’ beliefs, which were supposed to replace religion worldwide, are either under fire or have already fallen too.

Is this an atheist age, then? In one obvious sense, yes. We are perhaps the first godless culture in human history. Religious cosmologies have differed vastly across time and space, but no society has ever existed without one. Ours has tried to, for a brief, violent and explosive time. I don’t think that time has long to run. So yes, we are living in an atheist age - and yet, at the same time, that’s not quite the full picture either.

Atheism, like religion, implies some sort of confidence; some sort of actual stance. A-theism is a position. It states: there is no God, and it can state that because it has a set of alternative beliefs, usually those which emerged from the European ‘age of reason’: the ability of science to demonstrate universal truth; the objectivity of rational thought; the knowability of reality. Atheism often also refuses religion on moral grounds: religions, it is said, are archaic, irrational, unjust and oppressive. Some version of ‘humanism’ is a better and fairer fit for the modern world.

All of these are positions. They are statements of faith in the world working in a certain way, and in the way that it should work, and should be arranged. Atheism can even amount to a quasi-religious system itself. Orthodox convert Seraphim Rose, formerly a committed atheist himself, once wrote that ‘atheism, true “existential” atheism burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God, is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God.’

 Does our age believe this? Hardly. These days even Richard Dawkins publicly regrets the results of the ignorant anti-Christian fatwa he helped to lead. They say they are no atheists in foxholes; I wonder how many of them there are in post-religious societies. What happens when the dedicated rationalist realises that his destruction of religious faith has not led to the triumph of reason but to its long sleep, which is producing, now, increasingly terrible monsters? So no, this is not an atheist age either. It is not, I would say, any kind of ‘age’ at all. It has no shape. It has no centre. Nobody sits on its throne. It is, taken in the round, simply a vacuum. There is nothing here at all.


You can read the whole thing here, and you should. In the meanwhile, we have to ask, what will fill the vacuum nature abhors? A renewed Faith and/or Satan? At the moment it's most definitely the latter, but we know how this clash ends. Curiously enough, at the Colosseum.

God Bless,


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Good Work - Soldier


Boy on Left

It's been some 5 years since my eldest joined up and he's done well, made Sergeant, turned his life around, no small thing. But you know, when I told all three of you readers that he'd enlisted one Anon commented, probably from England or Canada, I didn't check, words to this effect, "You're proud now, idiot Nazi, but you can congratulate yourself when he comes home with his legs blown off."

Wow, what a cruel thing to say to a Father who's son's signed up to serve his country and potentially put his life on the line  for our defense. OK, it's the internet and of course I didn't reply, but it still hurts, and here's the thing.

Having a goodly pride in your country and people and stepping up to the plate to defend that is a virtue, and I'll defend this virtue all day long, as would my eldest and many others like him. We're patriots. Of course such a thing is nonsense and worse than nonsense to the nihilist asset-strippers and their shill dupes who've been wrecking our country for decades to fill their own already deep pockets. But question.

Who, beloved NWO Illuminati Trans WEF Corporatist Bolshevik BIS Jeckyll Island Overlords, will you get to oversee your total takeover of everyone apart from yourselves? The Army? Mindful of this, you may have noticed the UK pretty much abolished its once mighty Army, Navy and Air Force in favor of lots and lots of police and cameras. 

Oops, right at the point that we're fixing, baying, gusting, shouting to fight industrial scale war with Russia and China. Against evil Putler and lesser Satan Xi. Whoa, shurely shome mishtake. (big drinks all 'round, another G&T? Carry on, ahem, Ed.) Perhaps a 45-47 tenure can wrest us away from the neocon death grip. Or perhaps they'll keep on coming on and trust the loyalty of the men with the guns to further the Rainbow Project. Good luck with that, I guess we'll see.

Don't Mess With Texas

In the meanwhile, good work, kid. Apparently the little guy in the photo is Nepalese and a "good soldier."  Well there's most certainly precedent for that. 

Your Old Pal,


Monday, August 26, 2024

MAGA & War


Just throwing it out there. But have you noticed TULSI has gone full MAGA. So what is this so-called MAGA? RFK explains:

“But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today,” Kennedy continued in a Sunday post on the social platform X.

“’Make America Great Again’ recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes,” he continued.

“It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology,” he added. “And it was the healthiest country in the world.”

Kennedy said he’s confident that the former president shares this optimistic vision for the country.

“I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore...”

How unutterably racist, Nazi, hideous and awful, the very words of a RUSSIAN SPY. Who knows, maybe if the US stops fighting wars we'll all have to get our war on by fleeing to Canada where Justine Trudeau locks up the opposition in the name of rainbow tolerance. Regardless, I reckon Tulsi's on point.  No more war. 

Huh, just imagine.

Your Pal,


Sunday, August 25, 2024

In The Navy


You may have read that the US Navy is drastically cutting back its Fleet Auxiliary by 17 or so ships. Why? Because no one wants to join the Rainbow Unicorn Sea Force and swear fealty to the Walking Corpse and Kackling Whore? Possibly, but maybe not so fast. Armchair Warlord offers trenchant analysis:

News came out recently that the US Navy is planning to mothball seventeen fleet auxiliaries - including an entire class of new fast transports - due to manpower shortages.

Contrary to what one would first think, this is not related to the "DEI recruiting crisis."  This is due to a separate recruiting crisis in Military Sealift Command caused by the extreme workloads the civilian mariners who crew these ships are subjected to - far in excess of what military sailors or mariners working in the civilian sector are expected to do.  

With that being said, let's take a look at what's potentially going away and what it can tell us about the USN's priorities going forward.

1. All 12 currently-active Spearhead-class fast transports.  These ships are militarized fast catamaran ferries and largely intended for use rapidly moving troops and equipment around inside of a given theater.  The class is apparently a perfectly workable port-to-port ferry but totally unsuitable for the various amphibious warfare schemes the USN and USMC have tried to patch it into, which - to be fair - it was not designed for.

The upshot of this is that the US military is going to lose enough high-speed, shallow-draft sealift capacity to move a brigade at a time* from Point A to Point B.  This suggests that we're (1) deprioritizing actually defending the Baltic States and Finland; (2) equally deprioritizing the defense of the Southwest Pacific on land; or (3) both, given that seaborne troop movements are now going to have to rely on far more conventional amphibious shipping that will be wasted on ferry duty, or highly vulnerable commercial shipping.

* approximately 7200 tons of cargo and 3700 personnel for all 12 ships in a single lift.

2. The two forward-deployed Expeditionary Support Bases, which are basically oil tankers converted into Special Forces lilypads.  The obvious reason for this is that the Navy has run the numbers and concluded that these ships - which are slow, enormous, and have little defensive armament - would be sitting ducks against the Houthis, let alone a first-rate enemy.

This is mostly infuriating because these ships are brand-new.  In fact they actually commissioned a new one in February.  Bluntly, the Navy seems to have wildly miscalculated what the "low-end" threat actually is, and assumed these ships would be able to fly off SOF and marines into hostile territory in Africa while not having to fend off anything more dangerous than pirate speedboats.

What's interesting here is that there are actually six of these ships extant or under construction but only the two forward-deployed hulls have been mentioned as in line for mothballing.  I'd be on the lookout for the rest of the class being similarly deactivated in the near future, even though some of them are literally still on the slipways.

3. Two dry cargo replenishment ships and one fleet tanker, which I think is simply due to manpower issues and the low-hanging fruit of the ESBs and EPFs already having been plucked.  Losing these directly impacts the USN's ability to sustain combat operations at the high end.  They need these ships out in the fleet.

With the exception of those cuts (which make up a small amount of the total), however, the obvious conclusion is that the US Navy is cutting auxiliary vessels that don't directly support its high-end battle fleet.  This sort of retrenchment and specialization onto the "core mission" of fighting World War Three, however, carries the risk that - as usual - the next war will be with the people we weren't planning to fight.  The USN has already struggled mightily doing what was, objectively, a very simple humanitarian aid/disaster relief mission in Gaza... and equally-mightily keeping the Bab al-Mandeb open to Western shipping.


I know nothing, but found the above engaging.

For those in peril,


PS. Some years back, my eldest was out of Basic on Christmas leave. There we were around the family table in Dallas with some old friends from England. My boy said the discipline at Benning was pretty thorough, which it is. I replied, "B might want to speak to that, he was in the old Navy." And he was, back when Great Britain ruled the waves. He joined as a junior rating (is that the rank?) at the age of 15 and graduated up to command a nuclear sub. 

B looked at us both and grinned, a little, so it was. His people are out of Camberwell; Londoners of an age will know what that means. If you search the internet you'll find photos of my friend celebrating the last issue of rum in the RN. I won't go on.

A Reflection on Conversion


En lieu of a sermon by me on the evil of Big Ag and our poisoned food supply, here's a reflection on John 6 by an old friend. He's a retired Anglican priest and onetime Oxford Blue (pistol).

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44

This verse from the Gospel for today has me thinking about conversion. I believe passionately in the need for personal conversion. It is a personal choice to follow Jesus. It is a personal choice to accept his atoning sacrifice on the Cross for the sin of the whole world. It is a personal choice to serve God in this world. Nobody just drifts into the Kingdom of God. The verse above is clear; it is God who has taken the initiative.

That initiative of God is to “draw” a person to Christ. It is God the Holy Spirit who “draws” us to consider Jesus Christ as the Incarnate Son, the “perfect sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.” It is God who “draws” us. We are then personally called to respond. Sadly, most will go their own way. Remember the rich young man? “Jesus showed love to him and said to him, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. But he was deeply dismayed by these words, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.” (Mark 10:21-22)

I have experienced this “drawing” since I was young. I found that I wanted to be around people of faith. The Bible seemed always to speak to me. I loved worship in chapel at school. The Psalms and hymns spoke to me. I have always had a yearning to get closer to God. I believe I was being “drawn” and found ways to respond. That is even more so since I heard a clear call to the priesthood in 1967, at a Billy Graham Crusade in London. However, the “drawing” was, in retrospect, evident much earlier. In my opinion the key is how we respond. Do we say “yes” or do we turn away?

Conversion is a gift of Grace. As one who has found Jesus and the Gospel completely irresistible, I am amazed how many respond negatively to Jesus. Our sinfulness and need of God, our need of a savior, seem to me to be incontrovertible. At the end of John 6 we will read “After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.” (John 6:66) The twelve disciples did not reject Jesus, though one would go on to betray him.

Conversion is also a process of responding every day to God who “draws” us.  As followers of Jesus, we are offered constantly, daily, the choice to follow or not to follow, Jesus.

I pray for people to follow Jesus. God is always calling – calling each of us, all of us. Come, follow me, says Jesus. May we all hear that call of God amidst the noise of this world.

In his irresistible love, Fr Ian


I was moved by that and hope you find it helpful,


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Kebobs - Cooking With LSP


Cooking with LSP? you say in that credulity mixed with scorn voice. But not so fast, punters, it can be done. First up, buy some 80/20 ground beef, if you can  afford such a thing. I know, not easy. Then, if you're rich, put it in the fridge and think yourself lucky that you were actually able to afford meat. 

Far out. What to do with it? Here's an upper middle class option: Turn the ground beef, Brits say 'mince,' into kebobs. Really? Yep, no kidding.

First up, unleash the meat into some kind of bowl. Add 1 tsp paprika, coriander, cayenne, cumin, tumeric. Add chopped cilantro, garlic, grated onion and mix it all up. Stick that sucka in the fridge. An hour or whatever later, pull the meat out of the fridge.

LSP, did you miss an opportunity?

Using a big bowl, perhaps Pyrex, no 'rule,' knead and form the meat into skewer-shaped... lengths. Then skewer them with a wooden or metal skewer. I chose wood, but that's just me. Next up? Put 'em back in the fridge for an hour or so while you fire up the grill.

Grill hot, it should be sizzling, fire those kebobs onto the griddle. 1 minute open flame, 3 minutes covered. Flip, repeat. And then? Serve with Tzatziki, pita bread and fall upon your scoff.

Like a Warrior,