Showing posts with label soldiery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soldiery. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Good Work - Soldier


Boy on Left

It's been some 5 years since my eldest joined up and he's done well, made Sergeant, turned his life around, no small thing. But you know, when I told all three of you readers that he'd enlisted one Anon commented, probably from England or Canada, I didn't check, words to this effect, "You're proud now, idiot Nazi, but you can congratulate yourself when he comes home with his legs blown off."

Wow, what a cruel thing to say to a Father who's son's signed up to serve his country and potentially put his life on the line  for our defense. OK, it's the internet and of course I didn't reply, but it still hurts, and here's the thing.

Having a goodly pride in your country and people and stepping up to the plate to defend that is a virtue, and I'll defend this virtue all day long, as would my eldest and many others like him. We're patriots. Of course such a thing is nonsense and worse than nonsense to the nihilist asset-strippers and their shill dupes who've been wrecking our country for decades to fill their own already deep pockets. But question.

Who, beloved NWO Illuminati Trans WEF Corporatist Bolshevik BIS Jeckyll Island Overlords, will you get to oversee your total takeover of everyone apart from yourselves? The Army? Mindful of this, you may have noticed the UK pretty much abolished its once mighty Army, Navy and Air Force in favor of lots and lots of police and cameras. 

Oops, right at the point that we're fixing, baying, gusting, shouting to fight industrial scale war with Russia and China. Against evil Putler and lesser Satan Xi. Whoa, shurely shome mishtake. (big drinks all 'round, another G&T? Carry on, ahem, Ed.) Perhaps a 45-47 tenure can wrest us away from the neocon death grip. Or perhaps they'll keep on coming on and trust the loyalty of the men with the guns to further the Rainbow Project. Good luck with that, I guess we'll see.

Don't Mess With Texas

In the meanwhile, good work, kid. Apparently the little guy in the photo is Nepalese and a "good soldier."  Well there's most certainly precedent for that. 

Your Old Pal,