Monday, August 26, 2024

MAGA & War


Just throwing it out there. But have you noticed TULSI has gone full MAGA. So what is this so-called MAGA? RFK explains:

“But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today,” Kennedy continued in a Sunday post on the social platform X.

“’Make America Great Again’ recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes,” he continued.

“It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and a idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology,” he added. “And it was the healthiest country in the world.”

Kennedy said he’s confident that the former president shares this optimistic vision for the country.

“I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. This is the America they want to restore...”

How unutterably racist, Nazi, hideous and awful, the very words of a RUSSIAN SPY. Who knows, maybe if the US stops fighting wars we'll all have to get our war on by fleeing to Canada where Justine Trudeau locks up the opposition in the name of rainbow tolerance. Regardless, I reckon Tulsi's on point.  No more war. 

Huh, just imagine.

Your Pal,



The Night Wind said...

Tulsi Gabbard is a WEF Young Global Leader who worked for military intelligence and voted for Trump's impeachment. She's also tied to a Hindu Nationalist religious cult believed to have ties to the CIA and Mossad. She also was very duplicitous in her support for the Scamdemic mandates. But given how woke the Republican Party is these days, I think she fits in OK.

Mike_C said...

They’re not wars. They are justified and long over due police actions. Or pre-emptive retaliation, because we KNOW what those subhuman scum have in mind for us. (It is not accidental who are responsible for modern psychological concepts of Projection. This is about as unexpected as a cookbook for dog meat being written by Chinese.) Or they are delayed response to injustices done centuries ago unto our ancestors for absolutely no reason at all. But not wars, no sir.

So far as Tulsi Gabbard goes. I’m suspicious as well, but I WANT to like her. The woman is clearly intelligent, and can project that articulately, along with gravitas, without losing the common touch. It’s possible for people to change. (Hell, before I started Noticing, I myself used to be strongly what they call “philo-s…”. Er, nevermind.) As to the WEF thing, who knows. It’s common tactics to put your label on a wide variety of likely young prospects. Some join up and become true believers (or willing tools in return for power, cash, or “pizza”). Others who don’t stay with The Program? You’ve tarred them with your globalist reek and made them suspect forever in the eyes of normal people who reject rule by The Best People. The Schwabs and Finks and Gateses and Kagans and so forth. Keep your enemies divided. The Best People specialize in fomenting distrust. And of course in brother wars.

Hell, what do we have to lose with Gabbard? It’s not as if she could be worse than Hawk Tuah Harris, or Tampon Tim, or Fidelito Trudeau, or Two-Tier Starmer, or that ass Humza Yousaf, or Macron, or Merkel, or, well, you get the idea.

Wild, wild west said...

Yes. "Best" people = beast people, as in, the mark of.......

Dad of Six said...

Can't disagree with the above. In time Tulsi may gain the charity and wisdom to become more pro-life and pro-family.

And there is also what Johnny Mercer would point out- her 'personality'.

Adrienne said...

Slightly off topic, buuut - last Saturday Michael Brown (administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from 2003 to 2005 under Bush) had very nice things to say about RFK on his radio show. They had worked together on several projects and he called him a gentleman and someone who was easy to work with even when they disagreed on details.

Since I consider Brown a very intelligent man and also a gentleman, I was taken with his description of RFK.

Tulsi? I know zip about the woman so I have no comment. However, all these people jumping on the Trump train tells me they know something we don't.

LSP said...

I didn't know about the Hindu, C, M aspect, NW, but duly registered. Still, I like her no war thing.

LSP said...

My dear Mike_C,

One of the best things about not fighting wars is not having to win them. That aside, I'm with you, I WANT to like Tulsi, maybe she's the real deal, though Night Wind thinks otherwise.

LSP said...

Exactly, Wild.

LSP said...

TBF, DOS, she's not been on my radar, such as it is. But hey, a cogent Dem who goes off the establishment rez? All for that. She speaks well, too, unlike RFK.

LSP said...

Adrienne, I know about the same as you when it comes to Tulsi, but she sounds and looks good and says the right things. So, there is that. Let's see more defections from Dem to GOP and vice versa, get the record straight, as it were.

LindaG said...

The Holy Spirit is moving. God wants to save America if WE want it. That is what we have to pray for.
You all be safe and God bless.

Beans said...

Well, Tulsi is mostly from Hawaii, which, if you've paid attention, makes Seattle, Portland and most other left-wing cities look positively center-of-politics.

And she was a politico for the Donks there.

I like the new Tulsi, who seems to be red pilled. Like her enough to trust her? Well, to bring the conversation around to religion, how much do you trust the newly converted or born again? I mean, you want to trust them, but there's that niggling in the back of the head that says, "Hey, wait a minute, let's give it some time."

So, well, get back to me in 4 years.

She's pretty. And she seems to have lost that crazy-cat-lady look that most donk politicians have (or is it the look of the Borg, or of Little-Red-Book Maoists?)

I'd say let her wander around, sow dissent amongst the Donks, expose the Donks, and see where she goes.