Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Something Doesn't Seem To Fit In


Look at that, Brigitte, who's totally not a tranny. Let's zoom in:

All means all, right?

Your Pal,



Adrienne said...

Hmmmmmmmmm Word of the day? Weird!

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Candace Owens was right about the Macrons. Fake and gay.

Dad of Six said...

Words escape me.

LSP said...

Adrienne, is Brigitte... normal? My sisters say no.

LSP said...

Yes, Herr Doktor, Candace was right about that. Perhaps you noticed all the doods?

LSP said...

I almost didn't post it, DOS, but there it is.

Anonymous said...

She might just be skinny with a prominent mons. I've always thought she/he/it looked nice.

LSP said...

Good call, Anon.