Thursday, August 15, 2024

Choktaw Bingo


Per Wild, "It's a stone-cold miracle that Ray Wylie Hubbard has lived as long as he has." Good call, Mr. Wild. Me? Go, RWH, even if you are a nasty old hippie and a Dallas boy to boot. So how, like RWH, did Waylon get to live? Mirabile dictu or in other words, I dunno know, miracle.

Still, serious question; many of my pals didn't make it and they were fractions of all the above. Maybe they simply lacked the strength. Whatever, rest in peace kids, and may the blessed Ever Virgin Mary intercede for you, ad aeternum.

Then there's Oklahoma.




Wild, wild west said...

I vote for a moratorium on WWW submissions for at least a couple of weeks, the rest of you lot need to be making suggestions your-own-selves!

LSP said...

Good call, and good challenge, W. Let's see if they rise to it.

LL said...

What is the difference between Choktaw Bingo and Chicasaw Bingo?

LSP said...

Now that, Mr. Wolf, is a very good question.

I went to the Choctaw Casino once and don't plan to go again.

LSP said...

And Wild, tbf, I haven't asked 'em for tunes for a while :) Whatev, Choctaw's a classic.