Sunday, August 4, 2024



Well we may be irregular, but that's all the more money on the monkey, what? Here's a video:

Is this the real deal or just a DEI show parade? Your call.

DLC Forever,



LL said...

At first I said, "That's the DLC." But then the absence of cavalry called the matter into question.

Anonymous said...

Show parade for sure. DEI, maybe. Officers not showing good form. No real inspection. Marching into a doorway seemed weird.

Tsgt Joe said...

I could hear my mothers voice in my ear, with her dulcet mississippi accent, saying: those boys sure look purty prancing about in their big hats and bright coats.
I noticed the bayonets on those little bull-pup rifles. Now them brits gave a number of my ancestors hell with bayoneted muskets and were known far and wide as the last guys you’d want to engage with cold steel. I’d be embarrassed to have a bullpup with a bayonet, even worse than how I felt with a bayonet on my m16/m4.

Wild, wild west said...

Whatever happens,
They have got,
A bayonet on their bullpups,
And we do not.
Burma Shave

Seamus1962 said...

Close order drill is a challenge to do well. I did notice some head movement when the rifle was moving in front of them. I remember doing the same 40 years ago with a M16A1 - no bayonet for drill. Moving it in front of you from right shoulder arms to left shoulder arms creates a natural head move - but oh brother. Our platoon SGT (it was OCS so they were called Platoon SGT for the E-6 and SGT instructor for the E-5 - not DI or sir) barked at me and told me I was trying to be "stylish". Really. Gets funnier the longer ago it happened...

LSP said...

Exactly, LL, some other outfit.

LSP said...

That's my take, Anon.

LSP said...

Tsgt, bayonet drill with the SLR (L1A1) seems somehow more convincing, I have to say.

Apparently those bullpups were BADLY deficient in their first iteration and had to be redeigned by, I think, Heckler Koch. Better now, say the pundits.

LSP said...

What beautiful and evocative poetry, Wild.

LSP said...

I totally get that, Seamus.

Anonymous said...

Crusty Old TV Tech here. Nice uniforms. Nice march-out. However...My old Civil Air Patrol Cadet squadron could do better than those spivs by the reviewing stand. "Eyes FRONT! WHAT IS this head on a swivel crap KAYDET! You lookin' fer Brigitte Bardot somewhere on the parade field? Well, she AIN'T HERE, I can tell you, and if she WUZ"...well, not finishing that line of patented Senior Member to Cadet "encouragement"!

LSP said...

Tech, I wasn't happy at the review stand, at all.