Friday, August 9, 2024

Words Are Violence Or Are They


Have you noticed, dear readers, all two of you, that the Left, and it is the Left, have supercharged words? Perhaps you have. In the formerly united Kingdom of quondam Great Britain you can be arrested and sent to gaol for words. Say the wrong thing, go to prison, criminal. You can even, they threaten, be extradited. Yes, extradited to Belmarsh and put in solitary for WRONGTHINK, because of your words. Like wow, we've come to this. 

Granted, some words are nasty, I try to avoid them on this mind-blog, but still, does LSP writing SEND THEM BACK DEPORT THEM YOU TRAITORS = a punch in the face, an head butt or a glass inna face, Kray Twins style? Hardly. One is most definitely violent and the other is cognitive, an assault to the mind.

Sure, that can and does hurt, but are the two comparable? Imagine, if you like, 50 divisions of Putler's Thought Police Troll Farms spewing disinfo across the internet. Disaster. Just like the OPERATION BARBAROSSA, except that it's most obviously not.

Several things. First: The Left believes reality is a construct and so they attempt to govern it through speech. Resist this linguistic tyranny at every turn, it's bogus thought despotism. 

Second: People that don't believe in Truth will peddle lies, constantly. Again, resist this with the Truth. Cold hard facts wreak havoc with their rainbow Marxist, tin-pot Maoist imaginations.

Third: They're utter idiots. No, words are not violent, dumbasses, like a knife in the gut or a howitzer raining down hell on your position, so call them out. Just say no.

Fourth: Going to war over mere words betrays brittle insecurity. Take heart in that. If they weren't worried they wouldn't be taking refuge in WORD POLICE. For goodness sake.

you total fags

You get the point.

England Forever,



LindaG said...

Whatever happened to "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me"?
Of course some names did when you were growing up, but not for long.
How is it that you and I could roll with it and now it's cause for, well, jail, as you say. Or other such.
Heavenly Father, come soon.
You all be safe and God bless.

Beans said...

I think, dear LSP, that you should resist wholeheartedly any requests from Mother Anglican Church to come back to the Olde Lande for meetings. Actually, I think you should resist wholeheartedly going anywhere the Union Jack flies or any countries under the semi-dominion of said Union Jack, like, oh, say, Canada, the Bahamas, New Zedland, Australia...

Seriously, please do not martyr yourself.

Instead, stay as the voice of Radio Free Anglican.

Martyrdom may 'earn' you points upstairs, but saving lives and souls down here also racks up the holy benefits.

Beans said...

Well, the leftist pusillanimous posers have declared that 'words are violence' and thus, 'Hate Speech' is no longer 'Free Speech.'

If you can be charged, found guilty and imprisoned or fined for calling someone an old word for a bundle of sticks, there is no free speech.

Without Free Speech, there is no learned discourse of God.

Without learned discourse of God, there is only the here-and-now, which means God Given Rights don't exist.

In the movie "God's Not Dead - We the People" there is the most succinct analysis of the evils behind Common Core education. Basically, by removing any moral relevance to anything, then nothing our founding fathers fought for matters and Those In Power can do anything they want to us because we have no rights over the state and those in power.

Highly recommend the 4 movie series. Lots of good points in them and all of them are based off the basis of actual court cases. Far too many court cases where the overbearing power of government has tried to strip our God-given rights from us, and tried to install the State as the new god.

LindaG said...

Thanks, Beans, for the tip. I had watched the first one. I didn't know about the other three. I will definitely look them up to watch later.

Paul M said...

All relevant, all very good for re-centering and advocating ones faith.

Beans said...

And all have very good music in them.

Beans said...

Thanks, Linda. Didn't know about the other three until I went to buy the first on DVD from scAmazon and saw the 4 movie collection for the price of the first one only. Sold!

Also, "I Can Only Imagine" is an excellent movie (and song) about forgiveness. Highly recommend that movie also.

LindaG said...

Beans, "I Can Only Imagine" is a great song indeed. After my husband passed last year, I discovered (or God led me to) Mercy Me and the song "Even If". I played only that for a long time. And then I found "I Can Only Imagine" and "Same God" by many different singers (I have the Elevation Worship version and probably a half dozen or more variations saved on you tube).
I have not watched the movie for "I Can Only Imagine", but I will look for that now, too. Thank you again.

LSP said...

Linda, exactly. We've become this pathetic, violent, fractious, whiny, aggressive thing, over thoughts spoken out loud. It's weak, to say nothing of contemptible, and will probably unfold into violence. I hate that.

LSP said...

Mr. Beans, that's sound advice. And I like it, RFA.

LSP said...

Hmmmm, this is odd, can't find the vids/songs(?) Beans recommended. Maybe some kind of Blogger thing.

Beans said...

Well, you could add podcasting your sermons as part of RFA.

Beans said...

You can find the songs on youtube. The movies on various streaming services or cable movie channels or just buy them. I paid $13.00 for the 4 God's Not Dead movie collection and $5.00 for "I Can Only Imagine." Well worth the miniscule prices listed.

Youtube link to "I can only Imagine" is:

Beans said...

Oh, man, sorry for your loss. Stupid little words just don't say it properly.

But good art, music, literature, film and so forth can help.

LindaG said...

Music definitely helped me, Beans. And thank you. Hubby is in Heaven and pain free now. I praise God for that, too.

Beans said...

I know when my wife passes that she'll make it upstairs. Not sure about myself, as, you know, darkness permeates the soul and stuff, but I try. My wife says I'm very trying... :)

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Sticks and stones,
may break my bones,
but, words are true violence.

LindaG said...

Well, as I have read, If you start thinking of things you've done wrong, you may fall into a trap of "I can't be saved". Instead you should fall forward into grace.
Psalm 130:3-4 of The Message.
If you, God, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance?
As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that’s why you’re worshiped.

Beans said...

I'm kind of like John Constantine from the movie 'Constnatine.' Trying to buy my way past the Pearly Gates through my deeds and actions. To counterbalance the bad things I do and have done. Gluttony is a Deadly Sin after all, and it's hard not to hoover up good food or sugary foods when under stress.

LindaG said...

Oh, I do understand about eating and stress. *Hugs*