Tuesday, August 6, 2024

You Go Away For A Day


You Millionaire Commie Freaks

You take a day off from it all and look what happens. The Yen carry trade unwinds, margin calls, anyone? Crypto collapses. Iran promises retribution, the world waits. England continues to revolt, and our very own Kamala chooses a bizarre middle-aged gender queer champion leftie as she/her running mate. And that's not all, not by any means. 

Harvard, popularly known as Satan's Vatican, is offering courses on "Medieval Texts Through The Lens of Queer History." Per Harvard's BGLTQ office:

Through our work, we foster the inclusion, affirmation, and celebration of all BGLTQ identities and expressions. We strive to create a community where BGLTQ students can thrive and where all students are well-equipped to engage knowledgeably and compassionately with regard to gender and sexuality.


How very worth the vaunted Ivy League school's totally affordable tuition fees. You know, you emerge from the Kremlin by the Charles with your shiny new Queer Medieval history degree and get a great job, as a queer medievalist. What a great investment in higher learning.


Dear Lord, what have we become? The words idiotic, risible, degenerate, lying, gaslighting, blasphemous, profiteering clownshow spring to mind.




Well Seasoned Fool said...

A discerning reader might get the impression you are not happy with the status quo.

Beans said...

You forgot Catholic and Protestant IRISH UNITE against the muslim invaders and the globalists.

Never unite the Irish. It's worse than getting involved in a land war in Asia.

drjim said...

Yes indeed, Parson, but it's not what WE have become. It's what THEY have become. It's a never-ending madness/frenzy/obsession/possession parade out in the open, in front of all. No shame, no decency, no morals. WE have not become that; THEY have become it.

1chota said...

Harvard has forgotten 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'; how he went out, even. They taunted him with 'you liked it in life you'll have it in death'; or something to that effect. Homo king went badly.

RHT447 said...

Walz in the military--


RHT447 said...

---and his wife---


Beans said...

And he's a shill for the CCP. In their pay, through intermediary companies.