Saturday, August 3, 2024

The English Are Revolting


As in literally rising up in revolt against their GloboHomo Rainbow Rulers. Far out. Why? Ostensibly because a teenage Rwandan savage stabbed several little girls to death at a Swiftie little girl party, excuse me, is that a thing?, (Yes, LSP, it is, Ed.) along with several adults, and wounded 13 other people. Or something like that.

In other words, the Rwandan savage, he's 17, fell on those little kids with third world Rwandan blood lust ferocity, knifing them to death in his Rwandan rage. Some of you may remember the war they had there not so long ago, when such scenes were common. Genocide, they called it.

Regardless, there was the savage, ("savage" -- point made, surely, Ed.) from Cardiff curiously, is this a Welsh thing?, and there were the little children, pretending to be Taylor Swift. Granted, obnoxious, but what did the savage do? He pulled out his knife and killed those little girls because, you know, diversity is our strength. Like wow. Good work, UK Rainbow Ruling Class, now look at your GloboHomo Utopia. 

Unsurprisingly, the UK's up in arms, with riots in London, Southport, Aldershot, Leeds and all the rest. Two-Tier Kier Starmer's predictably condemned the people protesting their replacement and hasn't mentioned the savage(s) disturbed persyn who caused the riots in the first place. 

Well why would he? Why alienate all those imported Labour votes which you've been going after to replace and disenfranchise the gen. pop. who manifestly refuse to vote commie, see Cultural Marxism and Great Replacement. Ah, good call, but a gamble to boot.

Maybe the very pub going, chip shop, pie & mash serfs you hate, despise and loathe will rise up, in their millions. And guess what, you don't even have an army to protect you. Because you disbanded it. Because you knew it wouldn't support you and how likely is it that what little's left is going to fire on their literal brothers? So maybe the Police, in all its UK rainbow inclusivity will truncheon your extremist enemies to the ground like a herd of unicorns, hooves a thudding.

Situation developing,



Beans said...

England: "You should treat the stabber as if he's the victim. He's just stressed and responding to living in a new country."

Also-England: "All of you white racists need to be beat within 2.54cms of your life for spewing hatred towards this unfortunate refugee."

MAGA Americans: "See? This is what happens when you vote Labour into power."

Mike_C said...

I was going to make a stale joke about denouncing your anti-Starmertism, then I read about his wife and how their children are being brought up. What a curious coincidence, that.

Ritchie said...

How does one get up in arms without arms? Got it, pushbroom handles.

LSP said...

One of their cunning tricks, Ritchie, involves black powder and associated revolvers. And there's also slingshots. Remember David and Goliath.

LSP said...

Well it's very odd, isn't it, Mike.


I love our Elite Rulers.

LSP said...

Beans, there'll be a reckoning.

The Brits, I think, are far more reverent of their political class than we are. I think there's still that old sense of uncorrupt, civil servant, Empire probity going on. As in "we believe the BBC to be telling the truth" sorta thing. Here, I think we expect our pols to hucksters and knaves. There, not so much.

But that assumed probity's hollowed out and wearing mighty thin. Per post, situation developing.

Seamus1962 said...

I read that the "visitors" are counter attacking by stabbing attacks on folks that look like us - you know - white Anglo-Saxon males that look ready to "throw down". My bishop would not be pleased with this comment: "At some point you need to defend yourself and those around you with something more than words and giveaways - you need to fight back with conviction".
Your militia chaplain - Seamus

LL said...

Deport all of them.

Anonymous said...

Poor English people, 2 world wars killed off their best men.
What's left of their men refuse to fight the savage invasion.

Tsgt Joe said...

They’ve been comprehensively disarmed, maybe theres enough men with toolboxes around. There are decent melee weapons, hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches (spanners) to be found on dads workbench. One can find novel uses for petrol as well.

drjim said...

I hear 12ga shotgun shells fit rather nicely into 3/4" pipe, if anyone's interested....

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Tommy Robinson said nothing that was incorrect.

Mike_C said...

Apparently the Irish are revolting too. The globalists deserve a Nobel Peace Prize: Catholics and Protestants shoulder-to-shoulder in the streets. Who’d a thunk it a year ago?

Good on you, lads. But keep your heads, none of that rĂ­astrad battle-rage that knows not friend from foe. Clean out the visually-identifiable problems, sure. But you must go after those in the background who brought them in as well. It’s ROOT and branch, lads. Don’t stop at the politicians either. Follow the money.

LSP said...

Seamus, I agree. And you'll note at least one of the Apostles was armed.

LSP said...

At the very least, LL.

LSP said...

Anon, I love England, I really do, but this is a right mess and I don't see how it ends nicely. The Sceptered Isle's beloved rulers have a lot to answer for, eh?

LSP said...

They are, Tsgt, an inventive people.

LSP said...

I've heard that too, drjim, curiously enough.

LSP said...

Herr Doktor, you are aware that the UK's preparing to extradite "online influencers" for terrorism, race hate, sedition, incendiarism, rioting and TREASON against our beloved Rainbow utopia?

You might want to take note.

LSP said...

Ah, Mike, ROOT and BRANCH.

Now there's a thing. Of course it did for poor Charles I, let's see if Two-Tier Kier gets the same treatment.