Saturday, August 3, 2024

The English Are Revolting


As in literally rising up in revolt against their GloboHomo Rainbow Rulers. Far out. Why? Ostensibly because a teenage Rwandan savage stabbed several little girls to death at a Swiftie little girl party, excuse me, is that a thing?, (Yes, LSP, it is, Ed.) along with several adults, and wounded 13 other people. Or something like that.

In other words, the Rwandan savage, he's 17, fell on those little kids with third world Rwandan blood lust ferocity, knifing them to death in his Rwandan rage. Some of you may remember the war they had there not so long ago, when such scenes were common. Genocide, they called it.

Regardless, there was the savage, ("savage" -- point made, surely, Ed.) from Cardiff curiously, is this a Welsh thing?, and there were the little children, pretending to be Taylor Swift. Granted, obnoxious, but what did the savage do? He pulled out his knife and killed those little girls because, you know, diversity is our strength. Like wow. Good work, UK Rainbow Ruling Class, now look at your GloboHomo Utopia. 

Unsurprisingly, the UK's up in arms, with riots in London, Southport, Aldershot, Leeds and all the rest. Two-Tier Kier Starmer's predictably condemned the people protesting their replacement and hasn't mentioned the savage(s) disturbed persyn who caused the riots in the first place. 

Well why would he? Why alienate all those imported Labour votes which you've been going after to replace and disenfranchise the gen. pop. who manifestly refuse to vote commie, see Cultural Marxism and Great Replacement. Ah, good call, but a gamble to boot.

Maybe the very pub going, chip shop, pie & mash serfs you hate, despise and loathe will rise up, in their millions. And guess what, you don't even have an army to protect you. Because you disbanded it. Because you knew it wouldn't support you and how likely is it that what little's left is going to fire on their literal brothers? So maybe the Police, in all its UK rainbow inclusivity will truncheon your extremist enemies to the ground like a herd of unicorns, hooves a thudding.

Situation developing,


Friday, August 2, 2024

The Day Before Surrender


And the video

I'm no AZOV fan but I found this haunting, you might too.

God bless,


He's Back


There's even a video:

Powerful, don't you think?




Welcome, dear readers, to our new sport in which men beat the hell outta women. Look here, girl, take that, and that until you leave the ring crying, like a pathetic, week, little girl.

Wow, we've come to this, and all in the name of tolerance. Tolerance, as in punch the hell out of a girl and watch her weep as her Olympic dreams are shattered by your man fists. Good work, rainbow warrior. You see, what's happening is the erasure of men and women. It'll be far easier to house a sexless drone of the hive mind in a facial recognition camp than it is to track a free citizen. 

That in mind, a random Welsh Negro (from Rwanda) went full stab in Southport, killing three young girls and wounding many others. Some, a few, Brits rose up against their replacement by Third World Savages (TWS) and took to the streets, where they were slammed by their rulers, led by a literal goddam Knight, like what?, as extremist terrorists. How dare you protest your replacement, serfs.

Quite, There you are, swapping and asset-stripping your country for money, profit and votes.  How dare anyone protest that. Maybe every Tommy Robinson everyman will wake up and hang you from the nearest lamp post.

Clubland Forever,


Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Legend Lives On


Yes indeed, the Edmund Fitzgerald. Inspired by VM, check it out:

There was a time when I lived in Windsor, Ontario, I know, brave, like a town in Belgium the Allies bombed and was never built back better. Whatever, we'd watch the big ships on the Detroit river from our apartment on Assumption. Quite a thing. 

On topic, HRH EII visited Windsor and remarked, "What a large city, I had no idea." She was looking down Tecumseh, I think, towards the Motor City.

It's Coming Back, Man. No, idiot, it's not

Reliable sources tell me America's onetime automotive capital's been reimagined as some kind of WholeFoods hipster enclave, a bucolic rustic, socially hi-fenced preserve returned to nature where factories, making things, once held sway. 

Of course all the people living in the Preserve hate the working class and people of color, and vote socialist. How very odd, and I'm sure the feeling's mutual.

Reverie Over,


Help Please


OK, crew, we're getting close to dove season and that means remedial skeet to get the aim in, but here's the thing. My old skeet pals have moved out of state, which means people to hurl clays by hand by way of practice are few and far between. Problem. What's the solution?  Get a marine battery driven skeet thrower, obviously, but which one? All advice welcome.

In related news, an Italian woman's been beat up by a boxing tranny at the Olympics. She lasted 46 seconds against this biological man, poor girl. Go figure. Maybe one of you can put a stop to our new globalist spectator sport of men beating up women on stage in the name of tolerance and inclusion.



Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Great Art


Art, remember that, when talented people used to paint beautiful things? You know, as in to uplift the human spirit. Yes, we vaguely remember that, back in the day of bourgeois aesthetic oppression. So awful, so thank Gaia we've freed ourselves from that. In a spirit of liberation let's have a look at the new art which has freed us.

Good work, Rothko, now I don't feel oppressed. Just because it's gross and oppressive doesn't mean it isn't beautiful, said Satan, and check out Marina, famous art witch to the rich and powerful. Here she is, art busy Spirit Cooking:

Leading Democrats were part of Abramovic's degenerate, satanic, perverted "installation," and what can we say? Surely not devil worship. As if.

What gets me is how anyone who calls themselves a Christian can vote for these demoniacs. Yet they do, in their millions, adding their apostate names to the tally of everything that's against the will of God. They can't even, in their infernal confusion, define a woman and a man, much less unite to produce children.

They're literal nihilists, and therein lies hope. They won't reproduce and we will.



Some Good News For A Change


Just as the creative directors of the Paris Olympics were finalizing plans to blaspheme the Lord's Supper, a remarkable event took place in America, the very opposite of the demonic Parisian mockery of the Eucharist. Some 60,000 faithful Christians filled Lucas Stadium in Indianoplis for a Eucharistic Congress from July 17-21 to adore and celebrate the living presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar.

Such a thing hasn't occurred here in over 80 years, and how timely. Right at the moment the institution of the Eucharist was being mocked with satanic, perverted, derision the Real Presence of Our Lord was being worshipped by tens of thousands of the faithful, and in North America no less. Congress organizers of this grass roots movement of the Faith likened the event to a "new Pentecost" and an "historic outpouring of grace." 

Here at the Compound we pray that it is, and ask you to reflect, whatever your belief, on the contrast of faithful Christians giving themselves in love to our Savior in his sacramental presence and the mocking, derisive, degenerate, condescending, weird, thin attack on that same Presence. One is holy, the other most manifestly not.

Let's see which side of the medal will be blessed by God.

Ad Maiorem,



An aeon ago I was at an Anglo-Catholic seminary in Oxford, and a well-meaning reverend lecturer asked the class what we'd do, PR style, to grow the Church. I suggested a return to triumphant liturgy and sunburst monstrances. He hated that and thought it backward and perhaps stupid. He was a creature of the late '60s and early '70s, not unlike the present Pope. Sorry, LP, I was right and you were wrong. Saying.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

JD Vance Is So Totally Weird


JD Vance is so totally weird, it's like, he's got this family, with children, a wife and all these flags. So weird and creepy. Democrats, do you really want to say this? Well they all are, it's like a universal trope, JD Vance is "weird." Unh hunh.


Look, there's even a video. How very normal.



And by way of compendium


But don't forget the entirely, utterly normal Dog Handler.


Or the nekkid staffer getting rainbow down in the halls of power. Remember he/his?


Unlike JD Vance, who is so very weird, said the Party who went Spirit Cooking with Marina Abromovic and who knows what else. How weird, just look at his absurd little family, with its bizarre children and some kind of "wife" figure. He even flies American flags, how weird, what a cis-normative oppressor weirdo.

I tell you, these people are off the hook.

Your Pal,


Monday, July 29, 2024

Welcome To Oakland


California dreaming? Here's Dre and 2 Pac:



What Kind Of American Are You?


Me? Dual passport Texan.


Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again


Outspoken critic of all things rainbow globalist woke, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has blasted the Paris Olympics as "Satanic," which they clearly are, and ripped into French President Emmanuel Macron's wife, "Brigitte," denouncing "her" as a "transvestite." Is she/her? Let's have a look.


Your call. Not content with exposing the French Premier's indeterminately sexed spousal partner, Vigano went on to state the obvious, outing Michelle Obama as a "muscular man in a wig." Well said, excommunicated Archbishop.


On the other hand, Pope Francis, titular leader of the world's Roman Catholics, has not condemned the mockery of the Last Supper, showcased for all the world to see in Paris, though the French bishops did manage to say they weren't in favor of the blasphemous, demonic, deranged, degenerately Olympian display of perversion. Well done them, I guess. The river Seine, you'll note, has been judged too filthy for Olympic sports.

In the meanwhile, our dear old Church of England's approved gay sex marriage blessing rituals and, as far as I can see, hasn't condemned the perverted degeneracy of Paris Olympics 2024. Neither has the traditional Anglican world. Who knows, perhaps the latter is too busy trying to work out the knotty conundrum of ordaining wymxn priestesses. 

The, ahem, Bishop of London. Don't Throw Up In Your Mouth

Word to the wise, ordained ecclesial decision makers in the US are unlikely, if at all, to go against the opinion of the ordained wives they met in seminary. Just saying.

Peace Out,