Friday, June 28, 2024

The Great Debate Disaster


Did you watch last night's debate? Peggy Noonan described it as a "total and unmitigated disaster" for Joe Biden, the "worst night for an incumbent in history":

It was in fact as consequential as any presidential debate in history, and the worst night for an incumbent in history. It was a total and unmitigated disaster for Mr. Biden. It was a rout for Mr. Trump. It wasn’t the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win. It was the kind of rout that says: If the election were held tomorrow Donald Trump would win in a landslide.


But don't take Noonan's word for it, here's a short infovid from the debate itself:

We have to ask, was this some kind of set up to replace the Senile Old Crook? Was it elder abuse? Are Biden's people traitors, secretly in the park for Trump? Because if they're not, they might as well be. What a disastrous performance, right there on live TV for all the world to see, a doddering, open mouthed, incoherent fraud of an old man. A lobotomized zombie who's obviously not fit for duty, or for much of anything at all. 

Noonan and plenty of others think the Democrats have no choice but to replace Biden. Good luck with that. Primary deadlines have passed, which means Joe has to voluntarily relinquish power. He doesn't want to do that, apparently, and looks forward to debating Trump again in September.

Yes please,


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tucker Dynamite


Have you watched Tucker taking down lib Australian journo Kat Wong, AP, go figure, at the Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra? Here's a snapshot:

Wow. Apart from zeroing in on Wong's stupid, deceitful, condescending, superior, holier-than-thou, risible, narrative hack pretense at journalism, Tucker goes one further. He calls out the West's demographic suicide, and that's exactly what it is, we're not reproducing at replacement rate. 

Dam, so our beloved and beneficent rulers are importing votes, sorry, people from other countries in their millions. As opposed to working towards a polity in which those governed can actually afford to have children and flourish.

This, per Tucker, is "immoral." He goes on to say that free people can defend themselves, which is to me stunningly commonsensicle.  But perhaps you disagree. If so, ask a Red Indian. 

In related news, there's some kind of debate this evening between the Doped Up Old Crook and El Senor 45. I'm in two minds, should I watch this thing, hosted by the mendacity that is CNN, or should I not? In other words, should I stay for the debate or should I go? 

#2A Forever,


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What You Say Is What You Are


With apologies to all concerned, but yes, exactly.

Heh, hippies, take a shower. As in, "see Austin."



Does This Ever Grow Old?


Does this ever grow old? How could it, remove kebob is eternal.

All best,


We're All Soviets And Maybe Worse


History, say the experts, may not repeat but it does rhyme. Yes, and Nial Ferguson sees more than a little similarity between the US and late Soviet Russia. He writes about it in his Free Press column, We're All Soviets Now, and Helen Andrews at The American Conservative sums it up. Viz. "Gerontocratic leadership; bloated government; lack of trust in institutions; high death rates; and 'a bizarre ideology that no one really believes in.'"

Quite, but Helen doesn't think Nial goes far enough, here's a longish excerpt:

In the case of the economy, for example, is the most Soviet thing about America really that our projected federal deficits exceed 5 percent of GDP, as Ferguson notes? Ferguson bemoans that the “insertion of the central government into the investment decision-making process” represented by “the Biden administration’s ‘industrial policy.’”

Surely that’s small potatoes compared to the fact that one sixth of the American economy is devoted to health care, a sector where, as a recent piece by TAC’s own Jude Russo hilariously details, the numbers are all fake. The amount of money sloshing around insurers and hospitals is absolutely massive, yet the prices involved bear no relation to utility or even reality. In exchange for devoting such a big chunk of our economy to medicine, what do we get in exchange? The occasional miracle, and a lot of overtreated octogenarians and routine care at inflated costs.

Higher education is another incubus sitting atop the American economy. It employs 4 million people and is responsible for $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, yet a layman struggles to see where any value is being created at all, much less value proportionate to the expense. As with health care, higher ed produces a small number of genuine miracles—groundbreaking research or brilliant scholarship—dwarfed by a vast army of functionaries whose net value to society is, frankly, negative. Everyone can tell that the system is rotten, yet schools still have the power to squeeze middle-class parents for every penny they’re worth.

Beyond “eds and meds,” what other growth industries are politicians betting their states’ and cities’ future prosperity on? Legalized weed and gambling. That is New York’s plan for making up its post-pandemic revenue shortfall. Many states are banking on sports betting as a source of fresh taxes. Even if these vice industries created as much revenue as their advocates promised—and early evidence suggests that they do not—they would still be pernicious, destroying more value than they create. 

The essence of a late Soviet economy is not that the state plays a big role. It is that the average citizen looks around and thinks, This can’t possibly continue forever. The whole system is fake and insane. That is why Ferguson is wrong to look for evidence for his thesis in budget projections rather than the industries like health care and higher ed, which are neither capitalist nor socialist but mutant combinations of the worst of each.  

This can’t possibly continue forever. The whole system is fake and insane. Right on, to the tune of 1TN$ every 100 days. Like no kidding, our debt mounts up by a trillion, yes, a trillion dollars every quarter. It is, indeed, fake and insane. But driven insane by what?

Helen doesn't say, but I'll throw one out there. By Satan. Here again history rhymes. The Bolsheviks attacked the icons of Christ and his saints, gouging the holy images with their nails like enraged beasts. Their descendants go one further, defacing the image of God in all of us by creating blasphemous parodies of men and women in the name of freedom.

You will note, dear readers, that their rage when confronted is approximately equivalent to that of the Red Terror of yesteryear. History most certainly rhymes and smart people are reading Dostoevsky's Devils.

Your Old Country Pal,


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Smoke & Mirrors & Burgers

Here at Dallas HQ we have smoke.

And mirrors.

And hamburgers. It's not hard, make up some 80/20 patties, apply salt and pepper, and place on a hot, oiled grill. The meat should sizzle when it hits that grill. Yes, there is a rule.

Perhaps you drink a cold one as you watch heat work its magic on these burgers in potentia, well done, you've deserved it. But only gaze at the open grill for a minute as the meat sears, then cover and cook for two minutes. 

random grill shot

Inhale the magic aroma of burgers doing their thing on a charcoal grill. And then, two minutes over, remove the lid of the grill, admire your beautiful medium rare burgers, place 'em on a tray to rest, covered, and toast some buns.

That done, put it all together and fall upon your scoff, like a warrior.



Sunday, June 23, 2024

Life For The Tzar


Attention, Glinka, Life For The Tzar.

Our friend is clearly living the dream! And what a dream it is.

Your Tzarist Pal,


Αγνή Παρθένε - A Short Sunday Sermon


You do know, dear readers, that we're fighting this, literally, in the West, and that your tax dollars are paying the interest on the debt which fuels the war against everything we hold good, right, and true. Not unlike the way we pay for a school system which teaches our children to scorn the Faith we teach them at home.

Let's cut to the chase. We're funding Satan, see Trans Baphomet. Do you think God will rest content in being mocked, ad naus? Think again, there will be a great reckoning. Maybe, Christians, you might want to wake TF up. Till then, here's a song:

On topic, let's have the Bosphorus back. Ahem, LL, snap to. And word to the wise, those who go against the Holy Spirit will be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit. Maybe you think that last point is some kind of joke. Think again.

Your Pal,


Friday, June 21, 2024

Serbia Strong


Here's a song:

Were we right to bomb Serbia in favor of Moslems? Or did the Serbs have a point? Perhaps we weren't too keen on a Kremlin ally right there on the backdoor of Garden Europa. But whatever, your call. In the meanwhile, let's have the Bosphorus back and...

Remove Kebob,


PS. There are Albanians in this small Texan farming community. They run a pizza place and an, ahem, Italian restaurant, complete with a bar. I played the above pop song to the owner and asked if he liked it. He shrugged, surrounded by heavies, and we had a good night. Cheers.

A Call


Some of you may remember we fought a revolution against tyranny. Here's a song:

If you don't get the Cause, at this point, then maybe you need to do some soul searching. 

Speaking of which, I went for a shoot with a Quantrell (spelled with a C) a few months ago. Dam good man, big believer in the Electric Universe, and not a bad shot either. He loved the Camino. Rest in peace, SSC brother.

States Rights,




"Cheap Fake:" A low-quality, easily-discernible fake image that is deliberately created or manipulated to appear authentic. But we have to ask, is this Cheap Fake all that cheap? Apparently not.

According to Yahoo Finance, this Cheap Fake's worth a solid and very conservative 10 MN USD. Not shabby, when you think on a lifetime's work as a civil servant. But let's return to definitions.

Cheap: Devalued, as in buying power. "Cheap dollars." Achieved with little effort. "A cheap victory; cheap laughs." Of or considered of small value. "In wartime, when life was cheap." Of poor quality; inferior. "A cheap toy." Well said, Websters.

Fake: Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent. Noun: One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham. A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team. intransitive verb: To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit, "Fake a signature."

Two-Bit Huckster: [adjective] Cheap or trivial of its kind. [intransitive verb] To sell; peddle. See "fake."



Thursday, June 20, 2024



For many years so-called "Archbishop" Vigano has been peddling hate against our Beloved Rulers in Rome, the WEF and beyond. He's had the sheer brazen temerity to suggest the Swiss Guard arrest our saintly Red Pope and his his rainbow associates. Yep, and far, far more, but up 'til now this scoundrel hasn't been brought to heel.

You'll be pleased to know the situation is finally being brought under control. Vigano's been summoned to the Vatican to explain his malfeasance. Will he be excommunicated? Who knows, that remains to be seen, but at last steps are being taken to rein THIS VILLIAN in.

In other news, DLC COMMAND is running for Senate. Here, have a look:

That is all,


PS. Except that it isn't. Some years ago I wrote an editorial blasting corrupt BLM Marxists and praising Vigano, who saw through such nonsense most clearly. My copyeditor/proofer came back in a FURY. "Who is this Vigano! Are you a racist?" I resisted the urge to tell him that I was a realist, not a racist, and that, as a self-proclaimed orthodox Anglo-Catholic, "Why are you supporting the party of trans rainbow abortion satanic atheism?" I held fire. Good luck, Vigano, I reckon you're the real deal.