Showing posts with label Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tucker Dynamite


Have you watched Tucker taking down lib Australian journo Kat Wong, AP, go figure, at the Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra? Here's a snapshot:

Wow. Apart from zeroing in on Wong's stupid, deceitful, condescending, superior, holier-than-thou, risible, narrative hack pretense at journalism, Tucker goes one further. He calls out the West's demographic suicide, and that's exactly what it is, we're not reproducing at replacement rate. 

Dam, so our beloved and beneficent rulers are importing votes, sorry, people from other countries in their millions. As opposed to working towards a polity in which those governed can actually afford to have children and flourish.

This, per Tucker, is "immoral." He goes on to say that free people can defend themselves, which is to me stunningly commonsensicle.  But perhaps you disagree. If so, ask a Red Indian. 

In related news, there's some kind of debate this evening between the Doped Up Old Crook and El Senor 45. I'm in two minds, should I watch this thing, hosted by the mendacity that is CNN, or should I not? In other words, should I stay for the debate or should I go? 

#2A Forever,