Sunday, February 4, 2024



Wer're going to war against this, without an industrial base. Good call, genius NeoCon Warlords. Here's the song:



Open Borders Begin At Home


Here at the Compound we believe in practicing what we preach.

That's why we call on Democrats to open their doors to show their personal commitment to an open border.

Anything else would be hypocritical Nazi Fascism, right?

Keen-eyed readers of this mind-blog will note Chicago and other, ahem, sanctuary cities aren't too keen on bus loads of illegals arriving in their progressive utopias, they can't afford it without massive taxpayer cash. But here's where you, the person who voted for this, can make a difference. Open. Your. Door.

OK, just an excuse to repost some awesome infographics. But seriously, what kind of hypocrisy, skulduggery and malfeasance are we facing here. Substantial, to say the least, and it can be parsed thus: Import millions of people into the country, give 'em amnesty and a vote and hey presto, one party Blue State per saecula saeculorum, por los siglos de los siglos, et nunc et semper. Amen. And guess what?

All the libs and their fellow travelers choke for this, gag for it and get all rainbow solemn about the Statue of Liberty. Unh hunh, open your doors and pay for it, you utter hypocrites. Speaking of which, you'll be pleased to know that Mission #1's sorted out accommodation for our new Mexican curate.

He's a good guy, a "tent maker" who likes El Senor Trump and the Latin Mass, as do I, you'll be totally surprised to know.

How pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity.

God Bless,


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Space Aliens


Imagine you were in this nightmare world, a country controlled by space aliens who had the moral compass of insects, who saw you as an object, pure and simple, to be used to sate their voracious appetites. A terrifying vision.

Stupid farmer, pay your carbon tax and die

Now imagine further that these aliens, let us call them Mantids, have taken control of the Church, the Schools, the Media and Government, our Finance too. Such is the subtlety of their off-world tech, and you, the human, are their prey to be experimented and fed upon. Yes, fed upon, even as they drive you from your farms into the insect vats. You see, they want the land for themselves.

Mantids and a Grey

A terrifying vision indeed and we must thank Gaia we haven't been taken over by predatory, psychotic Mantids, and that everything's OK. Government, Schools, Media, Finance, all of that, is working benignly in your favor, sacrificially, to benefit you. Everything's just fine.

Archbishop Justsin Welby

You see?



Friday, February 2, 2024



Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, don't you think? Regardless, here's a song.

I rest my case. 



I'm Confused And May They Rest In Peace


Well duh, LSP, we know you're confused, but hear me out. Why are Army Reserve soldiers being deployed to far-flung corners of the American Empire, like Tower 22 on the Jordanian/Syrian DMZ? Shouldn't that be a job for regular++ troops, and why are we in Syria anyway? 

Serious and perplexing questions. Regardless, three reservists lost their lives in a drone attack on Sunday and many more were injured. According to

The soldiers who lost their lives were Sgt. William Rivers, 46; Spc. Kennedy Sanders, 24; and Spc. Breonna Moffett, 23. They were assigned to the 718 Engineer Company, an Army Reserve unit based out of Fort Moore, Georgia, according to Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, who briefed reporters on the incident Monday.


Fort Moore is in fact Fort Benning, and despite the stultifyingly boring DEI name change POCs are getting killed in the Middle East; for what noble and imperative cause were their lives lost? I don't get it, I'm confused, perhaps you can help me and their families out.

On topic, why have we been in a constant state of war, whether indirect or direct, since the most popular president in the history of history was anointed to power. I mean to say, aren't Democrats the Rainbow Party of Peace?

Again, this is confusing. The evil Nazi Orange Man was going to plunge us into deranged wars and yet... and yet... here we are getting into it with B1s against the existential threat to our freedom which is Iran. 

Let's pray those aircrews make it home safe, unlike the poor soldiers who died in Jordan. Pray too that our enemies are too stupid to think they could cross our southern border with impunity. In the meanwhile, may Sgt. Rivers, Spc. Sanders and Spc. Moffett rest in peace and rise in glory.



Thursday, February 1, 2024

Those Pesky Farmers


It's weird and perverse, all these people who grow our food don't want to be taxed into oblivion and shut down by our beloved rulers so that their farms can be bought up for pfennigs in the Euro. What's wrong with them, don't they know their ludicrous "farming" efforts are destroying our climate and the profits of our Green Overlords?

Apparently not, which is why they're revolting all over Garden Europa. France, Brussels, Germany, you name it, there's all these people in tractors blockading cities, airports, highways and government buildings saying enough is enough.

Who can blame them and it's reminiscent of the truckers' drive on Ottawa, which prompted the loathed Premier of Canada to throw the truckers in gaol, confiscate their bank accounts and declare an unconstitutional national state of emergency so he could hold onto the power he so apparently craves.

You despicable little bankster mountebank

Maybe Brussels will react in the same way, along with its member states because rainbow climate freedom and tolerance. Who knows, and I call good luck with that. In the meanwhile, Petit Roi Macron dines with monarchy in Sweden as the Rainbow Stasi fires rubber bullets against farmers in Brussels.

Hey, it's all OK as long as we pay our Weather Tax, get vaxxed, and trans our kids in the nearest rainbow Mengele clinic, do that and everything's just fine. No more farms for you, proles, or meat, or gender. No, you will be sexless drones of the Rainbow UberHive and think yourselves lucky while you're at it. After all, you've saved fragile Mother Gaia by making our rulers even richer than they already are.

Word to the wise, don't piss off the farmers, they make your food.



Wednesday, January 31, 2024

UFO Or Gravel?!?


What is this, some kind of UFO or "UAP" come to rest in the greensward of the Compound's vehicle park? No, it was not, just a load of aggregate arriving to "improve the ground" and make it "code compliant." Whatever that means in today's movable feast of  civic virtue.

Aggregate and a Rig

Far-sighted readers will remember the Code Cops paid us a visit a few days ago because someone had made a formal complaint about vehicles parked on our attractively grassy lot and demanded they go unless the "ground was improved."  After a congenial conversation about Glocks, I assured the Code Constables that there'd be a solution.

Sure enough there was, with D turning up with serious amounts of aggregate and gravel. He told me he'd do it and he did, I respect that, well done. Next step? March across the way to the church which generously hosts your rigs on its erstwhile grass. He tells me he will, after all, it's his local.


Hey, I can't complain, all that "ground improvement," ahem, doesn't come cheap. Thanks, D, 'preciate you, what a good neighbor.

In Rure,


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Charles I


It's the Martyr King's Feast today; they killed him on January 30th, 1649. We do not forget this Christian monarch who rode into Edgehill I in golden armour. That was, when you think on it, the last shout of the Middle Ages, and what a chivalric shout it was. But let's not forget Henrietta Maria, here she is:

You'll note her very well deserved pearls. No Bishop No King, eh?

Your Pal,


Well Done Team


Here's the thing, an old wooden house needs looking after or it falls apart and doesn't work, not unlike a gun. That in mind, the front porch of the Compound needed fixing and that's exactly what happened, Salvatore turned up, pencil behind ear and made it happen.

First off, get rid of the old wood and reinforce the beams that undergird the Compound. Next up? Shore up a pillar and replace the old deck with tongue and groove. Then paint the thing, and so they did.

Well done, boys, looks good. Quite unlike the hideous New World order envisaged by our Elite Billionaire Overlords.



Monday, January 29, 2024

Lay Down


Let's hear it for awesome not a Devil Witch Melanie:

There was no "rule." Well yeah, it was like that.

note Melanie in lower left infographic



Farmers Revolt


You may not have noticed that there's been a farmers' revolt in France, Germany and the Netherlands because our honest as the day's long objective media won't report it, but there has. 

Thousands of farmers in tractors have been taking to the Autobahns of Garden Europa to protest their beloved WEF, DAVOS elite rulers from driving them out of business in the name of Climate Change, snerk.

As in, "We have to close your stupid little farms down and buy them for pennies on the Reichsmark or the icecaps will melt and you'll all freeze to death in the new Ice Age and be eaten by migrating Polar Bears, because it's colder because it's hotter, thanks to you, methane spewing "farmers."

The farmers aren't too keen on this blatant land grab and accordingly blockaded all the roads leading into Paris. Quite a move. I read somewhere that the blockade will be for five days, maybe make that thirty? Just a thought.

And behold the sheer genius of our agitprop. We, the ultra rich, want control over everything so that we can rent it out to you, if you're lucky, and get even moar richer. But how? Tell your rainbow worshiping people that it's "green" and watch them bay for more, even as they shout for war.

Good luck, farmers, starve 'em out,


It's All Going On In The Country I Tell You


One of the things that happens here is I let some of the neighbors park their rigs and vehicles in the grassy pasture that is the Compound's parking lot. They mow the grass and all of that in return. But this beneficent arrangement seemed to come to a crashing end today.

There I was on the back deck, scanning Zerohedge, when up come two men in polo shirts with Glocks on their hips, "Sir, can we have a word?" Of course they could and were welcomed into the rural fastness with a sunny hello, "What's up, guys?"

A Typical Kitchen Glock

Turns out they were from Code Enforcement, yes, we have such a thing, and someone had the literal brazen temerity to make a formal complaint about the vehicles parked up on the grass. It broke the code and couldn't be tolerated because, you see, the area's zoned residential and enormous lifted trucks and everything else have to be parked on "improved ground," such as gravel.

Huh. I assured the officer that it'd be sorted out before tickets had to be issued or any other equivalent nonsense. So that was good, but what about guns. "How are you finding that Glock?" I asked, glancing down at the fella's two-tone 9mm variant.

Behold, Legally Parked on Gravel. FFS

"I like it a lot and shoot pretty good with it and you know, it was weird, when I went to the Police Academy, they asked 'how many of you have shot pistols?' and I was the only one in the class who didn't raise his hand because we never had pistols where I was, just shotguns for quail, pheasant and dove. You know what, I ended the course shooting a lot better than some of those country boys because I was taught right, from the start."

Good call. So we talked Glocks and pistols and became friends and off they went into the pastoral hinterland. Flash forward several hours to me getting back from Walmart and there's D, remonstrating in the car park, not a happy man. Code Enforcement had not been kind to him and he was ticked, having put out for local LE & Co a lot over the years. Someone had made a complaint.

Note, why is his finger on the trigger? Maybe because he's an actor

We speculated on the identity of this malefactor and he asked me if it was OK to spread some gravel and "improve" the parking zone. "Remember I asked you if I could black-top and you said 'no, I don't want that (well said, LSP, Ed.), get gravel, but I need to get the church's permission.' Do I still need to get that?"

I looked at D, who wasn't very happy, and he looked at me, "You have the church's permission, knock yourself out on that gravel. I'll help you spread it, even." But that wasn't needed, "I've got a tractor at the shop and I'll bring it in tomorrow morning with the gravel. Thanks, man." Thanks indeed, "'preciate you, brother. Come to church, it's about time." He agreed and off we went, friends.

I call this installation Casa Blanca, keen-eyed readers will understand

So there you have it. Problem, solution, right here in sunny Texas' North Central Exclusion Zone.
