As a celebrity pastor, I sometimes have to go to Arlington, Texas. I did that yesterday and visited with a church person whose Mother had died. I took Blue Eschaton along for the ride and dropped him off at Dallas HQ.
Edgehill |
He liked that, until I strolled out under the leafy boulevards of Winnetka Heights for a a glass of the right stuff. I was no sooner gone than HQ Coy was calling in, "Your dog is whining and howling!" I hate having to micro-manage but I quick marched back to base to find Blue Crybaby curled up in the back hallway, protecting the door.
Well, man's best friend and all that, and you may be interested to know he's being fitted with titanium teeth by a canine security professional in California. This doesn't come cheap, but I feel it's worth it.
Dallas HQ |
Then today I drove to Home Depot to buy a Christmas tree. The Hispanic woman who trimmed and bagged the tree told me it was a good one.
"I got one of these bad boys," she said, showing me a picture of her tree. "That's a real good tree," I replied. "Yeah it is," she grinned. "Put this in the truck?"
"You bet."
And that's just what we did. Loaded the tree in the truck, right there and then. It'll look good when it's up.
All For Christmas |
Puritans hate Christmas and think it's pagan. Their Godless, comsymp, NWO, atheist cousins hate it too, because it's Christian. When Blue Apocalypse has his titanium implants up and running that crew had better watch out.
Blue Howler is snoring. For now.