Sunday, June 7, 2020

Feast of the Holy Trinity

Today's Trinity Sunday, so it's time to tear our gaze away from the two-bit Maoists  waging war on statues and everything else, and onto the nature of God. The true God who reveals himself to us as a trinity of persons in unity of substance.

I liked this excerpt from EL Mascall's Whatever Happened to the Human Mind?, via Domini Res Gestas:

 . . . the Trinity is not primarily a doctrine, any more than the incarnation is primarily a doctrine. There is a doctrine about the Trinity, as there are doctrines about many other facts of existence, but, if Christianity is true, the Trinity is not a doctrine; the Trinity is God. And the fact that God is Trinity—that in a profound and mysterious way there are three divine Persons, eternally united in one life of complete perfection and beatitude - is not a piece of gratuitous mystification, thrust by dictatorial clergymen down the throats of an unwilling, but helpless laity,  and therefore to be accepted, if at all, with reluctance and discontent. It is the secret of God’s most intimate life and being, into which in in his infinite love and generosity, he has admitted us, and it is therefore to be accepted with amazed and exultant gratitude.
The God whom the Christian Church proclaims is the fundamentally triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit, not a unitarian God to whom the trinitarian character is attached as a kind of secondary, or even optional and purely symbolical, appendage.
It is significant that the great ecumenical creed of Christendom cannot profess its belief in the One God without immediately identifying him with the Person of the Almighty Father, and going on from this to speak of the Son and the Spirit, who, while distinct as Persons, are consubstantial with him and derive their being from him.
If, then, the great tradition of Christendom is true, the personal God of unimaginable splendor, bliss, and love, upon whom the world and human beings depend for their existence from moment to moment, is not one solitary monad, but three Persons, united in one life of perfect mutual giving and receiving, a giving and receiving that is so complete that there is nothing to distinguish one from another except the ways in which each gives and receives; a life of sharing so perfect and intense that the most intimate of human unions bears only a remote and analogical comparison to it. And if we wish to acquire some faint understanding of the wonder and glory of the Christian God—who, we must remind ourselves, is the only God there is—we may well find the poets more helpful than the theologians. I have specially in mind Dante, in the final canto of the Divine Comedy, striving to put into words his vision of the triune Godhead, as it smote him in all its dazzling splendor, gathering into its one embrace all conceivable perfections and in its threefold mystery eternally flooding itself with love and satisfying in its mysterious unity every human desire:
That light doth so transform a man's whole bent
 That never to another sight or thought
Would he surrender, with his own consent:
For everything the will has ever sought
 Is gathered there, and there is every quest
Made perfect, which apart from it falls short.

Well said, Fr. Mascall!

In nomine,


Saturday, June 6, 2020

D Day Anniversary

We invaded Hilter's Europe 76 years ago on June 6 to free that continent from the scourge of Nazism. It was an act of heroic courage. Today, on the anniversary of D Day, leftists vandalized Churchill's statue in Whitehall, London. 

Evidently the leader of Britain's war effort against the NSDAP Hitlerites wasn't anti-fascist enough; bad on Churchill for not being a Year Zero, Pol Pot, Maoist revolutionary. But that's not all, the war on history continued with brave BLM race warriors defacing Lincoln's memorial too, I guess they forgot he freed the slaves.

In a sane society, we'd all be celebrating D Day, marking the event and remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom. Perhaps we'd do that with BBQs, parades, and church. But no, we're forced to watch the nihilist Left gyrate, gurn and destroy in yet another attempt to overthrow a duly elected president in the US, and everywhere the rule of law itself. 

I am beyond disgusted with the antics of these virtue-signalling, vote harvesting clowns and the savages they've enlisted. Enough is enough.

We didn't fight the last World War only to get enslaved by another crew of freedom hating, devil-driven-insane mountebanks, and their satanic stooges. 

Stand to and that is all, except to say...



Friday, June 5, 2020

Mad Mitch - A Moral

Do you remember Colonel "Mad Mitch" of the Southern & Argyll Highlanders? He retook Aden when he wasn't supposed to. The Left howled.

There's a moral here, if you care to draw it.

Stand firm and take the fight to the enemy.


Behold The Genius

Get #goBaldForBLM trending.

Then sit back and enjoy the show.

Well done, Team. Mission accomplished.



Thursday, June 4, 2020

Defund The Police!

What Traffic Fascists

Yeah, right on, stick it to the Man! Because when there's no more police there'll be no more violence and we'll all be free! What utter, shameless, brazen drivel.

Behold The Drivel

No matter, LA, Minneapolis, et al are pushing hard for US cities to abolish the police. Coz then there'll be no moar injustice, just a beautiful Anarcho-Syndicalist revolution where, at last, persons of color can roam and loot freely. But what happens when there aren't any police, some kind of boogaloo?

Note Tactical Deck Shoes

Maybe so, people defend themselves, they "go roof," and who can blame them. The Left might want to think about that. Message to market -- we outgun you, at every level, cubed.

Playing The Most Dangerous Game Know To Mankind

Firepower aside aside, Satanists have taken to the streets demanding justice for the thug who beat a pregnant woman with his pistol and then robbed her. 

George Floyd, the saint, served a mere 5 years for this crime. And think, with no police he'd have served even less. Satanists rejoice, until you wake up and a demon's gnawing on your elbow.

Speaking of which, MPD, LAPD, NYPD and on, walk off the job and let the Democrats howl, they obviously don't want you. Go on, we dare you.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Weapons Hot Or Not So Hot?

It's 11.30 pm in North Central South Dallas. 3 shots were just fired close to the house, and there's sporadic gunfire in the distance. Choppers constant. Probably some Mexicans celebrating Wednesday; this is, after all, south of the river. Whatever, weapons hot. Or are they?

Comsymps and self-loathing, bend-the-knee libs think they aren't. Get rid of guns and you'll get rid of violence and everywhere will be Sweden, a veritable Ikean utopia. Unless you're one of the Swedish women who's recovering from being raped by a military age, Moslem refugee. 

Sweden aside, what makes you think a disarmed populace has nothing to fear from criminals who notoriously don't obey the law? By the time those three shots are slamming into your house or a gang of joggaz are running at you with 2x4s it's too late, right?

Point being, you don't need to be armed until you do, and if you're at that point without a weapon it's pretty much too late.

That we've come to the point where I feel that it's necessary to guard my Mother's house with a gun(s) is abhorrent to me. But there it is, humanity's fallen and pretending otherwise doesn't cut it.

In the meanwhile, gunfire's stopped for now, chopper overwatch continues.

Weapons hot,


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Gonna Go Roof?

As ACNA clergy wailed and wept over their racism and the Episcopal bishop figure of Washington DC raged about the President holding a Bible, I drove to Dallas to check on Ma LSP.

You may have heard that things have been a little unsettled in the metrosprawl lately, and while I wasn't expecting trouble it doesn't hurt to be prepared. That in mind, I called up the White Wolf Mine for tactical advice.

"Mr. Wolf?"
"This is LSP, calling from Dallas HQ. I know you're above the fray but what's the score?"
"Simple, you need to become an honorary Korean, an honorary Rooftop Korean."

We talked this over, what would it take, a special ceremony on the roof? Picture the scene. A brazier,  Korean BBQ, maybe some kimchi, but that comes after you've been sworn in and awarded a Seoul bandana. Then you're ready to go.

What you don't do is sally forth with a sword and fail to take out the invaders. "Hell, I'd have chopped them to pieces," said the Wolf, "Maybe I'd have used a pole axe or just a kukri, a kukri'd probably do it." I agreed and silently kicked myself for leaving the kukri back at the Compound.

Cold steel aside and a delicious dinner of grilled lamb chops later, all seemed peaceful enough, thank God. Then, round about 11.30 pm, the sound of choppers overhead grew to constant and sure enough, reports started coming in of a large crew of mutineers coming over the Margaret Hunt Bridge into South Dallas. Not too far away.

They found themselves boxed in and arrested by LE and the Guard who showed remarkable restraint; not one insurrectionist was thrown off the bridge into the Trinity. And that was that, no need to go roof. Let's see how tonight pans out. 

In the meanwhile, weapons hot. 



Monday, June 1, 2020

Russians & White Supremacists Riot!

Thanks to Susan Rice, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, we now know the identity of the rioters who've brought mayhem and destruction to our cities. You guessed it, they're Russians and White Supremacists. Here at the Compound we're pleased to bring you the evidence so that justice may be served.

In this video we see a gang of White Supremacists evicted from a store by a cowboy:

These Russians shamelessly beat an elderly couple trying to defend their store in Rochester, NY:

Look at these White Supremacists attack a store owner in Dallas, TX:

Again, White Supremacy's front and center:

Spetsnaz notoriously love potato chips. Check this out:

The evidence is clear and it's compelling. Russians and White Supremacists are everywhere, wreaking havoc. Why then, are Hollywood celebs and the Biden campaign bailing them out of jail? Maybe they'd be singing a different tune if far right groups of Putinists were torching their mansions. Eat the rich style.



Saturday, May 30, 2020

I'm Bored Of Race War

Race war this, race war that, loot a Dollar Tree here, burn a cop van there, board up your shops, stick it to the Man!

But the Man has racial quotas in place, which sounds racist to me but whatever; no one in America is barred from any job on account of their race or the color of their skin. Not a single POC is refused entry into any profession on account of their color. In fact, in downtown government Dallas etc they're given preferential treatment.

So why the outrage over "racism"? Because Anarcho-Marxists are stuck in the old left/right paradigm they were taught by their parents and university professors. Stuck in 1982 and before. They see the world in terms of the defining moment of their forebears, Selma riots, Civil Rights and a grand march to desegregation. They want want to relive the 1960s and capture the glory and excitement of their ancestors.

But they can't. It's not the same world. No one has to sit at the back of the bus because they're black. In fact, no one sits on the bus because of the behavior of the blacks, or goes to their schools, or lives in their neighborhoods if they can help it.

And you know what? I don't blame anyone, of any color, for not living in the urban hellholes the left and its demonic friend LBJ created. Meanwhile, Minneapolis burns and here at the Compound we're pretty much past caring. As ye reap, so shall ye sow.

That in mind, weapons cleaning makes sense. And yes, I'm bored of this astroturf race war but good luck, jogga, if you climb on up the porch.


Dindu Apocalypse - The Morning After

What's it like to live in a city that's deep in the throes of a Dindu Apocalypse? We reached out to our man in Minneapolis, Dr. Swankenstein, to get the news.

The Doktor sent in these photos from his morning constitutional in a nice part of town, where there's no shortage of righteous, leftist activism. Police Abolition Now, demanded the flyers and pavement chalk sloganeers because, you know, when there's no more cops everyone will be free to enjoy "other options."

Like smashing up local businesses, looting stores and torching cars. A whole lot easier if there's no police, eh? But they got something right, the system is guilty, guilty of letting a city get so off the hook that dindu savages can burn it down with impunity. And we know where that goes. 

Businesses shut, working people move out, tax income drops, civic infrastructure falls apart, the police don't bother and hey presto, welcome to Detroit, or Baltimore or any one of a number of America's urban hellholes. Hollowed out wrecks of once prosperous cities, and all run by Democrats. Good work, commies.

And now the Guard's tentatively deployed. Do you think the infamous "system" has authorized them to use force against the savages and their bused-in, revolutionary friends? Probably about as much as it gave the police while their station was being overrun, and I guess this means local businesses and homeowners will have to go RTF (Roof-Top-Korean).

We'll see. In the meanwhile, if you want a balanced report of the George Floyd business go to Virtual Mirage and imagine, while you're at it, how all of this is going to make America vote Anarcho-Marxist Democrat in November. Because nothing's more popular at the polls than a gang of burn-your-city-down looters.

Thanks, Swankenstein, for the short photo essay. Let's see how this nonsense evolves.

Gun Rights,


Friday, May 29, 2020

Get On The Boat

You don't have to own a boat to go boating, but it helps to have friends who do. Friends like J, who works LE consultancy when he isn't on the lake having fun, in his boat. And fair play to him, he's earned it and likes to share the fun, which is exactly what happened this morning.


Saying that, getting up when every sensible creature's fast asleep didn't seem too enjoyable, but it's worth it when you see the sun rising off the water as you set out in search of fish and adventure. A whole new day dawns under the omnipotence of God, and it feels good, scudding across the lake, looking for action.

We found it, too, guided by birds zeroing in on schools of young striper. It's a fierce business, nature; just watch the avian Stukas dive-bomb down on a gang of thrashing, predatory bass. Ferocious and fast, not least for the fisherman; pretty much every cast a fish.

Great result, followed by motoring about in search of larger fish. We'd have found them too, if we'd been fishing live shad. As it is, plastic facsimiles and silver slabs didn't cut it, but still produced a fair few junior striper. Good fun.

Some Old Fool

Then it was time to head back across the inland sea of Lake Whitney and on to the Compound, a morning well spent. Better by far than staring in slack-jawed consternation at some kind of screen.

God bless,


Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Bit Of This And A Bit Of That

There's an awful going on. Just for starters, our Leader, the great 45, was censored by Twitter, the odious social media platform, so he's responded by opening them and other lib media publishers up to litigation. 

For goodness sake, @jack, what were you thinking when you allowed one of your leftist minions to "truth check" the President? On fraudulent mail-in ballots, of all things.

Oh look, a savage

Then there's Minneapolis, where the dindus have gone full-on savage because Floyd George was killed by white cops. First off, since when did cops calmly kill someone by kneeling on their neck for many minutes, all the while knowing they were being filmed? Seriously, since when? 

Maybe these were the most stupid cops ever in the history of stupid copdom. It's possible, and it sure looks like bad wickedness. That aside, how's burning your neighborhood down going to improve that?

Good work, George!

To the point, who's paying for it? Surely that wouldn't be George Soros. In the meanwhile, some people are protecting stores from crazed mobs of dindus. Well done, boys!

Young Marxist Meets Old Marxist

Moving on, the UK's in an uproar because Dominic Cummings, aka Mekon, had the brazen temerity to visit his autistic son, quelle gutsinking horror, and New Zealand's Leaderene has signed a pact with China. It may interest you to know that Jacinda Ardern was a "Young Marxist" in her youth. My, how that worm's predictably turned.

Dominic Cummings Who is Awesome

Closer to home, the Hillsboro foodbank's delivering more cartloads of food to the needy than it has been. The needy, you see, have plucked up the not inconsiderable courage to visit the foodbank. No small thing, maybe their meth supply's run out. 

Regardless, I do my bit.

God bless,