Thursday, June 4, 2020

Defund The Police!

What Traffic Fascists

Yeah, right on, stick it to the Man! Because when there's no more police there'll be no more violence and we'll all be free! What utter, shameless, brazen drivel.

Behold The Drivel

No matter, LA, Minneapolis, et al are pushing hard for US cities to abolish the police. Coz then there'll be no moar injustice, just a beautiful Anarcho-Syndicalist revolution where, at last, persons of color can roam and loot freely. But what happens when there aren't any police, some kind of boogaloo?

Note Tactical Deck Shoes

Maybe so, people defend themselves, they "go roof," and who can blame them. The Left might want to think about that. Message to market -- we outgun you, at every level, cubed.

Playing The Most Dangerous Game Know To Mankind

Firepower aside aside, Satanists have taken to the streets demanding justice for the thug who beat a pregnant woman with his pistol and then robbed her. 

George Floyd, the saint, served a mere 5 years for this crime. And think, with no police he'd have served even less. Satanists rejoice, until you wake up and a demon's gnawing on your elbow.

Speaking of which, MPD, LAPD, NYPD and on, walk off the job and let the Democrats howl, they obviously don't want you. Go on, we dare you.

Your Friend,



Well Seasoned Fool said...

IMO, this all orchestrated and coordinated to defeat President Trump this fall. To many "important" people will have their asses handed to them when he has four more years to drain the swamp.

Anonymous said...

It is still a long way until the election and given how crazy 2020 has been, ANYTHING could happen: Gonzilla, Mega quake, alien invasion or roller skating Dragons. Nothing would surprise me at this point. Not so much end of times, more endless times.

Anonymous said...

I keep having to explain to idiots who constantly demand for the removal/de-funding/restriction of the police and courts ... "The police and courts aren't here to protect the law-abiding from the criminals, they're here to protect the criminals from the law-abiding. Remove them and instead of community service and a fine the criminals would be hanging from branches or buried in shallow, unmarked graves. Fact!



It's not paranoia when they clearly ARE out to get you.

Kid said...

Par of me wants to see this happen.

Jim said...

I'm with WSF here. The republic is at stake here.


Ironically, @Anonymous, I'm slowly working on an essay entitled "It was the best of times, it was the end of times".

Speaking of, not being a Christian, can someone please help me out with some of the prophesies of what would happen from Revelations? I.e., specifically, things you think are happening today and evidence to support the same?

Appreciate it.

LSP said...

Sure looks that way to me, WSF. Russia failed, impeachment failed, virus failed, so let's try race war -- over the violent, speedballing, martyr thug saint. They really need to choose better icons for their faux civil rights movement if it's going to get any traction.

LSP said...

Exactly, Anon. What's next?!? UFOs? A nuke?

LSP said...

That, Anon, is a very good point.

LSP said...

And they most definitely are, N.

Viz. Revelations/Prophecy -- St. John wrote a mystical "epistle" of considerable complexity and depth, recapitulating OT prophetic eschatology in the light of Christ and the Gospel, all the while framing the narrative within a "clock" consisting of the days of creation, the Jewish Feasts, the signs of the Zodiac and on. You can think of it as a complex mechanism of gears or wheels acting together to draw the reader into mystery of salvation and the war between good and evil, a war which God wins.

Check out A Rebirth of Images if you want to get into it, but be warned, it's not a quick read...

Regards NT prophecy, it might be better to stick with the outline given by Christ (and used, obvs, by St. John and St. Paul). Are we there yet? Well, every day that passes brings us closer and we're certainly seeing evil wax stronger along the way. It'll come to a point and I think that's becoming increasingly clear. Apostasy of the Churches, abortion, lawlessness, throw a dart at the wall and find a target...

Still, no one knows the time.

LSP said...

Same here, Kid.

LSP said...

Agreed, Jim. Let's see how the march on DC goes this weekend.

Dr. Swankenstein said...

There is a legitimate proposal on the table in Minneapolis to eliminate the police, are you f*cking kidding me?!?! The state will turn red, or the city will turn into Detroit, white flight is already happening. We all know how things worked out for Detroilet.