Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sally Quinn, DC Occultist

It seems that hardly a day goes by without a member of the liberal elite DC establishment coming out as an occultist. John Podesta's spirit cooking, Hillary Clinton's voodoo, witch rituals and seances, and now there's Sally Quinn. 

Washington society maven, journalist for the Post and wife of its former editor, Ben Bradlee, Quinn makes no bones about her occultism, explaining in her new book, Finding Magic, that she killed three people through casting spells or "hexes." That's right, Quinn believes she killed people through black magic. 

Who were these unfortunate victims of Sally's dark art? A woman who flirted with a former boyfriend, a magazine editor and a psychic. While Quinn claims to regret these magical murders, she admits to wanting to hex President Trump but has so far "restrained" herself.

“You can’t imagine the number of people who have asked me to put a hex on Donald Trump," states Quinn in, "I mean, I have got friends lined up. This is my biggest restraint now.”

Unsurprisingly, Quinn feels uneasy in the presence of the Sacrament. Here's her reaction to the funeral Mass of her friend, NBC's Tim Russert:

... At Tim's funeral mass at Trinity Church in Georgetown (Jack Kennedy's church), communion was offered. I had only taken communion once in my life, at an evangelical church. It was soon after I had started "On Faith" and I wanted to see what it was like. Oddly I had a slightly nauseated sensation after I took it, knowing that in some way it represented the body and blood of Jesus Christ. ... I was determined to take it for Tim, transubstantiation notwithstanding.

I had a slightly nauseated sensation after I took it. No kidding, Sally.

Quinn, curiously, is no fan of Hillary Clinton, possibly because the failed presidential candidate turned down an invite to one of Sally's famous parties. An argument amongst witches?

Out, demons, out,


Aaaand They're Satanists

Is Hillary Clinton an occultist witch? According to her new book, What Happened, which details her doomed bid for presidential power, she is.

After writing that she thought she "must be going crazy," Clinton tells the world that she considered resorting to voodoo to save her floundering campaign.

“Sometimes I snapped at my staff. I was tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins. Mostly, I was furious at myself.”

Hillary has history of fascination with the occult going back to the 1970s, when she attended a voodoo ceremony in Haiti with her husband. According to journalist Bob Woodward, Hillary's interest in black magic extended to seances in which the then First Lady attempted to contact the dead in the 1990s.

According to Larry Nichols, Hillary's occultism didn't stop at voodoo and seances. Speaking to Infowars, the Clinton insider stated that Hillary regularly attended "witch rituals" in California.

“Bill told me that she was going out there (Los Angeles), she and a group of women, and she would be a part of a witch’s church. Man, when Bill told me that, she could have hit me with a baseball bat. I tried to point out to him, ‘Do you realize what would happen if that got out?’ Of course my job was to make sure it didn’t get out.
“Now I don’t know the day, if Hillary still partakes in the witch ritual, I don’t know that I even know what the ritual was. But for the better part of many years, Hillary would go quite often, whether it was regularly once a month, or maybe once every couple of months, she would go out on the weekend simply to be a part of it.”

However, black magic has its price and a top Russian exorcist claims that Hillary Clinton is possessed. Speaking anonymously to Russia Insider, the Russian monk stated:

"By their fruits you shall know them. "From the bombing of Yugoslavia to the killing in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, Clinton seems to reflexively support policies that lead to needless death and suffering. This is also a sign."

Occultism has dogged the Democratic Party's inner circle over the last year. Wikileaks revealed that Hillary's campaign chairman, John Podesta, took part in Crowleyite ritual magic, or "spirit cooking," which was conducted by New York occultist, Marina Abramovic. 

Is Hillary a black magic devil witch, possessed by Satan? As you ponder that, reflect on the flies which rested on Clinton's face during her thwarted attempt to be the most powerful woman in the world. 

And by the way, Baalzebub means Lord of the Flies.

Out, demons, out.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Pyx And The Knife

I drove to Waco this morning. No, not to visit the truly awesome Silos but to take the Sacrament to a man in hospital. Two of his family were there and I brought Communion for them too.

It's a simple enough rite and I use elements from an old book called the English Ritual, a relic from the days when the Church of England hadn't been taken over by Mantis People and the Anglo-Catholic movement was just that, a movement.

Regardless, when it was time to administer the sacrament, the strangely outsize Hosts stuck in the pyx; they wouldn't exit the small made-in-China faux brass container. Solution? Whip out your folder, mine's a Cold Steel Recon 1, and pry the Hosts loose. Then the rite can continue.

Ecce Agnus Dei... "Behold the Lamb of God, behold him which taketh away the sins of the world," the small congregation replying, "Lord I am not worthy that thou should come under my roof but speak the word only and my soul shall be healed." 

Communion administered and final benediction given, I remarked that I'd never done such a thing before and I haven't. Using a knife to administer Communion to the Sick isn't in the manuals, not even the Knott variety, and I felt a little sacrilegious. "Don't worry," said C, "We're all country people here."

That reassured me, as does the knowledge that Christ's Body was given to his Mystical Body, there in that hospital room.

Make of this what you will.

God bless,


Monday, September 11, 2017

Melania Mondays!

There's no mistaking that the anniversary of the World Trade Center atrocity is somber. But this doesn't mean that the popular series, Melania Mondays! sleeps. On the contrary.

America's First Lady paid her respects to the fallen today, wearing a basic black coat dress by Michael Kors. Did she look good? Most definitely.

But look into Melania's eyes and ask yourself, would I cross this woman? If you've just answered "Yes, I would," look again and revise your faulty opinion.

Well done, Melania, for lifting our spirits, terrifying our enemies and doing your part to Make America Great Again.




It's 9/11 and the flags are flying in this small Texan farming community. Of course they're always flying at the Compound but on special occasions extra flags go out, courtesy of the Town and our local militias. I like that, it seems right.

It's right, too, to remember the Saudi Arabian driven attack on the US and the subsequent never-ending war that's followed, a war in which we're seemingly incapable of naming our enemy. Would that be because we're allied to the Mecca-based opposition? Perhaps.

Shortly after the attack I was in London, in a pub, oddly enough. I was all for America unleashing on Saddam and full of righteous retribution. But a friend countered, suggesting that it might be a better solution to attack Saudi Arabia and arm the Kurds. With hindsight, good call.

Speaking of foreign policy, let's not forget Hillary. Yes, the same deceitful, spiritually dead harridan who blamed the deaths of Benghazi on a video and fell into a drunken, violent rage when she lost the election and the power she craved; what of her? Why, the answer's easy.



Sunday, September 10, 2017

Florida Looters

As Hurricane Irma barreled down on the unfortunate state of Florida, small crews of looters took advantage of the opportunity to rob displaced citizens and businesses.

A SWAT team stopped looting at an Academy sporting store, where looters were attempting to steal firearms.

Other looters were caught on camera thieving running shoes from sportswear stores and two others were caught robbing homes in Fort  Lauderdale. 

And on; after all, it's early days yet in this developing catastrophe. But ask yourself:

Apart from a fondness for sports stores, is there a common denominator among the looters? Is there something they all have in common, apart from the desire to rob and steal brand new Nikes and firearms?

You be the judge,


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Mimetic Saturday

Thanks to a noted member of the intelligence community, we're delighted to present this powerful meme.

Here at the Compound we hope you find it as helpful as we do and before you go, a question. Who's going to rebuild, and with what?

Ride on,


Friday, September 8, 2017

Donald Trump, Time Traveler?

Is President Trump a time traveler, thanks to Tesla Tech which his family has kept under wraps for a generation? Research suggests that he is, due to a series of 19th century novels, featuring Barron Trump and his ally "Don."

Putin Traverses Time With Ease

In Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey, the intrepid Barron, who lives in Castle Trump, makes a deal with the Russians to transport himself to "other lands." Sound familiar? Yes, because it is.

The author of the Trump novels also foretells the end of the US Presidency itself, “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years."

This causes the "upper portions" of the city to be "paralyzed with a nameless dread," which is partly on account of Don's consort, Malenia, a "Balkaan Beauty" who is described as "fearsome, ambitious, competent yet more glamorous than all of them. They were stricken with jealousy and died."

Interestingly, President Trump's Uncle, John Trump, was responsible for Nikola Tesla's effects when the pioneering scientist died.

Some faggy old fruit with a woman

Is Donald Trump a Time Traveler, thanks to Tesla Tech? And is it enough to drain the swamp? You, the reader, be the judge.

TL = mc^2,


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Cooking With LSP -- Bringing Home The Bacon

"What?!? You cook with LSP?" you snort indignantly, "That''s the stupidest thing I've ever heard and quite possibly dangerous." Not so fast, punters. Sure, cooking with LSP can be dangerous but nothing ventured, nothing gained. To prove that, I brought home the bacon.

That's right, bacon, and jalapeno peppers and Philadelphia cream cheese. Don't settle for less kids and note, this is a bare minimum, you're supposed to have dove breasts from the birds you've shot that very day.

Well, I didn't have any dove because I've been babysitting an aspiring Cadet, but whoever said life'd be easy? No one. So make do and get those poppers going. 

It's not hard, slice the peppers in half, scoop out the seeds, fill with cream cheese, wrap with bacon and skewer with a toothpick. Perhaps your toothpicks are anodized titanium, very tactical. Or maybe they're wood, whatever, your call.

Then throw those bad boys in the oven for around 20 minutes until the bacon is right. You'll know by the aroma and the sight of the rashers reaching sizzling perfection. Don't overcook, don't undercook. You'll know when it's right.

Next step? Pull those perfect poppers out of the oven and behold the awesomness of bacon wrapped around the cream cheese filled morsels and count yourself a lucky man. And then?

Eat your scoff like a warrior. And that's cooking with...


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hillary's Famous Win

Perhaps it seems as though there's a lot of serious business going on right about now. Like nuke war with the Norks, Wolf Blitzer's sorry resemblance to a Furbie and whatever else.

So take a load off, pour a glass of the right stuff and remember, Hillary was going to win.



Paint Your House

I like older houses. They tend to have better proportions, higher ceilings, more space and sturdier construction. To me at least, they look better and are better than their modern equivalents but in Texas, an older house often means a wooden house. 

That means a painted house which has to repainted when the old paint's had its day. If you don't, the place is going to fall apart. To avoid this fate, we contracted a painting crew.

This needs painting

They started off boldly, painting the interior of one of the mission churches and even got so far as the main door to the templo. It looked good, well done, Lupe and the Gang. Then they stopped. "What's happened to the painters?" I asked. No one knew, they weren't on the job and fortunately hadn't been paid. They mysteriously returned, after a month or so, and did a bit more work. And then disappeared, no one knew where.

Look! A Can of Paint!

This went on for months, with vague promises of a return to work while I gazed at the peeling paint of the house. Perhaps they'd come back and finish the job when the house had fallen down. "Sorry, Lupe, the house is no mas."

Then, as if by magic, they came back and they're working on the church now. In fact, they've been on the job for two whole days. Remarkable, call me a dreamer but the house may get its of coat paint yet; I look forward to the day.

A typical Front Office in need of paint

This fascinating tale is filed under Country Life in Texas, or would that be Tejas?

Remember the Alamo,


Monday, September 4, 2017

Melania Mondays!

What better way to celebrate Labor Day than with another installment of Melania Mondays! And America's glamorous and popular First Lady hasn't been idle, far from it.

Melania, who is a devout catholic, went ecumenical today at St. John's, DC, praying for the victims of Hurricane Harvey and the city of Houston. News reports stated that she looked "stunning" in a pink dress and her signature high heels.

High heels were on display in storm-rocked Houston too, which Melania visited twice, uplifting everyone's spirits and working hard to bring comfort and support to the needy. And of course she greeted the country on Labor Day, looking good in Mary Katrantzou.

Some unattractive people have criticized the stylish former model for wearing Manolo Blahniks to a disaster zone and a made-in-Italy dress on Labor Day. Look, jealousy'll get you nowhere.

Well done, Melania, as ever, for doing your part to make America great again. Happy Labor Day!