Showing posts with label States Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label States Rights. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Deo Vindice

Perhaps you wonder where the Compound stands on states rights and freedom. Flatten the curve.

Deo Vindice,


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Civil War

Everyone's asking the question, are we heading for civil war? And you can see why, the country's aggressively polarized, partly thanks to the descendants of the 19th century radicals, today's cultural Marxists who press hard to destroy the societal values of the West.

"We will make the West so corrupt it stinks," declaimed Munzenberg, and the long march through the institutions has done just that. Religion, family, once-given codes of right and wrong, ethics, have been eroded and attacked to the point at which we now think that a mother killing her child in the womb is somehow normal, or that a chemically altered man is a woman.

Past generations would have been appalled and were. They overthrew the 1919 Marxist rebellion in Hungary, not least because Catholics objected to Lukacs' radical sex-ed. Likewise Spain, which didn't want to be ruled by a murderous crew of god-hating Anarcho-Marxists. 

Russia herself, epicenter of the revolution, finally had enough and kicked their red rulers out of power, now they're building 1000 and more churches a year. Action led to reaction, which brings us to now.

People are starting to wake up and say no; trans bathroom privileges, catering to 0.6% of the population at best, aren't the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," thank you, Biden. 

And neither are hundreds of thousands of immigrants somehow helpful to the American working class. Abortion at the point of birth isn't healthcare, more like murdercare, and people get it.

This leads to fightback. On the one hand, revolutionary nihilists working to destroy a culture they despise and hate, and on the other, people who believe in the values and ethics of Western civilization. Like, mothers, don't kill your babies.

So conflict's inevitable and we're seeing it now, but civil war? A shooting war between right and left, between trads and revolutionaries? 

The rhetoric's there, for sure, so are diametrically opposed ideologies and all the fervor therein. But actual fighting? Good question and who'd do it, Antifa v. Proud Boys? Hardly. A grass roots leftist ghetto rebellion? Try not to laugh. But what about this.

USGOV runs out of money because it's TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and then, lo and behold, it can't pay the Army. What happens then. 

See 5th Century Rome.

Your Buddy,


Monday, May 6, 2019

In The Caring Hands Of USGOV

The phone rang, it was a call from Calgary, "Hey dad, it's John, I want to go to Texas and join the Army." I thought about this for a second, "That's great, son, but I thought you wanted to be in a Scandinavian Death Metal band?" No, apparently that laudable ambition had palled.

Just Say No To Death Metal, Or Not, Your Call

The Cadet duly got in touch with a recruiter in Dallas, explaining that he was fed up with being what he called "a hippy" and two months later, last Wednesday, flew through thunder and lightning into the Metrosprawl. 

Boy Needs A Day On The Lake

I drove him over to the recruiters the next day, strike while the iron's hot sort of thing, and all went well. The various Sergeants were pleased to work with a kid who had a high ASVAB score, and sorted out dates for a D-Lab test (linguistic aptitude) and MEPS.

A Typical Church BBQ

So, after a whirlwind weekend of church BBQs and Mass in the rural haven of Hill County, I delivered an apprehensive Cadet into the tender hands of USGOV. Let the selection process begin! 

States Rights

We'll know by Tuesday if MI's the immediate way forward or, failing that, Signals. Then, all things being equal, he should be sworn in Wednesday afternoon and have a date to report for Basic. It's a big step for the young 'un and I respect it, LL even composed a moving poem in the style of a haiku to mark the occasion:

Concentrated mist.
A clear jewel on a leaf.
The river begins.

Let's see. In the meanwhile, well done John, 10 out 10 for good effort in the right direction. Stay tuned for the next installment.

God bless,


Friday, April 26, 2019

Fly The Flag

It seemed right to upgrade the flags at the compound and that's exactly what happened, prompting one noted nature theologian to comment:

#porch #MAGA
Like, make America great again... by giving back to the STATES their rightful SOVEREIGNTY.
I'm looking at you, "Biden" and Bootyjugjug.

Sounds like a Cause, eh?

States Rights,


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Guns & Flags

Another typical night at the Compound, cleaning shotguns, sharpening knives and ordering Confederate flags off the information superhighway. 

Yes, you can still buy them, oddly, and you don't even have to download a Tor browser and a company of undercover Feds to do so. But what flags?

Good question. The Bonnie Blue, obviously, and the First National. They come in "superknit nylon", 3'x5', and promise to set off the front porch in a patriotic, civic pride kind of way.

In related news, plans are afoot to create subdued Bonnie Blue velcro hook cap patches. Put 'em on your cap, your coat, wherever, totally up to you. Should be ready in a week or so.



Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Pounds Texas Coast Statues Remain

Hurricane Harvey has pounded the Texas coast bringing flooding, destruction, injury and death to the Lone Star State. Houston was badly hit, with widespread flooding that looks set to increase in severity this week. 

Houston has not removed its Confederate statues.


New Orleans, by contrast, has taken down its Confederate statues and has so far been spared the fury of the hurricane. According to one meteorlogical expert, this was a matter of "math."

"New Orleans tore their statues down and guess what? No hurricane. You do the math."

Houston's Spirit Of The Confederacy Before The Hurricane

Hurricane Harvey has been downgraded to a tropical storm but is set to deluge southeastern Texas with rain and flooding. The National Weather Service has called the event "unprecedented."

A Typical Confederate Statue

Confederate statues still remain in Houston, albeit submerged for now under the waves of a turbulent and destructive sea.

Divine Judgement Falls Upon The Galleria

Here at the Compound, rain lashes down with primal, intense fury. The Confederate war memorial still stands, resolute, in the town square, facing North East.

Dixie Forever,


Monday, March 7, 2016

Blue Genius

If there's one thing that Blue Genius enjoys it's chasing after a tennis ball, so I lob them into the church hall from my kitchen workstation.

It makes a break from reading trenchant analysis of little Rubio's rat claw hands, Hillary's perfidy and the latest salvos in the war against Christian bakers.

Bake That Cake!

But here's the thing. If the Church of England is buried beneath the sands of the Red Planet, how much will it cost to excavate it and who will own it when it's dug up? Some say this implies a lawsuit.

Regardless, I'm off to hunt down some Confederate dinner plates and try some bank fishing on lake Whitney. You never know, I might even catch something.

This is a Tennis Ball in my Mouth, Not Marco Rubio



Friday, August 21, 2015

Go For a Ride

After Morning Prayer and walking the dog I went for a ride, but first I got some coffee at H-Donuts. H-Donuts is run by Vietnamese, I think, and helps make up the rich tapestry of ethnic diversity that is our small farming community. Their coffee was strong.

Blue had fun playing with the other dogs while I caught a house and saddled up. The animal's an Arabian and stands pretty firmly for States Rights, which explains the saddle blanket.

We walked, trotted and did some reining exercises, and that was all good. Then I hosed the horse down and drove back to the cultural melting pot of the Compound, where a Mexican appeared and gave me some tamales; a dozen of them, cheese and jalapeno. Maybe he was illegal, maybe he wasn't, but I do know that the tamales hit the spot after an hour or so of horsing around.

I've resolved to ride every week, That is my plan.

Stay on the horse,