Thursday, August 1, 2024

Help Please


OK, crew, we're getting close to dove season and that means remedial skeet to get the aim in, but here's the thing. My old skeet pals have moved out of state, which means people to hurl clays by hand by way of practice are few and far between. Problem. What's the solution?  Get a marine battery driven skeet thrower, obviously, but which one? All advice welcome.

In related news, an Italian woman's been beat up by a boxing tranny at the Olympics. She lasted 46 seconds against this biological man, poor girl. Go figure. Maybe one of you can put a stop to our new globalist spectator sport of men beating up women on stage in the name of tolerance and inclusion.




drjim said...

I have zero idea about sporting clay throwers, other than having used them a few times.
I am 99% finished with the Olympics once and for all. I *might* watch the shooting events, but that's it!

LSP said...

drjim, I wouldn't and don't watch that garbage either.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Olympics. Since I don't have a television I'm not tempted. I attended high school in Ski Town, USA (Steamboat Springs, CO) and know/knew several Olympians. The amount of work they do to reach the peak is overwhelming. They do that and then are exploited by all kinds of people. Things have changed somewhat since the strict amateur line has been crossed. Still, the whole Olympic monolith is rotten, IMO.

Beans said...

The International Lord of Hate, ILOH for short (author Larry Correia,) brought up a very valid statement about Olympic Target Sports (shooting, archery, trebuchet... wait, no siege weapons category, darnedit) and why Southeast Asia seems to dominate said shooting sports (Korea, West Taiwan, The Place that Surrounds Taipei (since Taiwan can't call itself either 'Taiwan' or 'The Republic of China' or any variation on the theme thereof because West Taiwan would get all butthurts and sadds) is that Olympic Target Sports are so constrained that they are boring. Boring to watch, boring to participate in, boring to judge.

Now do Three-Gun-Competition or Olympic level IPSS, and we'd dominate it. Do long-range target shooting like at Camp Perry. Do open-field archery like the Mongols still practice today, from Cloud Shooting to precision target shooting. Heck, mounted archery. Heck, mounted gun shooting. And mounted sword combat. Maybe mounted jousting.

Take the Olympic Biathlon. Please. Ski, ski, ski... take skis off, kneel, rest, shoot, mount, ski, ski, ski.. Boring. Instead, do the Simo Häyhä Invitational style. You know, ski under potential fire, shoot at moving man-sized targets, ski away, repeat. That would be much better.

Return a lot of the Olympic sports back to their militaristic start. Make the equestrian stuff much more fun to watch.

And, coincidentally, all those militarily oriented sports tools could be used against the widespread globo-homo-faggotry and crap that has infested the Olympics.

Beans said...

As to the trap thrower, you need to decide how much to spend. Check out any competitive trap shooters in your area and ask them what they use when they're not at the official club ranges.

Since I haven't been to a range of any type in more than 10 years, I have no skin in this game. But... don't buy anything without putting your mitts on it. Touch, try, see how it loads, feels, how much of a pain-in-the-arse it is to set up, break down, carry, store. It's amazing how much an expensive piece of garbage can be unwieldy while some bargain seemingly off-brand can be the the shiz-nits.

Good luck. You'll need it to wade through all the commercial add-speak to find the truth.

RHT447 said...

I have no experience with those mechanical clay bird throwers other than a few times at public ranges. However, you might consider one of these--

No, I don't own this particular model. Decades ago I read about what was called "Stick Birds". Turned out my little hand thrower was easily mounted to the end of a shovel handle. Still have it. With a little practice, the versatility is wonderful. Lob 'em up high, straight away, or bring some heat with a crossing shot (good practice for quail). Battery life on a single burrito is excellent.

A note about quail in Texas. From what I read, Fire Ant infestations have wiped out the quail (ground nests) in some areas.

LSP said...

Totally agree, WSF, and don't watch TV either.

Off topic, let's see more STEAM, please.

LSP said...

"Return a lot of the Olympic sports back to their militaristic start."

Good call, Beans.

And good thrower advice too. I have a couple of pals who have these things and will check in and report back.

LSP said...

RHT, I use one of those too!