Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Burning Man 2024


A girl's already died, not Marie Antionette, thank God. Probably an OD. Went blue in the desert. Happens. Too bad.




Well Seasoned Fool said...

Never been there. Never want to go there.

Beans said...

Oh, a drug user died, too bad, so sad. Anyways...

Never wanted to go. Ever.

If I can't hit people, then I want peace and quiet. Heck, back in the days when I did go on vacation to hit people I still wanted the evenings nice and quiet.

Go out in the Desert where it's bazillion hots during the day and bazillions cold at night? Around a bunch of drunken drugged freaks? Nah... If I wanted to go see drunken drugged freaks I'd go to the local area around the university at night, or around the local shelter any time of the day.

Wild, wild west said...

Not for all the 10% for The Big Guy in China.

Question: What if "The Big Guy" wasn't Brandon? What if it was Big Mike all along?

Seamus1962 said...

I'm making my own burning man - torching weeds with a propane unit while praying the Jesus prayer in 98deg heat... covers all their features.

LSP said...

WSF, you'd have to pay me a lotta cash.

LSP said...

Beans, I know. Perhaps Paradiso was.. enthusiastic?

Idiots get wasted, die, wonder why.

LSP said...

That's a very good question, Wild.

LSP said...

lWhat an excellent pop festival you're managing there, Seamus! Keep it up. Maybe I'll go to B Man next year, but only if we're sponsored by big money.

Tworesqu7 said...

I live in Reno. I cannot describe in words what a shit show BM is.

LSP said...

Two -- you'd have to pay me a lotta money to go there.