Saturday, March 21, 2020

Silver Linings

It's dark, wet, and cold in the bucolic haven that is this small Texan farming community meets industrial theme park. That, and the Chinese Plague or "Red Death" is a looming threat from the nearby DFW metrosprawl.

Still, behind every dark cloud there's a silver lining. To name several: Drag Queen Story Hour's been cancelled and no one seems to care very much about preferred pronouns. It's almost as though the "greatest civil rights issue of our time" (Joe Biden) wasn't so very important after all. But of course the Mass is.

Question. Should the Parsons be livestreaming Private Masses or not? I'm inclined to say it cheapens the Sacrament of the Altar. Here's Adrienne:

At first (in a rather paganish way) I thought, "Cool - don't have to put on makeup, fix my hair, dress up. I can sit in front of my computer and think holy thoughts."
Reality. Prayers at the foot of the altar = Erica kitteh demanding breakfast. The Introit = Frankie doggie having to go out and pee. The epistle and gospel = I have to pee. And on, and on.

Good points. Whatever the case, I'll be posting links to the Mass tomorrow.

Be safe and as always...



Kid said...

Adrienne forever. Purr baby.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I've a Roman Catholic neighbor who hasn't missed Mass in twenty+ years. She is very upset that she won't be at Mass tomorrow.

Adrienne said...

Tomorrow I'll be sure and have my missal to attend online Mass. I think that will help me keep my focus. My habit is to flit about while watching something online. To do that during Mass is not too cool. Imagine cruising Facebook and popping back for the consecration. I couldn't - so I turned it off.

Ed Bonderenka said...

When I was a young Catholic altar boy, I remember that there were regularly televised masses for the homebound.
Last Sunday a Catholic friend was in the back pew of our church.
I knew then that mass had been canceled.
This week, our pastor folded.
I am majorly disappointed.
We had Facebook Church this morning.