Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Private Update

The onetime Cadet, now Private, called in from Fort Gordon. He was in rude good health and enjoying the ins and outs of learning to be a tech warrior, though he wants to branch out into something kinetic with it. But first things first.

"Dad, I got punished last week."
"What for?"
"Left a Cheetos wrapper under my cupboard."
"Ah. Good. Attention to detail, right?"

A self-policing voice chimed in, "Don't wanna do that, man, gets roaches in the room." The Private agreed, manfully, "Uh, yeah, that's right," and then laughed, he'd had to write out a chapter of SOP and go on punishment parade for a week. 

I told this edifying tale to a teller at the bank in Whitney and she gave me a fist pump, "Yes!" Imagine the utter disaster if the Army allowed these malfeasants to behave according to their own devices. 

Cheeto skulduggery aside, all seems well in the kid's A School. He should graduate in June and get attached somewhere "network." This, he says, is typically "mobile." Which roughly translated means, "Dad, I want to be part of a Battle Group." His mother's not too keen on that, for obvious reasons.

Still, I get his point, I'd want action too if I was 19 and part of the greatest military the world's ever seen. Secondment to the GREEK LEGION? Just a thought, and let's have Constantinople back where it belongs.




Kid said...

Oh Man, I hope this doesn't turn into the "Jelly donut scene in Full Metal Jacket"......
probably not......

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Probably won't make that mistake again.

LL said...

He was going to call me today in Hawaii at 1100HRS but the call didn't come. I must presume that he had Army business to attend to.

LSP said...

Ha! Kid, I think he's alright on that score.

LSP said...

Exactly, WSF. No more Cheetos in the billet, kid.

LSP said...

He prob did, LL. I'll mention it to him.

LL said...

I just got off the phone with the PFC. He's doing fine. Just needed a bit of a course correction from the RHSM.

LSP said...

Thanks, RHSM. Have to keep these youngsters on the right trajectory, what?