Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Cologne Firefight


Could it be that we've mentally blocked the prospect of war, industrial scale war, from our collective unconscious? You know why, too horrible to behold. That in mind, why is England, with its mighty 150, snerk, tank fleet baying for war against Russia? Why, for that matter, is anyone. 

Surely it doesn't have to do with money. In the meanwhile, it looks like the Russkie's aren't going to fold anytime soon, which is weird because we were going to take Donbass, Crimea and Moscow by the end of the summer.

Of course I know nothing, but I do know this: Viz. Napoleon and Hitler failed. Do you think we'd be any different? Well, sure, we are different. We're LGBTQAI+, which makes us so much moar force lethal.



Monday, August 8, 2022



Imagine your Grandson, a citizen of the future, a place of flying cars, massive arcologies and limitless fusion power, a place of peace. He looks up at you innocently and asks, "What was it like, Grand Father? Back in the '20s?" And we look back at the child through hoary eyes, looking back in time.

"Well, son, we had to take a vaccine that wasn't a vaccine. We weren't allowed to leave the country. And there was an election that wasn't an election and we didn't know the difference between a man and a woman. 

"So we sent all our money to a country that used to exist in Eastern Europe to give Raytheon and Lockheed Martin even more money than they already had. They called that country 'Ukraine;' now it's part of Russia, Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And there was Climate Change, which meant a tax to make us richer even though it made us poorer."

Picture the young 'un scratching his head as he plays with your razor sharp saber, "But, Grandfather, why did they do such a thing?" The innocence of youth! "Because, you see, they were driven insane by the evil spirit, by Satan. Its outward and visible sign, you understand sacraments, was Drag Queen Story Hour."

Seriously, we've sent another billion bucks, yes, a BILLION, to our corrupt Ukrainian satrapy and for why? Because Western Values? Laugh your way to the nearest trans toilet. ROI? Now you're talking, and with it the golden opportunity to carve up Russia itself.

Word to the wise, going to war with Russia has a way of going badly, see Napoleon and Hitler. But perhaps this time will be an exception to the rule because we're led by the great Philosopher Kings of the DC Genius Patrol.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,


Friday, May 6, 2022



On May 1, 1945, victorious Russian troops hoisted the Red Flag from the Reichstag, the heart of the Third Reich. The day after, Supreme Warlord Adolf Hitler shot himself in a death pact with Eva Braun. Germany surrendered unconditionally on May 5.

Soviet estimates for the battle of Berlin are 81,116 killed/missing and 280,251 wounded, with German casualties as high as 458,080 killed and 479,298 captured. Civilian losses may have been as much as 125,000. These figures are surely high for the German side, but an undoubtedly catastrophic loss of life occurred at the close of this titanic conflict.

Not that anyone cares, but I respect the German Army and soldier of the 1940s, the Deutsche Heere, though their cause was bad. I respect the Russian soldiers too, who took the grisly fight to conclusion.Very brave men, to put it mildly.

May 9 is fast upon us and with it the Russian Victory Parade. Will RF forces achieve significant victory over the weekend? Unlikely. But readers, let's not forget this "rule." It goes like this, do not go to war against Russia. It ends badly, see Napoleon and Der Fuhrer.



Sunday, September 27, 2020

Old But Gold

Old but gold and because this site's all about children's books.



Pop Genius Fuhrer Taylor Swift

Pop icon Taylor Swift may be the pretty face of rock 'n roll but she's also seig heiled by millions of adoring fans as a latter day Fuhrer. Is Taylor Swift literally Nazi? Here at the Compound we decided to fact check.

Wow. That's harsh, Taylor.

Taylor! Getting back together? We suspect not.

This book is banned in Germany.

Taylor Swift's net worth is an estimated $360 million, she's a millionaire socialist. As we've seen, science says National Socialist.

Rumours that the genius pop singer's eyes cause instant migraines are just that, vicious rumours.

Rock on,


Monday, August 31, 2020

Was Hitler Possessed?

Was Adolf Hitler possessed? The famous exorcist Fr. Gabriel Amorth certainly thought so. "If one thinks of what was committed by people like Stalin or Hitler, certainly they were possessed by the devil," Amorth told Vatican Radio in 2006, "This is seen in their actions, in their behavior and in the horrors they committed."

No doubt, by their fruits ye shall know them, but is there a smoking occult gun linking the Fuhrer to the world of evil spirits? There might well be. The DAP (German Workers Party) which Hitler took over and transformed into the NSDAP (National Socialist Workers Party) was founded and sponsored by the Thule Society. What did they believe?


The society's members were ariosophists, hermeticist ritual magicians who believed that an advanced and superior race of Aryans with psychic power had once existed in Thule, the mythical homeland of the Tuetons. This race would once again rise and rule under the impetus of a Leader, at least according to the seer dramatist Deitrich Ekhart.

After World War I, Hitler fell under the influence Eckhart in Munich and the mystic was suitably impressed, “There is the coming man of Germany of whom the world one day will speak.” Again, as Eckhart was dying before the future Fuhrer's rise to power, “Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have written the music. Don’t mourn for me: I shall have had more influence on the course of history than any other German.” And influence he had, Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf to his mentor.


So yes, Hitler certainly had ties to an occult, pagan organization, as did many of the early Beer Hall Putsch Nazis. Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Hans Frank, Goering and others, all Thulists or friends. 

Granted, Hitler soon expunged Thule from the Party they set up and he took over, but is it going too far to suggest that the spirit of the thing, literally, continued and grew in strength, not least in the leader of the doomed Reich, who brought down the world in flames and shot himself in a bunker as Russian shells fell on his position.

Some believe they've captured the voice of Hitler from beyond the grave via EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). In one short recording, which Google seems to have removed, the "coming one" describes his time as, "We were living in a bad compote."

Living in a bad compote. Reflect, gentle readers, there's something very hellish in that.

God bless,


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Great Nazigasm Of 2017

It was a beautiful, stirring vision. America, by 2017, was going to be a rainbow-hued, sushi-eating transutopia, all under the beneficent gaze of the country's first ever woman President, Hillary herself. Like Sweden but better and bigger. Then disaster struck, the nation elected a man who put ketchup on his steak and lived in a golden tower.

Staring in thwarted infantile agony at their field of shattered dreams, libs everywhere fell into an irrational, hysterical frenzy. Someone or something, anything but themselves, had to be at fault and there it was, Russia! Putin hacked the election, putting a Kremlin spy into the White House but Russia frenzy could only last so long under the burden of no proof whatsoever. 

That sad little unicorn wasn't going to fly despite the best efforts of Blitzer, Maddow, Waters & Co; something else was needed. And lo and behold, boom! Nazism. It was Hitler's fault!

Hitler made Donald Trump a Nazi. And we know this because Trump doesn't think statues of Confederate generals should be smashed but does think that Nazi racists and Anarcho-Marxist revolutionaries are both wrong. That's pretty National Socialist, eh? And we've always known that General Lee was a time-travelling member of the Waffen SS. Columbus, Washington, Jefferson? The Constitution? All Nazi.

The police? Nazis. Gender binary bathrooms? Nazi. Freedom of speech? Nazi. Having a border? Very Nazi. Small government and lower taxes? Disgustingly Nazi. Saying no to Islamic terror? Yes, hideously Nazi.

Perhaps you don't think that makes much sense, that it's the kind of thing someone suffering from dropped-on-head-as-infant syndrome might believe. Well then, racist, you're a Nazi  and maybe you need to change your name to Martin Bormann and stop being such a Gauleiter.

In fact, everyone who isn't a Democrat and a member of Antifa is a Nazi. And that's just the way it is in the great Nazigasm of 2017.

Let's see how long this fit of infantile rage lasts.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hillary in the Bunker

Not that immature high spirits rule the Compound but... 



Thursday, December 17, 2015

Should You Carry a Gun in Your Rig?

Short answer, yes, though in Texas a handgun has to be concealed. But I'll tell you a true story by way of illustration. 

Grandma LSP was driving with Great Grandma LSP, in Plainview, West Texas, during the '20s oil boom. They were wild times and an outlaw figured he could rob the two women. He thought differently when Great Grandma LSP produced a revolver from the glove box.

Plainview in the 1880s?

That was the '20s and this is now. Have we become more, or less lawful since then?  And if you're carjacked by Justin Welby, or some other bad actor, would you be more, or less safe if you're armed? The NWO libs insist that you'll be safer if you aren't and that the police will protect you.

That wouldn't have worked for those two women in Plainview in the '20s and guess what, it wouldn't work now. And I'll go further than that and say that one of the hallmarks of a free society is the ability of its citizens to defend themselves.

Go ahead and say otherwise, but know that not only are you on the side of Hillary Clinton, the NYT and "Huffpo," but also Hitler.

Gun rights.