Was Adolf Hitler possessed? The famous exorcist Fr. Gabriel Amorth certainly thought so. "If one thinks of what was committed by people like Stalin or Hitler, certainly they were possessed by the devil," Amorth told Vatican Radio in 2006, "This is seen in their actions, in their behavior and in the horrors they committed."
No doubt, by their fruits ye shall know them, but is there a smoking occult gun linking the Fuhrer to the world of evil spirits? There might well be. The DAP (German Workers Party) which Hitler took over and transformed into the NSDAP (National Socialist Workers Party) was founded and sponsored by the Thule Society. What did they believe?
The society's members were ariosophists, hermeticist ritual magicians who believed that an advanced and superior race of Aryans with psychic power had once existed in Thule, the mythical homeland of the Tuetons. This race would once again rise and rule under the impetus of a Leader, at least according to the seer dramatist Deitrich Ekhart.
After World War I, Hitler fell under the influence Eckhart in Munich and the mystic was suitably impressed, “There is the coming man of Germany of whom the world one day will speak.” Again, as Eckhart was dying before the future Fuhrer's rise to power, “Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have written the music. Don’t mourn for me: I shall have had more influence on the course of history than any other German.” And influence he had, Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf to his mentor.
So yes, Hitler certainly had ties to an occult, pagan organization, as did many of the early Beer Hall Putsch Nazis. Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Hans Frank, Goering and others, all Thulists or friends.
Granted, Hitler soon expunged Thule from the Party they set up and he took over, but is it going too far to suggest that the spirit of the thing, literally, continued and grew in strength, not least in the leader of the doomed Reich, who brought down the world in flames and shot himself in a bunker as Russian shells fell on his position.

Some believe they've captured the voice of Hitler from beyond the grave via EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). In one short recording, which Google seems to have removed, the "coming one" describes his time as, "We were living in a bad compote."
Living in a bad compote. Reflect, gentle readers, there's something very hellish in that.
God bless,