Showing posts with label #90. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #90. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

War And A Brazen Box


just a typical LSP box

Major powers, see Napoleonic France, Nazi Germany and beyond, have a habit of going to war against Russia. It's like a thing, attack that backward bear of a beast and collect the spoils. So they launch, and what happens? Disaster.

Typically, the Russkies fall back in corrupt, foolish, useless disarray and then recoup, famously, and smash the opposition. See Boney's retreat from Moscow and Operation Bagration. Imagine, if you can, being on the receiving line. Flash forward to today.

oh look, a German Siler Cross!

We went into a proxy war against Russia via Ukraine. As in, "we're gonna take that corrupt, useless, inept, idiotic 13 time zone state apart and install our own rulers, our corporate rainbow rulers, who will collect the fat of the land." What can I say, good luck, it's worked so many times before.



PS. I ask you, patriots, who is more Communist Red, America or Russia? Let's put it another way, which country allows Christian prayer in its state schools? Hint, not the USA. And again, which country has a flat tax of 13% (?), us, or them? Which country locks up malfeasant Bolshevik agitators like P Riot. Us or them? Always them, we are the new nihilist Bolsheviks, with corporate rainbow backing.

I am against that, in whatever country it's satanically incarnate.