Monday, May 2, 2022

The Old Guns Of Ukraine


Fun to Shoot 

As if the names of titanic battles and appalling atrocity, Kharkov, Lvov and on weren't enough, ancient weapons are finding their way onto the battlefields of yesteryear. Like the Maxim machine gun, have a look.

Twin Maxims Modern Optic, Not Shabby

Or the PPS-43

Still Going Strong, Note Rifle On Sandbag

The PPSH-41

I Want One

And the venerable Mosin Nagant

Still Running

Even MP 40s

Excuse Me What?!?


Most Awesome



Question. How long would modern weapons systems last on today's battlefield before combatants resorted to simpler things of an earlier age? Preppers take note, don't scorn the humble trebuchet and pipe canon.



Sunday, May 1, 2022

Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz


May Day, workers of the world unite. And with that can you hear the voices of Charles Martel, Raymond, Godfrey, Tancred, and Robert? We're taught, today, to scorn the first Crusade, how evil of them to fight for the Cross and the Faith. The same people, who by the way hate Christianity, urge us to fight for Democracy.

Point being, you fight for what you most believe in and what is that; friends, family, unit? Yes indeed, but beyond that what? What idea or cause would you go to war for. And this is an issue, not least for the West which has ditched objective value and truth for opinion, read power.

So here we are, about to give Ukraine $33 BILLION to defeat the Russian Orcs in the name of the freedom to have trans bathrooms. Ahem, get even richer than we already are.

You'll be amazed to know that Russia's military budget is some $20 billion.



Clash of Christianities - Why Europe Cannot Understand Russia


Pepe Escobar gives excellent historical/religious background to the current conflict of East v. West in his short article Clash Of Christianities - Why Europe Cannot Understand Russia. Here's a snapshot via ZeroHedge:

A perplexed liberal west remains hostage to a vortex of Russian images which it can’t properly decode – from the two-headed eagle, which is the symbol of the Russian state since Peter the Great, to the Kremlin cathedrals, the St. Petersburg citadel, the Red Army entering Berlin in 1945, the May 9 parades (the next one will be particularly meaningful), and historical figures from Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great. At best – and we’re talking academic level ‘experts’ – they identify all of the above as “flamboyant and confused” imagery.

The Christian/Orthodox divide

The apparently monolithic liberal west itself also cannot be understood if we forget how, historically, Europe is also a two-headed beast: one head may be tracked from Charlemagne all the way to the awful Brussels Eurocrat machine; and the other one comes from Athens and Rome, and via Byzantium/Constantinople (the Second Rome) reaches all the way to Moscow (the Third Rome).

Latin Europe, for the Orthodox, is seen as a hybrid usurper, preaching a distorted Christianity which only refers to St. Augustine, practicing absurd rites and neglecting the very important Holy Ghost. The Europe of Christian Popes invented what is considered a historical hydra – Byzantium – where Byzantines were actually Greeks living under the Roman Empire.

Western Europeans for their part see the Orthodox and the Christians from the East (see how they were abandoned by the west in Syria under ISIS and Al Qaeda) as satraps and a bunch of smugglers – while the Orthodox regard the Crusaders, the Teutonic chevaliers and the Jesuits – correctly, we must say – as barbarian usurpers bent on world conquest.

In the Orthodox canon, a major trauma is the fourth Crusade in 1204 which utterly destroyed Constantinople. The Frankish chevaliers happened to eviscerate the most dazzling metropolis in the world, which congregated at the time all the riches from Asia.

That was the definition of cultural genocide. The Frankish also happened to be aligned with some notorious serial plunderers: the Venetians. No wonder, from that historical juncture onwards, a slogan was born: “Better the Sultan’s turban than the Pope’s tiara.”

So since the 8th century, Carolingian and Byzantine Europe were de facto at war across an Iron Curtain from the Baltics to the Mediterranean (compare it with the emerging New Iron Curtain of Cold War 2.0). After the barbarian invasions, they neither spoke the same language nor practiced the same writing, rites or theology.

This fracture, significantly, also trespassed Kiev. The west was Catholic – 15% of Greek catholics and 3% of Latins – and in the center and the east, 70% Orthodox, who became hegemonic in the 20th century after the elimination of Jewish minorities by mainly the Waffen-SS of the Galicia division, the precursors of Ukraine’s Azov batallion.

Constantinople, even in decline, managed to pull off a sophisticated geo-strategic game to seduce the Slavs, betting on Muscovy against the Catholic Polish-Lithuanian combo. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 allowed Muscovy to denounce the treason of Greeks and Byzantine Armenians who rallied around the Roman Pope, who badly wanted a reunified Christianity.

Afterward, Russia ends up constituting itself as the only Orthodox nation that did not fall under Ottoman domination. Moscow regards itself – as Byzantium – as a unique symphony between spiritual and temporal powers.

Third Rome becomes a political concept only in the 19th century – after Peter the Great and Catherine the Great had vastly expanded Russian power. The key concepts of Russia, Empire and Orthodoxy are fused. That always implies Russia needs a ‘near abroad’ – and that bears similarities with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s vision (which, significantly, is not imperial, but cultural).

As the vast Russian space has been in constant flow for centuries, that also implies the central role of the concept of encirclement. Every Russian is very much aware of territorial vulnerability (remember, for starters, Napoleon and Hitler). Once the western borderland is trespassed, it’s an easy ride all the way to Moscow. Thus, this very unstable line must be protected; the current correlation is the real threat of Ukraine made to host NATO bases.

Moscow regards itself – as Byzantium – as a unique symphony between spiritual and temporal powers. Leaving aside the rightness or otherwise of such a vision, I'm sympathetic, you can and should read the whole thing. It's not long.

A fourth Rome there shall never be,


Saturday, April 30, 2022

Fighter Jets


Free Constantinople 

Slay the Dragon

There was war in heaven

Quis ut Deus?

Imagine, if you can, angelic force, pure intellect beyond our space and time. Word to the wise, don't be on the wrong side of that implacable determination.

God Bless,


Dogs of War


The Swiss were famous for it, the Hessians gave it a college try, some even wonder if the US military haven't been in the game as the armed extension of the House of Saud. That's as maybe and it's all going on in the Ukraine today. LL makes the compelling point that if you want to fight in a "stand up war" join a PMC (Private Military Company), with a sponsor, and people who know what they're doing. 

That in mind, we remember the world's most famous mercenary in recent times, Mad Mike Hoare. Born in British India to Irish parents, Hoare fought in WWII and retired at the rank of Major to Durban, South Africa, where he worked at the insufferably dull job of accountancy until recruited by Moïse Tshombe to put down the communist Simba insurgency.

Mad Mike's final exploit was in the Seychelles, where his team were arrested at the airport. The BBC comments:

When officers found a dismantled AK-47, the man panicked and revealed that there were more weapons outside.

At this point the entire plan unravelled, and amid the ensuing conflict at the airport the mercenaries commandeered an Air India plane and flew it back to South Africa.

When they arrived the mercenaries were jailed for six days...



There is, when you think on it, something remarkable about Hoare and here at DLC (Dallas Light Cavalry) HQ he's required reading. He was, miraculously, 100 years old when he died in 2020.

Rest in Peace, Colonel,


Friday, April 29, 2022

Well Well What Have We Here?


A dead Dane and he died yesterday. WTAF, why was this Ragnorok larper in the line of fire? Because psychopaths in suits are running this deadly clownshow and don't care who they kill. Their Father was a murderer from the beginning. But seriously, living out a HEILUNG video to the point of death? Wow.

Here's another one, some Brit from Plymouth who surrendered when his team got wiped out. He wasn't even paid, apparently:

Wretched. And we have to ask, is the International Brigade more like an incompetent Dogs 'o War Condor Legion? Whatever, let's hope dude gets back home to be with his four kids and "partner." Not kidding, whoever you are, get home safe to your families.

Your Friend,


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Revenge At All Costs


Transnistria, Moldova, former SovBloc countries which emerge like lines in a spy novel, will they become part of a wider conflict? More to the point, will Poland. You can imagine the scenario, with Ukrainian forces increasingly cauldroned off in the East, Poland rolls across the border to "assist."

LL called it first and a month later it's apparently a thinkable plan. 

God help us all,


Ice Cream Van Reflection


An ice cream van, remember those? wends its way through the leafy streets of this bucolic Texan haven. It's a noisy thing and I happen to know it peddles rather more than refreshing ices, maybe the cops will shut it down, please.

Speaking of which, there was a bust outside the Pick 'n Steal (Shamrock filling station) this evening. A couple of Tahoes, lights strobing, a POC with his shorts hanging low cuffed on the back of a beat up Honda, and a "caucasian female" 'splainin' to the Blue. Uh huh. 

Right Sector, which the Left supports, curiously

I didn't stop because I had a Mass to catch but you can imagine the low-level failed heist scenario. Whatev, the PnS is always getting ripped off, maybe the Nepalese who own it need to hire private security. 

In related news, our Beloved Leader wants to send $33 BILLION to Ukraine. Leaving aside the knotty question "why do they need the money when they're so clearly, obviously and literally winning" we have to ask. Who benefits from this?

What level of satanic insanity is this?

Don't say DC consultancies, firms like Raytheon, corrupt politicians and the whole MIC. No, say freedom loving people everywhere. War, it's said, is a racket and that wouldn't be so bad, perhaps, if it didn't actually kill people. 

In the old days leftists were against war, do you remember that?

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Typical Texas Street Scene


There was a cotton gin about a minute's walk from this well paved Texan street, right up into the '50s. Now it's gone because our asset-stripping, traitor overlords wanted moar money. But what happens when offshored industry supply chains become weaponized?

Don't say pay for your LNG in gold backed rubles, instead congratulate yourself on corporate utopian wokeness. Hey, you don't have a job, serf, but not to worry, Netflix has race quotas, perhaps you've seen it. There you are watching a late medieval historical drama and lo and behold, the Lord of the Manor's an African American. Far out, now we know.

The appalling Netflix has lost some $50 billion in revenue as of the other day, so maybe Elon's new Twitter can take up the slack? In the meanwhile leftist heads are exploding all over bi-coastal America, and pundits predict tectonic upheaval.

That's as maybe. But as we reflect on geology, since when did the Left become shills of Globo Big Corp? Since they went rainbow, obvs.



Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Filthy Hippies


One of the things about hippies is they don't wash. But sometimes they get near water and even in it, like a crew of motorcycle hippies chancing it out of Austin who ended up in my friend's stock tank. His Mossberg pump told them to leave, along with the snakes, and they did.

Speaking of which, the last trailer full of stuff left my friend's (RIP) place today. I tell you, he sure collected and where is all that going now? Hey, you get the sermon. Moral aside or perhaps reinforced, we found his old '60s service dress uniform. Neatly pressed. Respect.

My friend was a member of an experimental US/AUS chopper unit which saw action in Laos and Cambodia. Their motto? Get The Bloody Job Done. And they did. Utter respect. Anyway, we got the job done today and all was good.

A friend, RIP, landed at LAX during the conflict and a hippy punched him in the taxi rank, shrieking "baby killer." He hit that hippy right in the face and a cop came up, "Do you want me to book her for assault?"

Your Best Pal,


Monday, April 25, 2022

Spirit Of The Age


Rock on,


Big Sky

Texas in the Spring is beautiful, big skies, wild flowers, green, life is rising up. How different to, say, a machine gun opening up on Azov Street, but there it is and you know the saying, "They build and we destroy." Thus spake the satanist Mannaseh in Williams' War in Heaven, and never a truer word.

That in mind, this property closes on Wednesday and I'll be honest, it's been a bit of a journey to get to this point. Intense, even, but not bad as it turns out, thank God. In related news, who's going to run for Prez 2024? An octogenarian Trump, a corpse animated by an Easter bunny or some other thing?

LL suggested, via secure sat phone that Vladimir Zelensky should run. He's young, trans, an actyr, loved as a god figure and has an enourmou$ debt which he has to somehow repay to the US. What better way to pay that back than by becoming our leading public servant?

Zelensky Hero of the Great Patriotic Rainbow War

If the heel fits. Welcome to the White House, Vladimir, net globohomo socialist worth $20 million++. The nation salutes.

Your Friend,