Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Criminality And Vice


OK, imagine you're really powerful, like the Vice President of the United States of America. But you're on this pitiful six figure salary which doesn't even cover boarding school fees for your kids, much less Ivy League and a mansion. So whaddya do?

Get out there and grift for all you're worth, which is a lot because you've got a super VIP pass to the ear of the most powerful politician in the world, POTUS. So you set up pay to play schemes with China, Russia, the Ukraine, wherever, using your crackhead kid as a bagman.

You get rich. The kid gets rich, kind of, even though he's a trainwreck who gets wasted with hookers, his underage neice(?!) and assorted foreign malfeasants. Well, dammit, you're the Big Guy and you've done your best for the kid.

Then you run for President, even though no one likes you, they don't even bother to turn up to your fakey little "rallies." How embarrassing. Even the lowest of low info voters sense the deceit and corruption which hangs over you like a poisonous cloud. 

Yes, you know all this, but you have to do it anyway. After all, that Chinese cash came with a price, your paymasters demand it. Then the cloud bursts, the djinn's out of the bottle, and your skulduggery and malfeasance is laid bare, literally for Hunter, for all to see. 

What a nightmare, but there it is, despite the best efforts of Big Tech and your bought and paid for media shills to censor it. Surely they're not part of the ponzi too. Yeah, so whaddya you do?

Deny everything and hope that too many people are compromised, at the highest level, to let the sordid story of your corruption grow legs, walk and run. Good call, Big Guy, but the toothpaste's outta the tube.

All the world knows, Tucker blew the lid off it last night and got over 7 million views, a cable record. He's on again tonight, and 45's playing Hunter cinema verite to tens of thousands of people a day. It's out there. Sorry, fella.

How this sordid tale of enrichment on the public dime, of taxpayer funded criminality and vice plays out at the polls remains to be seen.

For what little it's worth, I don't see it going well for Creeper, anyway you cut it, bad PR. And in the meanwhile, Philly BLM's decided to actively campaign for Trump. 

According to Forbes, Joe's wealth stands at a paltry $9 million, not much for a progressive socialist.

Good lookin' out,


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Will Trump Win?


Good question. No one knows, though the polls predict a Biden win just like they predicted a Hillary win. But the pollsters were wrong in 2016 along with all the experts and intellectuals. Trump was going to lose because he was a stupid buffoon. Then he won. What about this time. Let's have a look at Biden rallying in Georgia.

Wow. Powerful, right? So patriotic. That'll win the election.

Then there's Trump. He's obvs desperately behind in the polls. Don't say enthusiasm gap.

In related news, you may have watched Tucker interview Bobulinski, exposing the seething mass of corruption that defines our elite governance. Or perhaps you enjoyed Joe Rogan interviewing/riffing Alex Jones this evening. Watch the whole thing or cut in around the 1:15 hr mark or, for aliens 2:30. Awesome, and don't tell me AJ's not a National Treasure.

Then again, perhaps you're an anglophile and want to enjoy the BBC's "Working Class Ghost Hunts." Anon, fame! Well done, and readers, draw the parable as you will.

Your Old Friend,


Monday, October 26, 2020

Amy Coney Barret Confirmed

Just in. Catholic constitutionalist Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed by the Senate. She'll take up her place on SCOTUS shortly, cancelling out Justice Epstein's Island Roberts.

A blow for liberty against the big tech, big corporate, big media, bankster corrupt establishment? Yes, in short, a spear in the eye of the Illuminati NWO and their bought and paid for puppet shills.

And on Hillary Clinton's birthday too, to boot. Savor the moment. Here's a video:

As Marxists wail and gnash their pointed, revolutionary teeth, we salute you. Well done, ACB, and thank you Mr. President.


It Began to Rain


Yes, it's raining as I type this letter from the front, the front of our War Against The Weather (WATW). But unlike Wales, the Republic of Texas allows its citizens to leave their homes and buy things, or just drive around or even walk about outside. 

You can't do that in Wales because buying things, driving, and walking in the land of the leek will give you the China virus and then you'll die, except that you won't. Instead, you have to stay at home and work hard at not killing everyone in your miserable bedsit.

Can't Buy Things in Wales or You'll Die

In other news, the Isle of Wight has apparently become a Mohammedan pirate haven. Just yesterday an oil tanker was hijacked by bloodthirsty corsairs to the east of the mysterious island, forcing the fabled Special Boat Service (SBS) to board and seize the ship. They did so in 7 minutes, quick work by anyone's standard. Well done. Anonymous, if you were in on it, congratulations.

Left: Isle of Wight Pirate Haven. Right: Tanker Captured by Pirates Seen From Pirate Haven

Speaking of anonymous, one reader has questioned the reality of Clown Masses. Is this for real? Is seeing believing or some kind of twisted satire? No, it's all true and plays to the point that clowns have taken over the cathedral. Here, look at this, from from Southwark:

A Typical Worship Scene in Southwark Cathedral

But more on the ecclesial clown phenomena later. In the meanwhile, as warming chili simmers in the pot, I leave you with zombies.


Be safe, we're all in this together!



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Good and Bad


Good and bad? You see, there's a difference. On the one hand there's good and on the other, there's bad. Sometimes the two different things masquerade as the same thing, we see this in politics and also in the church. Here, look at this.

That's the bishop figure of London, pretending to be something good, a bishop, which she doesn't believe in anyway. Bad. And here's a couple of clowns celebrating Yewkrist at Trinity Wall Street.

Sinister, don't you think? Go on, receive unholy communion from the clown; sorry about the children, they don't deserve such abuse. But it doesn't have to be this way. There are alternatives.

You can worship God without blasphemously clowning around. Good. It's been done for a few thousand years and's still going on today. Perhaps you need to search it out, it can be hard to find, but it's there and it's worth it.

I say worth it, maybe you'd prefer something else, something more attune to the spirit of the age, something like this:

Why? Because, you know, wymxn priests are gonna fill the pews. Speaking of which, church attendance in England continues to plummet.

At the time of writing, the number of old wymxn on the venerable Church of England's Bench of Bishops is unknown. 

Your Pal,


Friday, October 23, 2020

Message to Democrats - Walk Away


C'mon man! Do the right thing and walk away. You'll feel better for it, just you wait and see.





President Trump unleashed a storm of indignation and outrage when he stated in last night's presidential debate that children were smuggled into the United States by "coyotes."

“How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking,” blasted Georgia State Representative Dar'shun Kendrick on social media.

Other Blue Check celebrities took up the cause, ripping Trump for ignorance and stupidity. 

But here at the Compound we have to ask, do these influencers have no knowledge of basic zoology? Coyotes are very capable of taking children, even infants, across our southern border.

Gingerly, in their teeth.

Fast, at a run!

On their backs.


Have these people lost their minds, is someone bribing them to be so incredibly stupid, are they mind-bendingly ignorant, or all of the above? Whatever the case, we want to help, charity demands it. So here's a helpful infographic:



Thursday, October 22, 2020

Presidential Debate


Did you watch Biden's scripted, stumbling, lying, fakey, fraudulent, unconvincing, pathetic, weak, pale, corrupt, inconsequential, China scripted attempt to debate Trump? Remember the sinister Urfa Man? 

Wow, that's your boy, Democrats. To say nothing of Alpha meets Beta.

E Pluribus,


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Love Long Range Shooting

someone else's guns

OK, now that I've experienced the awesome enjoyment of shooting successfully out to 1000 yards I've decided that I love it with a passion and want more of it. The appetite, as it were, has found the thing pleasing and wants to enjoy it. This means getting a long range, precision rifle and associated optics.

Is this amor amicitiae ("the love of friendship" or of willing the good of the other for its own sake) or amor concupiscentiae ("the love of fervent desire," and of a good for the beloved)? Both, surely. You apprehend the beatitude of long range shooting and the good, in this case an awesome rifle, to make it happen. And all because, according to Aquinas, you first love yourself.

In recognizing something's good for you, say long range shooting, you see it as good in itself and want the best for it. Its value is your value and so you give yourself to it, in a movement of the heart and mind which is paradoxically the reverse of egotism. Or something like that, such is love. But what about that gun, eh?

J with a gun

Good question. J came by the manse and I asked his advice, "Maybe I should get one of these out of the box precision guns, like a Ruger or a Bergara or something like that?" His answer was, "No, they don't hang with a custom build. What you've got to do is look out for a used one. You can save hundreds of dollars."

Interesting and I think it bears a means test, which is this. Get a reloading press and associated kit, probably a Rock Chucker, and see if I have the commitment to get into precision ammo. Because if you don't, you probably don't have the commitment to invest in a precision, long range rifle. The shared value or commonality isn't there.

Does that make sense?

Gun Rights,


Tuesday, October 20, 2020



Love, says the Angelic Doctor compactly, consists in willing the good of another. God is this, in perfection, in himself (1 Jn. 1:18). We see the truth of revelation in the Trinity where Father, Son and Spirit live in an eternal dynamic of infinite love. But what are we to this? 

Nothing in comparison, though we're commanded to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. Where does this take us? To nothingness again, which paradoxically becomes something, namely our true selves. We see the thing casually; the person who forgets themselves in conversation is more entertaining than a faked-up fraud.

I found this helpful, by Peter Kreeft:

Nothing is ours by nature. Our very existence is sheer gift. Think for a moment about the fact that you were created, made out of nothing. If a sculptor gives a block of marble the gift of a fine shape, the shape is a gift, but the marble's existence is not. That is the marble's own. But nothing is our own because we were made out of nothing. Our very existence is a gift from God to no one, for we were not there before he created us. There is no receiver of the gift distinct from the gift itself. We are God's gifts. So the saints are right. If I am nothing, nothing that is mine is anything. Nothing is mine by nature. But one thing is mine by my free choice: the self I giveaway in love. That is the thing even God cannot do for me. It is my choice. Everything I say is mine, is not. But everything I say is yours is mine. When asked which of his many library books he thought he would have in heaven, C.S. Lewis replied, "Only the ones I gave away on earth and never got back." The same is true of our very self. It is like a ball in a game of catch: throw it and it will come back to you; hold onto it and that ends the game.


And Farrer as always is beautiful:

Even today, when we pray, the hand of God does somewhat put aside that accursed looking-glass, which each of us holds before him, and which shows each of us our own face. Only the day of judgment will strike the glass for ever from our hands, and leave us nowhere reflected but in the pupils of the eyes of God. And then we shall be cured of our self love, and shall love, without even the power of turning from it, the face that is lovely in itself, the face of God; and passing from the great Begetter to what is begotten by him, we shall see his likeness in his creatures, in angels and in blessed saints; returning at long last the love that has been lavished on us, and reflecting back the light with which we have been illuminated. To that blessed consummation, therefore may he lead all those for whom we pray, he who is love himself, who came to us at Bethlehem, and took us by the hand.


Love not hate,