Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dove Hunt

There's been a lot of horse lately, but not much gun. So loaded a shotgun in the truck and went in search of a more balanced life.

This meant walking the treelines in search of dove, and the method's simple, if not easy. Walk up on a tree with dove in it, and when they fly out of the tree like Exocet missiles, shoot them. At first there were no doves, although there were spiders.

Then the avian acrobats burst out of a tree! One round off, no birds down, and in fairness to me they were going fast at the outer limits of my range. So I headed over to a dried-up creek and hunkered down for a bit, listening to someone making a rabbit distress call somewhere off to my left, in the brush. For the benefit of coyotes, probably.

After shooting a snake, I climbed out of the creek bed and headed towards a small clump of trees. If I was a dove, would I be in those trees? I asked myself, and figured yes, I would be. Sure enough they were, and exploded out of the tree as I got up on it. Big excitement, shots were fired, adrenaline up, and another miss. 

Berating myself for being slow off the mark, I walked back to my starting point and chased a few birds along the trees, but didn't get a shot in the autumnal 100 degree weather.

So. LSP 0, Dove 1.

This isn't over.


Muslims Say No To Justin!

No, not the shariasymp Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, but another Justin, Justin Beiber, the world-renowned boy star pop legend.

Beiber's latest album, Purpose, which features the young superstar with a cross tattoo on its cover art, has been banned by Muslim countries in the war-torn Middle East, as well as Indonesia.


You know me, I'm not a big fan of the religion of peace, and its version of a human be-in centered on Mecca. But maybe they have it right this time.

Speaking of which, the Russians are deploying their aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean in order to strike our allies, Al Quaeda & Co, in Syria and beyond. 

Carry on,


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ride On

RP's philosophy is, I have land and I have horses, so I'm happy to share it, and I'm grateful for that, so I took a couple of bales of Coastal and two sacks of feed to this evening's ride, by way of saying thanks.

It was a fast ride, which I like, though we stopped to take in the scenery from time to time. From the top of one hill you could just make out trucks moving along the hideous nightmare that is I35. It felt good to be on horseback, viewing it from afar.

There's a number of ponds, or tanks, on the ranch, and some fish to caught. There's also deer, coyote, pigs and snakes. I didn't see any, though there's a logic to horseback hunting.

Good Philosophy

The porcuswine, or whatever, are used to livestock and won't spook at a horse if you ride up quietly on them. That's your opportunity to take a scout rifle, or a lever gun from your scabbard and shoot.

In other news, Vladimir Putin has accused Obama and other Western leaders of being "oatmeal heads." You can read all about it in ZeroHedge.

Ride on,


The Church of Satan Meets in Cleveland

A group of clergypersons blessed a Cleveland abortion clinic last week, on the initiative of a Methodist minister, Laura Young. The blessing was carried out by the Dean of Cleveland's Episcopal Cathedral, Tracy Lind.

"Bless this building," prayed Lind, "May its walls stand strong against the onslaught of shame thrown at it. May it be a beacon of hope for those who need its services."


Young heads up the Ohio chapter of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), which described abortion clinics as "sacred space" on Twitter, stating, "Religious people gathered to bless that space of sacred decision making.‪#‎GodBlessTheClinics‬."

The RCRC is an enthusiastic supporter of the taxpayer funded abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, which was praised by a group of clergy for doing "God's work." In a statement released by the Planned Parenthood Clergy Advocacy Board, which has Episcopal Church representation, the group thanked abortionists, "People who work for Planned Parenthood give care and respect to those in need, doing God’s work. For this we are grateful.”

The Episcopal Church

What part of doing God's work does selling baby parts to biotech firms fall under? Perhaps killing unborn babies for profit somehow counts as a service to God? Perhaps it does, but let's not pretend it's the Christian one.

In the meanwhile, members of the Episcopal Church et al might like to consider their affiliation to Moloch.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Be Ready

Via Pastor Lusted: "Uncle Volodoya is strong!" says little Obama, sitting syriassly on Putin's lap. 

Have you noticed how no-one any longer cares, or thinks it odd, that the US is backing Al Qaeda in Syria? I always thought we were fighting a war against them, I guess The Weather took their place.

Anyway, we were, until the Russians started killing them all, and their evil twin Caliphate. Then we weren't.

Good job, foreign policy geniuses.



Blue Heelers scorn libs.


The Curse of the Diocese of Gloucester Strikes Again!

Rachel Treweek must have enjoyed the sweet smell of success when she was promoted to one of the ailing Church of England's top jobs, and became Bishop of Gloucester. She may not have realized that the troubled diocese labors under an ancient curse.

The curse is believed to go back to the seventeenth century, when Dean Laud aroused Puritan outrage by setting up altar rails in the cathedral.

Recent victims of the curse include former Bishop of Gloucester, Peter Ball, who was recently given a 32 month jail sentence for sexually abusing 18 young men between 1977 and 1992. 

Michael Perham, Bishop of Gloucester from 2004 to 2014, was also investigated for sexual abuse and retired from the poisoned See. He was later acquitted.

Now the curse appears to be claiming another victim. Within months of becoming Bishop of Gloucester, Rachel Treweek began receiving rotten meat and hate mail, following her plans to build 350 new homes on church land in an idyllic Cotswold village.

The development project, which stands to raise £3million for the cursed diocese, has been attacked by Willersey residents, who believe it will wreck the unspoiled village. Church officials were heckled at a town hall meeting earlier this month.

Perhaps, for Rachel, as she unwraps her rotting food parcels, the pleasant odor of promotion might not smell so good.

Adult Weekly Attendance in the Diocese of Gloucester fell by 8.4% between 2003 and 2012.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ecumenical Dialogue

Several of us were invited on a trail ride by one of the local Baptist churches, and off we went, after Mass.

The cavalry lined up for a photo while I was waiting for a trailer and a horse. Then we said a pre-ride prayer, hats off, and rode out.

A lot of the ride was through woods and the horses kicked up a storm of dust, which I found adventurous, in a Riders of Dune kind of way. But once out of the woods there was plenty of room and I went up and down the line of "follow my leader" riders. Sometimes at a gallop, sometimes not.


Bad form? I don't think so, but you don't want to get too carried away and run out and start a stampede. Fun for some, not for others.

Then, after a couple of hours, the ecumenical ride was over and we loaded the horses back into the trailers.

Don't be a Pathetic Lib Dupe Stooge of the NWO

I enjoyed everything about this experience, and it'll come in handy when civilization comes crashing down and you can't use your car anymore. Then the horse will rule.

God bless,


Friday, October 9, 2015

Don't be an Illuminati Stooge, Get Out And Ride

You can sit there reading the pathetically comsymp Guardian or the transsexual New York Times, whining about how gender is a construct, Islam is really peaceful and there aren't enough welcoming bathrooms, for all sexes

NWO Stooge Puppet

Sure, you can do that, as you sip your artisanal micro-brew; go right ahead. Or you can saddle up and go for a ride. I chose not to be an Illuminati stooge puppet of the New World Order and went for the latter option.

Typical Texas Street Scene

It was a beautiful evening, made all the better for heavy rain clouds, which appeared miraculously as I drove to my friend's ranch. It even started raining as I tacked up; God was surely smiling on this venture.

Mesquite Work-Out

We moved off briskly into the mesquites and I was curious to see how the horse would perform. Would she be willing and forward, or mutinous and backwards, balking and veering towards the comfort zone of the barn? She was a bit of both last time.

Good Horse

This time was different, she was very willing and a total pleasure to ride. We worked out around mesquites and trails and then moved to a big field and opened up. Walk, trot, canter, gallop, run! Then relax back down to a walk and do it all over again.

Horses Scorn Liberals

I took time to work on posting trot too; good for the horse's back, your stomach... and overall control. I know, posting is "English" but there's more than a few serious Western riders who advocate it. I texted one, a year or so back. Our conversation went like this:

"I'm going for a ride."
"You be careful."
"Don't worry, if it gets all tippy I'll hold on to the strange pommel thing."
"Saddle horn."
"Saddle horn?"
"Yes. Saddle horn. That's what we call it."
"Ah. I see."

Back to the Compound

My correspondent was a world champion bronc rider several years running and has forgotten more about riding than I will ever know. I respect that. A lot.

Ride on,


Thursday, October 8, 2015

It Stays! Oompa Loompa or Man?

Right thinking people everywhere are wailing and gnashing their teeth in dismay and confusion, at the prospect of John Boehner remaining as Speaker of the House.

He's orange, like an Oompa Loompa; he might even be an Oompa Loompa. Here's a photo, to help you decide.

John Boehner, weirdly orange human being, or Oompa Loompa?

You, the reader, be the judge.


March of the Dhimmwits

You might remember the lesbian Bishop of Stockholm, Eva Brunne, who wants to remove Christian symbols, such as crosses, from one of her churches and replace them with a Muslim prayer room, in order to make Mohammedans more welcome. Well here's another dhimmwit, this time from Canada.

Clergyperson Cheryl Toth, from the Anglican Diocese of Qu'Appelle, decided to wear a hijab "for a day" because she's upset about anti-Muslim "hostility."

"I am afraid that [the rhetoric] will increase hostility towards women who choose to wear a hijab, a niqab or a burka,” stated Cheryl in a Facebook post, and that her decision to wear a hijab will "contribute to the conversation."

So what does the dictionary say? The word dhimmi is an Arabic noun, "which refers to a non-Muslim living a restricted life as a second-class subject of an Islamic state." 

Dhimmis have to pay a special tax, the Jizya, but perhaps Cheryl and Eva won't have to worry about that. They're well on the way to "submission" already.

Remember, Islam's like Buddhism, but a whole lot more peaceful.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Battle of Lepanto

It's the 444th anniversary of the battle of Lepanto, in which a Mohammedan navy was destroyed by a smaller Christian force, led by Don John of Austria. It's a comparable victory to the lifting of the siege(s) of Vienna, and prevented the Jihad from invading Italy.

Here's an excerpt from Chesterton's Battle of Lepanto:

They gather and they wonder and give worship to Mahound.
And he saith, “Break up the mountains where the hermit-folk can hide,
And sift the red and silver sands lest bone of saint abide,
And chase the Giaours flying night and day, not giving rest,
For that which was our trouble comes again out of the west.
We have set the seal of Solomon on all things under sun,
Of knowledge and of sorrow and endurance of things done,
But a noise is in the mountains, in the mountains, and I know
The voice that shook our palaces—four hundred years ago:
It is he that saith not ‘Kismet’; it is he that knows not Fate ;
It is Richard, it is Raymond, it is Godfrey in the gate!
It is he whose loss is laughter when he counts the wager worth,
Put down your feet upon him, that our peace be on the earth.”
For he heard drums groaning and he heard guns jar,
(Don John of Austria is going to the war.)
Sudden and still—hurrah!
Bolt from Iberia!
Don John of Austria
Is gone by Alcalar.

Had the battle gone differently, Europe, and by extension the world, might look rather different today. I'd say we owe a vote of thanks to Don John.

God bless,