PS. Teufelslied.
You've been busy watching Pete Hegseth and Pam Bondi getting attacked by delta-minus semi-moron shrieking Democrats, so you may have missed this important news item. Viz. Influential Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin has accused Brigitte Macron of being a "Transgender Monkey." That's right, a transgender monkey.
Whoa. According to Politico, which is a smug, condescending, passive pugnacious agitprop tool of the NWO masquerading as a news service, two real French women were found guilty of libel last year after claiming Beloved Brigitte was a man. They've been fined over 8000 Euros. Message to market, transphobes, don't you dare tell the world that Brigitte's a man pretending to be a woman.
In the meanwhile, Aleksandr Dugin walks free, though his daughter was killed in an assassination attempt in 2022. If you're interested in Dugin's Fourth Political Theory, which posits an alternative to Liberal Capitalism, Communism and Fascism, here's a synopsis. Question. Is Dugin Berdyaev's successor? Possibly. But back to business. Is Brigitte really a transgender monkey?
My dear readers, all six of you, the camera doesn't lie. But as always:
Your Call,
One of the many things you can do in Dallas is go out to eat, something I hardly ever do, but today was an exception. I took Ma LSP and Sister #2 to a bistro in Knox Henderson, Toulouse. What a lot of fun, and the food was good to boot, in that French kind of way.
Mussels Mariniere for me, some kind of trout for my sister and onion soup for Ma LSP. Delicious, good service, pleasant trad bistro ambiance, and reasonably priced. What a pleasant change; go to Toulouse if you're in Dallas and want that kind of thing.
Mussels, trout and soup over, we strolled 100 yards to yet another bistro, the place is swarming with them. This one's called The Knox and might be a step up from Toulouse, with its open, airy interior, higher prices and most attentive staff. Not as boheme as Toulouse, if you know I mean.
Whatever, the place was pleasingly empty and we ordered coffee, sorbet and something called "Limoncello" for Ma LSP. Limoncello is a lemony liqueur, and it's Italian though evidently adopted by the French. Sister #2 remarked, "Limoncello is considered 'naff." I thought about this, "As in Essex, common? Yet here we are." Ha, ha. So that was fun, check out The Knox, if you're in the mood for yet more bistro style fun.
Then we strolled over yonder to Cole, made a left turn and ambled over to Sid Mashburn, which makes suits, bespoke and to measure. I was taken with a M2M, dark blue, 2 button, high twist, lightweight suit. English cloth, classic fit, and reasonably priced. + they have a gang of tailors in house to make the wretched suit measure or, if you want, make the beast from scratch.
I'll revisit that place and you might want to go too, if you're in the business of suits and all of that. If you do, ask for Roger, he's good and a friend of BW, sister #3. So there you have it, a fun day out with family in the Metrosprawl. Great Result.
Commanche Moon,
We're celebrating, here in Dallas. Why? Why not. Let's see what tomorrow brings, maybe a trip to Highland Park Village, the Biretta Gallery and Cafe Pacifico.
CP's bar area used to be like some kind of club, let the reader understand, and I've always liked it for that. "I say, let's have another bottle of champagne as opposed to socialist nonsense." Bar staff looks you straight in the eye, "But of course, Sir."
Heh. Word to the wise, don't get into fights with the locals, you might have to return to this place. Just a minor caveat, my dear friends.
Look at his bouffy hairdo, pricey specs and degenerate, saggy visage. Who is this persyn? It's Thierry Breton, former French European Commissioner. And what does Rainbow Thierry say? "We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary."
What an arrogant, smug, pugnacious, people-denying, bouffant, pricey spectacles, not fit for purpose EU Commissar. Thierry's net worth is at a respectable socialist 23MN$. No wonder he can afford that fabulous hairstyle and fancy specs, eh? So very rules based garden Europa order. Good work, Brexiteers, you're well off out of it.
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan, an epiphany in which God reveals himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Ghost, as a Trinity of divine persons. All well and good, more than that, a miraculous revelation of divine truth. But why, we have to ask, did Christ allow himself to be baptized by John?
After all, John's baptism was a matter of repentance; the Jews went down into the Jordan confessing their sins and arose, cleansed in the living waters of the river to a new life of righteousness. Death and rebirth, aptly summed up in the water itself, water which kills and gives life.
Excellent, but why did Jesus, who knew no sin, get baptized by John; he had nothing to repent of. The Baptizer says as much, "I should be baptized by you," to which our Lord replies, "So be it for now, to fulfill all righteousness."
To fulfill all righteousness, that being obedience to the Father's will. And what was the Father asking of Jewry? To be baptized, and Christ, representing the people as King of the Jews must be baptized too. But perhaps "represent" is too weak a word.
Jesus, the Word made Flesh, though sinless, assumes fallen human nature and it's this which he takes down into the depths of the Jordon. To death, if you like, only to rise up again from the waters, Spirit anointed. He does the very same thing at the Cross and Resurrection. His baptism, then, is a prefigurement of his redemptive action. Benedict XVI puts it well:
"Jesus loaded the burden of mankind's guilt upon his shoulders; he bore it into the depths of the Jordan. He inaugurated his public activity by stepping into the place of sinners. His inaugural gesture is an anticipation of the Cross."
And, we can add, the Resurrection. Right there on the Jordan, a place pf Exodus, God reveals his redemptive work in Christ, who in loving obedience to the Father will offer sinful humanity sinlessly upon the Cross as a perfect, atoning sacrifice.
All this, unveiled and prefigured at the outset of Jesus' public ministry, at the beginning of the road which will take him to Calvary and from there to resurrection, to new life in the power of that same Spirit which descended upon him in the waters of the Jordan.
That same Spirit who rests upon us who believe and are baptized in the name of the God who revealed himself to us in the Jordan as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Sometimes it's better in song, don't you think?
Thanks, Wild, for the tip, and if you want yet another catalogue of Luxury LA Leftist inanity check out Zero. Hint, it wasn't gross incompetence which caused that unfortunate city's fiery catastrophe, no, it was Climate Change. Obviously. It seems our misguided Californians hadn't paid enough Rainbowgeld to assuage their Old Enemy, the Weather.
what exactly does Elon and the people agreeing with him want the US to do?
— Andrew Morrison🇬🇧 (@AndrewAgent1806) January 6, 2025
Invade the UK and kill all the MPs?
I mean I wouldn't be adverse to your Air Force accidentally dropping a few bombs on parliament.
OK, invade Canada, as in a 14 day war in which Justine's emasculated rainbow legions fall and fall hard. But what about the UK? Good question.
The United, ahem, Kingdom suffers under the highest energy prices in the world, it's a place where you can gulag get locked up for thought crime and, lo and behold, its beloved rulers were and are importing Moslems in a furious bid to win, forever, at the ballot box.
Don't you be questioning our great replacement, white working class peons or off to Belmarsh you go. So what to do? Liberate the UK, obviously, but how. It's not as easy as rolling across our Northern border into Canada. What's the solution.
III Corps and a USMC Expeditionary task force embark on an Atlantic cruise with a couple of Carrier Groups, full steam ahead. In the meanwhile, SPACE FORCE takes out what's left of the UK's already risible armed potential. Who knows, maybe a Rod from God would take out No. 10 in that "taking out bad rubbish" kind of way.
The aftermath? III Corps and USMC land to the cheers and flowers of liberated citizens, who are at last freed from the tyrannous yoke of Corrupt Corporate Socialism. A beautiful ending, do you not think?
See you on the Terrace.
You might remember Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the BLM movement which went into paroxysms of hyperventilating rage when signature hoodlum George Floyd died of an overdose while under arrest. Chauvin's restraint hold aside, cash flowed into BLM's coffers like the mighty Brazos undammed, to the tune of millions, 90MN$ in 2020 alone.
Self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse didn't go short either, and went on a mansion buying binge at the height of BLM's PR moment in the sun, snagging up 3 ritzy homes in LA alone. To be sure, none of these millionaire socialist palaces were bought with BLM cash direct, but maybe Warner Bros. et al had a part to play.
Whatever, you might be asking, "How did the millions of virtue signaling Marxist dollars given to BLM benefit black people in the US?" You know, like at all. Scratch your head all you like and see if you can come up with an answer. In the meanwhile, Patrisse's burgeoning LA real estate empire has reportedly come to a fiery end, with, reportedly, 2 of her 3 palatial Bolshevik palaces burned to the ground.
Rumors that Cullors practices and advocates African witchcraft are entirely that, rumors, and doubtless vicious to boot. She/her resigned from BLM leadership in 2022 after financial scrutiny.
Babylon's Burning, and if so, will insurance cover the bill?
Fire Away,
Everyone knows it's time to invade Canada and set the people of the land of the ice and snow free from rainbow tyranny. Sure, we get it, but how? Big Serge lays out a possible scenario, with US forces moving swiftly to isolate the Toronto/Montreal urban corridor from Canadian reinforcements. Here, check out his projection:
When Trump invades Canada, the key will be rapid advances in the opening 48 hours to take advantage of Canada's odd force disposition.
The country's political and economic center of gravity is the urban corridor from Toronto to Montreal, but a significant share of the Canadian Army is dispersed, with large garrisons in Quebec, Halifax, and the western provinces. Only handful of brigades are garrisoned in the critical theater.
The war will be won quickly and decisively, without massive destruction of Canadian cities, if American forces can establish blocking positions to isolate the urban corridor from peripheral Canadian garrisons. In this maneuver scheme, we utilize highly mobile elements including 1st Cavalry Division and airborne forces to block the highways into Toronto, while an eastern screening group isolates the urban centers from reinforcements scrambling in from Quebec.
We envision inserting HIMARS at operational depths via Chinook slings, saturating Canadian road traffic with rocketry. A mobile firebase ("Firebase Maple") will be established north of Toronto near Lake Simcoe that will have a dominant position over the city's northern approach.
With reinforcements unable to scramble into the critical theater and Toronto severed from the cities in the eastern corridor, the Canadian 31st and 32nd Brigade Groups will be isolated and destroyed. Unconditional surrender is anticipated within 14 days.
A quick and decisive 14 day war. But what about the West Coast and Alberta? That's easy, we roll out of Montana, perhaps with I Corps and associates, join with Albertan friendly forces and swing West to block any nonsense from BC while Battlegroup East does it's work.
"We have a contingency plan to invade Canada??"
— no context west wing (@LemonLymancom) January 6, 2025
It's not just the UK, it's all across Europe, and who would have thought it. Import the third world for votes and cheap labor and become the third world. On point, the UK's beloved ruling elite in Parliament have declined to open an inquiry into their constituents' proclivity for r*pe. That'd be Islamophobic, they howl pathetically, all the way to their imported ballot boxes.
Europe, you may recall, has a certain precedent when it comes to disliked ethnic minorities. But maybe this is incendiary, maybe if Elon Musk and Reform MPs simmer down all those Moslem savages will integrate pleasantly into beautiful Garden Europa and we can happily coexist forever ever after, sempiternum. On the other hand, people might snap and snap hard.
Do you remember, punters, that everything the Left does produces the exact opposite of its intended result?