See what I'm sayn'?
Best thing I’ve seen today.
— πΌπ. π»π΄π°π³ππ»πΈπ½πΆπ΄π (@Lead_Flinger) November 17, 2024
See what I'm sayn'?
Best thing I’ve seen today.
— πΌπ. π»π΄π°π³ππ»πΈπ½πΆπ΄π (@Lead_Flinger) November 17, 2024
Moving on. Look, Josephine! Here's the sound track:
They say she had rotten teeth. Whatever.
Iron Duke,
PS. This inconsequential mind blog stands thoroughly for our farmers, unlike UKGOV, which doesn't.
It's been a struggle, and whoever said it wouldn't be, the enemy is well entrenched, but there's light at the end of tunnel. Yes, my dear friends, there is. Check it out.
Persevere, what?
Your Pal,
Do you remember Leo XIII's 1890s Bull Apostolicae Curae, proclaiming Anglican Orders "null and void" due to defective form and intent? Sure you do, but you may have forgotten the unofficial reply of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Saepius Officio, written in Latin. (sorry, can't find text online)
Regardless of the merits of Temple and Maclagan's argument, and I think it's strong in its context, can you imagine such a document being written today by the COE's hierarchs? Of course you can't, it's unthinkable. All this to say nothing of the current wickedness enthroned in Rome. Behold, gentlemen and women, devolution. We just ain't so smart as what we used to be. Perhaps getting rid of the DOE will help.
In happier news, Sgt. LSP called yesterday to announce 1. He's reenlisting and wants to fill out a Drill packet 2. Engaged 3. Fiance getting baptized 4. Is now a Knight of Columbus who, curiously, thinks some Anglican Orders valid. What can we say?
Laus Tibi Domine,
Remarkable footage of a Lancet loitering munition hitting a Ukrainian team. Like... what? Like this is a whole new phase of warfare and it's terrifying. I hope those guys got out of there alive but know some didn't.
More than that, I hope the people responsible for this slaughterhouse, and it is, should be held accountable. Victoria Nuland, we're not looking at you, not for a second.
What utter satans,
There it is, Texas, under a big blue sky. And I tell you, it was good to be out on my friend's ranch, which is pretty unreconstructed apart from the neat house he's built on the ancestral land. Yes, it has a tower, important for overwatch, and's built of stone as opposed to brick. I'll send photos next time I'm back, it's a substantial house.
In the meanwhile, we enjoyed a brunch send-off for a church woman who's leaving for Weatherford. What a good person! Worldwide champ barrel racer in the '80s and President of the WPRA, which would pretty much make her totus orbis Head of the Cowgirls. Like no kidding. She's also been Senior Warden of Mission #2 and I could not have wished for a better person in that role, to say nothing of a friend.
Ranch brunch over, I headed back to the Compound along the strip of rural wasteland that is HWY 22 and thanked God for His goodness. Beautiful country, outstanding people, no rainbow garbage and a great moon overhead.
God Bless,
What a band. Don't say Bob Weir's shorts.
You're racked with spasms of rage, weeping, denial, unnamable fear and yet more shrieking and crying. All because literal Hitler Kremlin asset is coming to get you, to hunt you down; it's a living nightmare. Fortunately there's a service to make it all OK, to make it better, Don't Cry Cryo:
Go on, trust the science, and thanks Big Pharma.
The West? Not so much, coz we've off-shored it in joy of asset-strip profit. This means, roughly, that Russia can produce tanks, guns, shells and planes at approximately war-time scale and we can't. Our miserable proxy is suffering accordingly. See Kupiansk and everywhere else. Also, some reported 20,000 volunteers are joining up to fight in the SMO a month. Ukraine? Not so much. Now ask yourselves this.
How much money did our beloved rulers get out of this bloodbath? How many people became even richer than they already were because we broke the Minsk Accords? Many. And all for what? In an insane grifting gamble against Russia. Like wow, come back Napoleon, all is forgiven. Anyway, let's see how this worm turns.
LL offers some basic analysis. Bear in mind that he's a total patriot and no friend of Russian expansionism, also a realist, which is apparently a rare thing in the West. Click link for graphics and all of that:
There are many reasons why Vladimir Vladimrovich wanted to seize Ukraine for Russia. Among those were the population of ethnic Slavs who could be integrated into Great Russia, which has a severely declining population. It is a large European country with a population of 44.13 million (2020. )
As the picture (right) illustrates, it is strategically positioned on the planet. If you’re a Russian, the concern that it would join NATO makes sense.
Beyond that:
The first uranium reserves in Europe.
Second place in Europe, 10th place in the world in titanium reserves;
Second place in terms of manganese ore reserves discovered in the world (2.3 billion tonnes, i.e. 12% of the world’s reserves);
Second largest reserves of iron ore (30 billion tons);
Second place in Europe with regard to mercury ore reserves;
Third in Europe place (13. place in the world) in natural gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)
Seventh place in coal reserves in the world (33.9 billion tons)
The first in Europe in terms of land under cultivation;
Third place in the world (25% of the world) with regard to black barren soil (cherjoznom);
Ranked first in the world in the export of sunflower and sunflower oil;
Second place on Earth for barley production fourth place in barley for export;
Third biggest producer and 4th largest maize exporter;
Fourth largest producer of potatoes;
Fifth largest producer of rye;
Fifth largest production of honey (75,000 tons);
The eighth largest wheat exporter;
Ninth largest exporter of chicken eggs;
Sixteenth largest cheese exporter;
First in Europe in ammonia production;
Eighth largest in terms of the installed capacity of nuclear power plants;
Third largest exporter of iron
Fourth largest exporter of turbines for nuclear powerplants.
Fourth of the world largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;
Fourth larges exporter of clay;
Fourth world titanium exports;
Tenth largest producer of steel.
And the Big Guy only wanted 10% for himself…
Ukraine is losing the war. The weight of numbers is telling against them. Congress is trying to hold back the red hoard with taxpayer dollars, but the tide is turning. Russia is gaining leverage for a negotiated peace. The US Congress needs a reality check before they write another $200 billion check.
I 100% agree.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Sceptered Isle, it's a great place but things seem to be getting pretty nutty in the UK right about now. I mean, really.
Archbishop of Canterbury Justsin Welby has resigned because he was found out covering up egregious pedo sex crimes. Oops, how many more mitred heads will roll and who will replace these establishment lib malfeasants? Good question. Then there's the laughable floppy haired Old Etonian BoJo threatening to send what's left of UKLF to Ukraine. Excuse me?
Not to be outdone, Two-Tier Kier's Labour Government has declared war on the country's farmers with a new inheritance tax that'll wipe out family farms. Own 200 acres and want to pass that on to your kids? Sure, go right ahead if your estate can soak up a 40% tax hit; sorry, kulaks, you've got to go, Net Zero ain't cheap. Word to the wise, the UK produces something like 1% of the world's carbon emissions, nobody cares.
On topic, Two-Tier waxed lyrical at COP 29 in Azerbaijan the other day, pledging the UK to 81% less CO2 emissions by the 2035. Guess what, Brit punters, that means you're gonna have to eat less meat and dairy because that produces methane which will destroy fragile Planet Gaia. Now maybe you're beginning to see where the war on farmers comes in. But that's not all.
It wasn't mental health.It wasn't the far-right.It wasn't racism.It wasn't drugs.It was Islam. Again. #Southport— Peter Lloyd (@Suffragent_) October 29, 2024
Some of you may remember a Rwandan Moslem who wasn't a Moslem but then became a Moslem again and went knife jihad on a kiddy party a month or so ago in Northern England, prompting wholesale looting of Greggs sausage rolls, general mayhem and a Government crackdown on HATE. Yes, online HATE.
It's a real issue, all these people posting mean things on the internet, against Moslems, an apparently open border, and all of that. So, determined to put a stop to HATE, if not stabbings, Tier's Stasi have raided 100s of homes over the last week alone, to interview enemies of the State perpetrators of HATE for Non Criminal Hate Crimes. One of them was a Telegraph journalist who made the serious error of posting a mean tweet a year ago. Less of your lip, missy.
There's way more but suffice to say, it's a generally bad idea to mess with farmers. It's like, you know, they grow all your food and stuff, and now they're threatening to go on strike and block the ports and roads because they don't want to be put out of business in favor of solar panels, windmills and industrial Ag.
You'd think, dear readers, all two of you, that the UK was a lesser mirror of the corrupt malfeasance and shenanigans we've had to put up with in the States for far, far too long. I pray it's put right.
Disgraced floppy haired Etonian and former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told the world that Great Britain will send it's pathetically small and ineffective armed forces to defend the Deep State's money laundering scheme in Eastern Europe.
Now look. BoJo used to be good for a congenial brandy and soda in the '90s at the Lit Review. BUt this is ridiculous. Maybe, Great Britain, you might want to actually have an army before you threaten war? In the meanwhile, Putin quakes as BoJo's Battalions get ready to roll to the line of contact.
So watch out, Russkie AUTOCRAT, BoJo's comin' to gitchoo.
PS. Bad week for Eton and the Trav, what? See Welby.
PPS. Please stop sayin AUTOCRAT everyone, it's annoying and stupid.