See you at Whites and twice as fast,
Moving on. Look, Josephine! Here's the sound track:
They say she had rotten teeth. Whatever.
Iron Duke,
PS. This inconsequential mind blog stands thoroughly for our farmers, unlike UKGOV, which doesn't.
Ici. Patria Nostra.
La Mort c'est la Vie,
PS. How'd that fat guy get through selection?
PPS. Back in the mists of time we had a corporal in HQ Battalion who'd fled the Gloucesters for the 2nd Rep, for "some action" and then caught religion, jumped ship and handed himself in to UKLF. Pending trial for his infamy he served as acting corp, he'd give orders in French, "Soldats!" Good man and now, I believe, an Anglican Deacon somewhere in England. So.