Monday, September 23, 2024

P Diddy

Have you heard of genius pop mogul rapstar P Diddy, aka Sean Combs? Perhaps you have, Diddy's a big fan of the DNC, boosting Obama, the Magic 0, Hillary and, lately, Deep State Kamala. But here's the thing. Diddy, bless him, was apparently running some kind of supercharged celeb sex ring. Per Breitbart:

According to the Tampa Bay Times, the alleged parties, a.k.a. “Freak-Offs” or “F.O.s,” occurred at some of the swankiest hotels in Miami, Atlanta, New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. “Sex parties so brutal that the young women and men lured into attending them would often vomit and pass out from being drugged, beaten and raped, sometimes for hours on end,” the outlet described them as.


That's our Diddy. He's been denied bail and we have to wonder at the blackmail list. Behold your beloved rulers? Good luck. And of course Harry and Meghan aren't part of this, at all. Diddy's on suicide watch in gaol, go figure. Maybe the cameras will magically turn themselves off.

Don't say Epstein,


Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Feast of St. Matthew


Today's the Feast of St. Matthew, a wicked tax collector who repented and followed Christ, much to the disgust of the self-righteous, hypocritical Pharisees. But what can we say? Christ tells us, "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." (Lk 15:7) 

Such a powerful warning and also an encouragement, the latter being that there's hope for us yet, think of Matthew himself or worse yet, the thief on the cross who turns to Christ in his death agony, "Remember me, Lord, when you come into your kingdom," only to receive the reply, "Today you will be with me in paradise."

What a corrective against the hideous, judgemental, pride of the Pharisee. By all means hate the sin, and we should, not least our own, but love the sinner. Matthew is an example of the effect of such grace.

O ALMIGHTY God, who by thy blessed Son didst call Matthew from the recipt of custom to be an Apostle and Evangelist; Grant us grace to forsake all covetous desires, and inordinate love of riches, and to follow the same thy Son Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


Here endeth the Lesson,


Thursday, September 19, 2024



First it was pagers, those totally forgotten by everyone bar Hezbollah comms devices. There you are, in Beirut, fixing to page your ter pal and then, boom. Dam, who knew Mossad had rigged your pager to the Hezzy supply chain, but they had. Bad day for Hezzy, no doubt about it, but was it over, like Joe Biden or a bad Taylor Swift song? No, the op intensified.

Yesterday saw walkie talkies, cell phones, solar panels, radios, household appliances, you name it, all exploding on our Jihad pals in Lebanon. What can we say? A brilliant op, no doubt about it, and it reminds me, on a lesser scale, of a Sergeant back in the '80s.

Our convo went something like this: "There we were. We knew the shooter's location and his weapon. All we had to do was swap out his ammo with rounds that'd explode in the chamber. Boom, job well done. But command said no."

I guess that Irishman got lucky, Hezbollah? Not so much. RWA comments: "The way this operation combines truly malicious cruelty and personalized precision is real art, perfect terror attack. The demoralization alone must be worse than the kinetic impact."

Quite. Leaving aside the knotty issue of the safety of your electronic devices, will they explode if you post a mean tweet, what's your take on Israel's latest Lithium Offensive? Mine is this. If I were Israel facing an existential threat (Thank God you're not - Ed.) I'd go full on defeat the enemy, no holds barred. Pagers, walkie talkies, smart fridges, EVs, phones, tablets, wifi speakers, you name it, all fair game.

Point being, if you're in a state of war, see Israel Oct 7, do it to win. That said, does Operation Pager cross the line into unjust war and ethically invalidate itself. I don't think so, but you might. Feel free to disagree.

Advance to Contact,


Wednesday, September 18, 2024



C'mon, LSP, those old chairs aren't gonna respray themselves! Ain't that the truth, and they are old, a set of Francois Carre chairs which belonged to, I think, my great great aunt great grandmother. Or something like that. Carre patented the design in 1866 (!) and it became popular in the 1920s and '30s, on account of its Deco style, and the chairs were made in the US into the 1940s. I think mine are '30s, but that's a guess.

O Miserable Offender

Regardless, they grace the front porch of the Compound now, doing their bit to lift the tone of the place. But, and here's the thing, they're made of metal, notoriously, and what happens to metal when it's exposed to the elements on a Texan porch or any other porch? It rusts.


This means you have to take care of the chairs, maintain them, lest they oxidize themselves to death like, say, Detroit or the US Navy. That in mind, I met the issue head on with a scraper, 100 grit sandpaper and Rustoleum industrial grade white enamel spray paint.

1st Coat

It's a fun job, if you like scraping rusty old paint off of metal chairs, sanding them down, cleaning them off and applying spray paint in pretty much triple digit heat. But the end result? Most satisfying, it feels good to restore beautiful things, even if they're only chairs. 

So, one down, two more to go. And I know, do it properly fella and take the metal beasts to a shop for a sandblast and maybe a powder coat. Hey, that's for later. In the meanwhile, DIY.



Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Oops - No More Kebob For You


Look, all we we were trying to do was set the time, you know, across the board, and then... boom. Sorry, no more kebob for you.  See, what they did was remote explode all these Jihad pagers, that's right, they, big international Jihad, were using encrypted pagers to talk. Now they're not, they're all Jihad exploded, all three thousand of them. What a bad day for Hezbollah, what a good day for Israel.

Who uses pagers anyway? 

Your Old Pal,


Monday, September 16, 2024

Missed Again


So here we are, another day, another assassination attempt on EL SENOR. OK, to be expected and par for the course, but this time the would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh wasn't a sad, bullied, gender dimorphic DemTeen, but a 56 year old Ukromaniac DemBoomer with full blown TDS. So much so that he went larping as a sniper with a view to shooting Trump while he played golf.

The whole thing's curious, to put it mildly. Yesterday's Trumpian golf play was apparently "off the record," so how did Routh get access to 45's occult schedule? In similar vein, Routh was rejected by UKR authority to serve in the International Legion but attempted to recruit soldiers, not least Afghans, to fight against Russia. 

He worked in Kiev and met with the Helsinki Commission in DC to achieve that end, and even featured in an AZOV recruitment video, no less. See below. That in mind, how was he not known to our Beloved Rulers; Vindman, no one's looking at you, not for a second. But here's the thing.

Why are all these assassin wannabes so utterly rubbish. Remember how the semi-troon tried to take out 45 with some kind of AR, clearly visible from a roof? And now Routh, who so desperately wanted to get kinetic despite never having served, much less fought; well, there he is, on a golf course, with an SKS. Excuse me, that's your sniper rifle?

Don't get me wrong, I love shooting my SKS, big fun, awesome weapon, and the bayonet's fun to stab dinner tables with, but pro-assassin sniper rifle? No, it is not. So what's up with this. Is there a bad, bad competency crisis at US agency level or... was this a UKR GUR FSB hit job, run independently of their US handlers? Per Armchair Warlord:

Second assassination attempt on Trump in two months.  This time - allegedly - by someone deeply involved in recruiting foreign fighters for Ukraine.


And if the GUR or SBU are implicated in this plot, Putin needs to take a number and move to the end of the line.


Or something like that. In the meanwhile, EL SENOR lives to fight again another day and monumental, industrial scale TDS has been arrested and charged with firearms offences. Huh, far out, the news cycle doesn't get any less weird.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Over


You were going to vote Trump like a sorry fool and then that dream died. Yes, smash hit celebrity superstar Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala, the Candidate of Joy. Wow, now all you idiot Nazis will have to change your vote from the Orange Fuhrer to La, who is not a Kackling Whore. So take that, autocrat Fascists, it's over.

In related news, Russian strongman Valdimir Putin has told the world that deep strike attacks by Western supplied and guided missiles on Russian territory would be counted as an act of war. Let that sink in, an act of war. Two questions.

1. Can we fight such a thing, given off-shored manufacturing and more seriously 2. Should we fight it at all. 

In answer to the first, I'd argue doubtful. To the second? Why should any American soldier lose his life in defense of Blackrock? Why should anyone at all die so that Larry Fink & Co can get even moar richer than they are already?

You know, because if Russia wins in the Ukraine there'll be this trans genocide and everyone in Europe will live in the Soviet Union and have to go to church and worship icons instead of going to trans bathrooms. And Blackrock and its buddies will lose a whole lotta cash.

Genius celeb Taylor Swift's socialist, private jet net worth is estimated at 1BN$. Not shabby!



Saturday, September 14, 2024

The True Cross


Today's the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. You may recall that Constantine's Mother, Helena, recovered the True Cross in Jerusalem, where it was rightly venerated until the heathen Persians sacked the Holy City in the early mid-7th century. Emperor Heraclius retook it in 628 AD, only for the savage Moslems to overtake his victory and conquer the holy city in 638 AD.

Heraclius, perhaps the last of the classical Roman Emperors, saved the Cross from Mohammedan fanatics, however, a large fragment remained in Jerusalem and was rescued by the first Crusaders, who venerated the relic and took it into battle with varying degrees of success.

I find the history or legend of the relic fascinating and compelling, that's me, but reflect on the words it points to, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." 

Again, "Whoever would save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it." And lest there be any doubt, "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Reflect on that.

Here endeth the lesson,


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just Cleaning Some Guns


Here's the thing, dear readers, guns are great but they're not going to clean themselves, and unless you get more and better servants you have to do the job yourself. Such is life, and whoever said it'd be easy? Rigors of this mortal coil in mind, I took Break Free, cleaning rods, some kind of gun oil and all of that to a CZ 20 Drake and a Ruger American .22.

The CZ's new, and some say a 20's a gauge for LOSERS and GIRLS, as opposed to the mighty 12. I say no, there's nothing wrong with a 20. 1. It's light, quick to presentation 2. Doesn't bust your shoulder up 3. Get's the job done with elegant sufficiency. Or, as a UK punter put it, "If shotguns were invented today they'd be 20s." He has a point. Going after something larger than dove? Load a more powerful round. Hey now, plenty of that around. Thanks, shotgun tech.

In other news, I've been thinking, please don't laugh, and came up with a really good idea. Here it is: Let's INVADE RUSSIA. 

Like it? Pretty clever, right?



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lest We Forget


Apparently this:

Is equivalent to this:

In the mind of the Cackling Whore and her 

Thought Patrol Coaches. 

Is anyone fooled? I surely hope not, because if you are you're severely troubled, mentally. Just look at that guy with tattoos and bison horns, like the loathesome Jamiroquai. Yes, there he is, subverting OUR VERY DEMOCRACY, like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor but so, so very much worse.

Have you noticed the how the Left gets ultra shrill, superlative and histrionic about... nothing? Almost as though they need to manufacture crises to keep the fervor going.

Red October,