Friday, August 9, 2024

Alright Boys


How much is enough, what's you're break point, here there or anywhere? Whatever, just throwing it out there, take it easy, please don't extradite me, UK Rainbow Fag Cops.

Whatev, here's an inspirational video. Seen it before? See it again:

Mark my words and mark them well brothers, the above is prescient. You either get that or or you don't. Can you spot the glowies in the crowd? Well, it's not hard. Boys, word to the wise, train, train, train.

Clubland Forever,


Words Are Violence Or Are They


Have you noticed, dear readers, all two of you, that the Left, and it is the Left, have supercharged words? Perhaps you have. In the formerly united Kingdom of quondam Great Britain you can be arrested and sent to gaol for words. Say the wrong thing, go to prison, criminal. You can even, they threaten, be extradited. Yes, extradited to Belmarsh and put in solitary for WRONGTHINK, because of your words. Like wow, we've come to this. 

Granted, some words are nasty, I try to avoid them on this mind-blog, but still, does LSP writing SEND THEM BACK DEPORT THEM YOU TRAITORS = a punch in the face, an head butt or a glass inna face, Kray Twins style? Hardly. One is most definitely violent and the other is cognitive, an assault to the mind.

Sure, that can and does hurt, but are the two comparable? Imagine, if you like, 50 divisions of Putler's Thought Police Troll Farms spewing disinfo across the internet. Disaster. Just like the OPERATION BARBAROSSA, except that it's most obviously not.

Several things. First: The Left believes reality is a construct and so they attempt to govern it through speech. Resist this linguistic tyranny at every turn, it's bogus thought despotism. 

Second: People that don't believe in Truth will peddle lies, constantly. Again, resist this with the Truth. Cold hard facts wreak havoc with their rainbow Marxist, tin-pot Maoist imaginations.

Third: They're utter idiots. No, words are not violent, dumbasses, like a knife in the gut or a howitzer raining down hell on your position, so call them out. Just say no.

Fourth: Going to war over mere words betrays brittle insecurity. Take heart in that. If they weren't worried they wouldn't be taking refuge in WORD POLICE. For goodness sake.

you total fags

You get the point.

England Forever,


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tay Tay Jihad


What is it with Tay Tay, aka Taylor "Swift"? Is it her awesome, ahem, music, her mean little eyes, being a Nazi pin up, her vast wealth and matrilineal descent from Satanist Anton LaVey's wife, Zeena? Or maybe it's just the fact that she/her is a white woman singing. Who knows, but what we all know is this, Tay Tay is a veritable JIHAD MAGNET.

Just the other day a Rwandan savage went all stab Rwandan on a bunch of little girls pretending to be Taylor Swift, in Southport, which is a kind of depressed suburb in Northern England. Awful, and the frenzied immigrant bloodletting stirred up a reaction.

Yes indeed, all these Brits looting Gregg's for sausage rolls and associated shops for Crocs. They even did a psyop, threatening unrest in some 100 towns last night, and didn't turn up, leaving SkyNews to be attacked by roaming gangs of Jihadis and some unfortunate Labour councilor who's been ruined for "hate speech." But OK, that was formerly Great Britain.

Further afield, in beautiful, elegant, civilized Vienna Tay Tay was going to perform a series of "live shows," migraine inducing eyes and all, but what happened? A young Moslem and his buddies decided to go full Jihad and bomb/stab the Swifties at their concert venue.

Bad call, Aloha Snackbar, now you're looking at gaol forever, in Austria, as opposed to 72 virgins or whatever your savage creed dictates. And here's the thing, Beloved Rulers: Encourage millions upon millions of Jihad savages into your lands in favor of higher rents, lower wages, big time votes and what do you get? Disorder, incendiarism, riot and unrest. Problem? Solution, ban freedom of speech and CLAMP DOWN.

Ban words, all those hateful words, verboten. But do you think, in your heart of hearts, that that threat, and the gaol it intimates, will somehow soothe the literal anger of people who see themselves replaced by an influx of cheap(ish) vote invaders? Let's put it another way.

You don't believe in reality, because you're postmodernist Cultural Marxists, so you endeavor to fix reality by changing the language. Good work, ancien regime commie, all the pronouns are changed, and then reality rises up like a wall and you run full-splat into it. Or something like that.

Do you think, dear readers, that Europe's like a tinderbox, waiting to go off, as if a firework in a dry field? To say nothing of the States. Just a thought. That in mind, why does Tay Tay attract Jihad?

Your Call,


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

You Go Away For A Day


You Millionaire Commie Freaks

You take a day off from it all and look what happens. The Yen carry trade unwinds, margin calls, anyone? Crypto collapses. Iran promises retribution, the world waits. England continues to revolt, and our very own Kamala chooses a bizarre middle-aged gender queer champion leftie as she/her running mate. And that's not all, not by any means. 

Harvard, popularly known as Satan's Vatican, is offering courses on "Medieval Texts Through The Lens of Queer History." Per Harvard's BGLTQ office:

Through our work, we foster the inclusion, affirmation, and celebration of all BGLTQ identities and expressions. We strive to create a community where BGLTQ students can thrive and where all students are well-equipped to engage knowledgeably and compassionately with regard to gender and sexuality.


How very worth the vaunted Ivy League school's totally affordable tuition fees. You know, you emerge from the Kremlin by the Charles with your shiny new Queer Medieval history degree and get a great job, as a queer medievalist. What a great investment in higher learning.


Dear Lord, what have we become? The words idiotic, risible, degenerate, lying, gaslighting, blasphemous, profiteering clownshow spring to mind.



Sunday, August 4, 2024



Well we may be irregular, but that's all the more money on the monkey, what? Here's a video:

Is this the real deal or just a DEI show parade? Your call.

DLC Forever,


I Am The Bread Of Life


He, Jesus is the bread of life. Here's Farrer on the Sacrament:

The disciples indeed, who were still carnal, were amazed at the greatness of His virtue, they could not yet however recognise in Him the truth of the Divine Majesty. Wherefore it goes on, "For their hearts were hardened." But mystically, the toil of the disciples in rowing, and the contrary wind, mark out the labours of the Holy Church, who amidst the beating waves of the world, and the blasts of unclean spirits, strives to reach the repose of her celestial country. And well is it said that the ship was in the midst of the sea, and He alone on land, for sometimes the Church is afflicted by a pressure from the [p. 128] Gentiles so overwhelming, that her Redeemer seems to have entirely deserted her. But the Lord sees His own, toiling on the sea, for, lest they faint in tribulations, He strengthens them by the look of His love, and sometimes frees them by a visible assistance. Further, in the fourth watch He came to them as daylight approached, for when man lifts up his mind to the light of guidance from on high, the Lord will be with him, and the dangers of temptations will be laid asleep. (Bede, on Christ walking on the water)

God bless,


Saturday, August 3, 2024

The English Are Revolting


As in literally rising up in revolt against their GloboHomo Rainbow Rulers. Far out. Why? Ostensibly because a teenage Rwandan savage stabbed several little girls to death at a Swiftie little girl party, excuse me, is that a thing?, (Yes, LSP, it is, Ed.) along with several adults, and wounded 13 other people. Or something like that.

In other words, the Rwandan savage, he's 17, fell on those little kids with third world Rwandan blood lust ferocity, knifing them to death in his Rwandan rage. Some of you may remember the war they had there not so long ago, when such scenes were common. Genocide, they called it.

Regardless, there was the savage, ("savage" -- point made, surely, Ed.) from Cardiff curiously, is this a Welsh thing?, and there were the little children, pretending to be Taylor Swift. Granted, obnoxious, but what did the savage do? He pulled out his knife and killed those little girls because, you know, diversity is our strength. Like wow. Good work, UK Rainbow Ruling Class, now look at your GloboHomo Utopia. 

Unsurprisingly, the UK's up in arms, with riots in London, Southport, Aldershot, Leeds and all the rest. Two-Tier Kier Starmer's predictably condemned the people protesting their replacement and hasn't mentioned the savage(s) disturbed persyn who caused the riots in the first place. 

Well why would he? Why alienate all those imported Labour votes which you've been going after to replace and disenfranchise the gen. pop. who manifestly refuse to vote commie, see Cultural Marxism and Great Replacement. Ah, good call, but a gamble to boot.

Maybe the very pub going, chip shop, pie & mash serfs you hate, despise and loathe will rise up, in their millions. And guess what, you don't even have an army to protect you. Because you disbanded it. Because you knew it wouldn't support you and how likely is it that what little's left is going to fire on their literal brothers? So maybe the Police, in all its UK rainbow inclusivity will truncheon your extremist enemies to the ground like a herd of unicorns, hooves a thudding.

Situation developing,


Friday, August 2, 2024

The Day Before Surrender


And the video

I'm no AZOV fan but I found this haunting, you might too.

God bless,


He's Back


There's even a video:

Powerful, don't you think?




Welcome, dear readers, to our new sport in which men beat the hell outta women. Look here, girl, take that, and that until you leave the ring crying, like a pathetic, week, little girl.

Wow, we've come to this, and all in the name of tolerance. Tolerance, as in punch the hell out of a girl and watch her weep as her Olympic dreams are shattered by your man fists. Good work, rainbow warrior. You see, what's happening is the erasure of men and women. It'll be far easier to house a sexless drone of the hive mind in a facial recognition camp than it is to track a free citizen. 

That in mind, a random Welsh Negro (from Rwanda) went full stab in Southport, killing three young girls and wounding many others. Some, a few, Brits rose up against their replacement by Third World Savages (TWS) and took to the streets, where they were slammed by their rulers, led by a literal goddam Knight, like what?, as extremist terrorists. How dare you protest your replacement, serfs.

Quite, There you are, swapping and asset-stripping your country for money, profit and votes.  How dare anyone protest that. Maybe every Tommy Robinson everyman will wake up and hang you from the nearest lamp post.

Clubland Forever,