Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Fish On - Or Not


Thanks to our ongoing War Against The Weather it was cool this morning, only in the low/mid 80s. So whaddya do? After a brisk morning constitutional and Morning Prayer, 1928 BCP thank you very much on the front porch, head off to the lake. And that's exactly what happened.

Were the fish biting? Yes, they were, but not in a good way. These were ferocious little bites from ferocious little fish. Still fun on a light rod but hard to close the deal, and you start to feel like you're feeding the fish as they snatch and tug worms off your line. Huh.

Mildly annoyed at being a kind of food pantry for our aquatic adversary, I persevered and caught the main perpetrator, a ferocious little perch, a bait fish really, and I cast the little beast back into the depths on the end of the line as just that, bait. Did it produce a result?

It can do, no kidding, I've caught good sized striper from that very point using the exact same method, but today? No. Nothing. Yes, there were plenty of junior perch darting about but no mighty bass to catch them or be caught. Maybe the bass were sleeping after gorging on all the baitfish, maybe they were taking a Biden style nap after the rigor of actually waking up for the day, maybe, like our Commander in Chief, they weren't there at all.

Sensing that, with the sun now high in the sky, I headed across the dam to see if the legendary Lake Whitney spillway would yield up the goods. Sure enough, there was a cowboy fishing off the pier. You could tell he was a cowboy because he wore a straw hat and his flatbed truck had ranch brand logos on it. There he was, a cowboy, fishing.

not today, buddy

"How's it going, man?" I offered by way of piscine greeting, "Whole lotta bait fish here, like wow," and there were, great schools of shad and minnows. But he hadn't caught anything apart from a baby cat, and I commiserated with the tale of my baby perch, and off we went to cast again. With no luck whatsoever.

Sure, there were lots of shad, some large(ish), mid-sized gar floating lazily about the pool like submarines, a few buffalo carp being equally lazy, and none of them hitting on anything we put into the water. My cowboy pal left and I fished on, enjoying the clean Texan air, the sight of the mighty Brazos, and the sheer pleasure of being outside in the country. 

Must do more of that, most especially when the bass catch up to their watery prey. Hopefully that'll be soon. More anon.



Monday, July 8, 2024



Thanks to Hurricane Beryl crashing into our eastern shore it's unseasonably, blissfully cool here, only in the 80s. This is rare, remember, it's July, in Texas. Had someone bothered to do their duty to fragile planet earth and paid their carbon tax, had they obeyed the Pope himself? Perhaps, and I took advantage of this welcome lull in the War on Weather to stroll over to the square and from there to the supermarket.

Yes, we still have one, Brookshires, right in the center of this erstwhile cotton town which once numbered some 20,000 souls. It's now less than half that because we sent our cotton industry overseas to make moar money. But hold on. Not very far from me, on the way to the Pick 'n Steal Shamrock filling station, there's a house for sale.

It's been "done up" and looks pretty good, about the same age as mine but without the upper story. So there I was, strolling along the bucolic boulevard that is Franklin on my way to get coffee at the PNS, all the while admiring the refurb of this house. 

"Nice job on the house," I say to the woman hosing down a newly laid concrete walkway to the front porch. She's wearing a faded Billy Joel tour T shirt, which I recognize, dating us both, and she recognizes me, after all, I walk this path daily. So it's all very sunny hello. "So what's the price on the house?" I ask, genuinely curious, "They're asking 329k" she replies.

Like, wow. 329k for a pre-WWI bungalow with a single room attic upper story. Maybe, dear readers, I've misjudged the prosperity of our little town. And go figure, the same set up would be twice that in in Dallas, which is only an hour away in slow traffic. That in mind, why are there still so many vacant and semi-abandoned properties in the center of town?

Surely it'd make sense to convert these into places to live and restore civic life to the center of this place. Maybe you can picture it, a town square with shops and restaurants, with life as opposed to asset-stripped dereliction, and all watched over by our Confederate War Memorial, a stern and stoic soldier cast in stone. 


To be fair, some people are working towards this not inconsiderable goal, and good for them. Of course they're hoping to make a lot of money off the project, and I hope they do, but it's a bit of gamble. Will Dallas cash move south down I35 to LSPland? It is so far, in a small way. That in mind, where will the people who can't afford nearly half a million bucks to live in a bungalow actually live? Serious question.

Reverie over, I arrived back at the Compound from this latest recce patrol and all was well, the place still standing. We must thank God for his blessings.



Sunday, July 7, 2024



Let's have the Bosphorus back. Is that too much to ask? And yes, clear the Moslem threat, see Europe, Suez and the Red Sea. That said, hail, Ánna Komnēnḗ.

Salve and advance to contact, as you imagine what Christendom would have been if it breathed with two lungs.

Lament indeed,


What A Delicious Dish!


So tasty! Like no kidding, and we're talking about Beef Wellington, see Cav & Guards. All well and culinary good, you clubmen, but is there an alternative? Cheaper perhaps and almost as tasty? Some say there is. Here, have a look:

Thanks, RHSM, good call.

Groove, surely, is in the heart,


Saturday, July 6, 2024



Faithful & True

Perhaps you've heard of him, Archbishop Vigano, the now retired Papal Nuncio to the US. The same Vigano who's dared call out the satanic globohomo antics of the WEF, Deep State, and Vatican itself. He even asked the Swiss Guard to arrest our beloved Red Pope. Well, sorry buddy, he just got excommunicated for "schism." 

Keen-eyed readers will note Rainbow James Martin SJ has not been excommunicated, no, he's alive and flourishing, all the while flouting the Church's clear teaching on rainbow liaison. Why is one priest fired, by the Church, for teaching what the Church teaches, and another, who's basically an outright heretic, isn't? Don't say the Vatican is crewed by a gang of commie poofs.

In related news, the dear old Church of England is looking to pay 1BN£, that's right, a billion pounds sterling, by way of reparations for something it calls "chattel slavery." The venerable if entirely shrinking COE feels so white guilt about slavery that they're fixing to give someone or something a billion pounds. 

Fraud& Fool

That's a lot of money by UK standards, around a year of the pathetically dwindling denom's operating budget. And we have to ask, do they have a death wish, do they want to destroy the very Church they've been entrusted to serve? Maybe they do, if only, and I'm being polite, in peripheral vision. Why build up a Church you don't believe in when you can give its money to causes you do believe in, like Leftism. Quite.

That in mind, how many of the few remaining churchgoers in the COE will be inclined to give their money to the lib evangelical Welby edifice when they realize Church Central (Church Commissioners) is pouring cash into white guilt? 

To put it another way, "Why should I give my parish church a single penny when we're giving our entire yearly budget away in an act of risible, pathetic, self-destroying, malfeasant virtue signaling." Or something like that.

Perhaps, dear readers, the ancient if shrinking COE has forgotten it produced William Wilberforce. Surely they should be awarding themselves.

Your Old Pal,


Friday, July 5, 2024

Buckle Up


Do you think we're in for a rough ride? Better buckle up, eh? But perhaps you're disarmed, as in the UK. You know, because "safety." Perhaps you think your globalist masters, your Beloved Elite, will allow you to own anything, like farmland or a house. Maybe you need to think again, and arm up. Just a thought. Anyway, here's a helpful tune.





Is That Turnbull & Asser?

Thunder crashes, booming like guns on Ostfront Donetsk as rain splatters the back deck, blessed relief after the shock triple digit temps of the last couple of weeks. Relief, like no kidding. On theme, what's worse, heat or cold? I won't bet the monkey, that vicious beast, but I'll hazard cold. You can mostly survive in Texan heat, but Albertan -40? Not so much. Just a hazard.

Speaking of survival, the UK's just had elections and Labour, the Sceptered Isle's, cough, socialists, were swept into power by a low turn-out electorate. Something like 59% bothered to vote and they voted Red because they hated, loathed and despised the conservative-in-name-only party. 

Who can blame them. Yes, but look what you've got now, not so united kingdom, Net Zero, Moar Tax, War, even though you don't have an army... conundrum, and all your kids will be turned into trannies who are so useful in war, another conundrum. Well, maybe not all, maybe just enough to make Pharma even richer than it already is.

All this against the backdrop of an industrial and increasingly peer-to-peer war in which the UK's off-shored its manufacturing base. Not unlike the US, when you think on it. Anyone for a cold cup of hegemonic synergy? That aside, the US is run by a Corrupt Old Crook with dementia and we can only guess at the literal, brazen, evil of its handlers. See Podesta/Marinovic/Pizza etc.

So, good luck UK, with your Uniparty vote, hope you won't be disappointed. Just imagine how Labour will bring back all those manufacturing jobs to Britain! And think how your wages will soar under never ending mass migration. Diversity, UK, will be your strength.

In the meanwhile, our Texan storm rolls apace, though somewhat abated, annoyingly.



Wednesday, July 3, 2024

As You Were


A soldier's just strolled in and there you have it. Perhaps this involves grilling, and pizza. As opposed to submission to the NWO and our beloved rainbow DEI transnational elites in the Uniparty. Who knows, maybe you're down with that, Lloyd Austin style, pronouns Diversity/Hire. Your call, but here at the Compound we're not.

As you were,


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Just Some Marching Music


Have you noticed how our beloved rainbow elite rulers are busy setting up the draft, for moar war. Are you ready to serve, fight and die for trans toilets, rainbow flags and diversity is our strength? I hope so, because anything else would be traitorous insurrection. Look, behold the ruler you're going to die for.

Beautiful, ahem, and rich, very, very rich. So here's a rousing tune, might as well get in practice, don't you think?

Your Best Pal,


The Center Cannot Hold


Yesterday got kinda derailed because an old friend, now a bishop, sent me an infovid of a parrot goosestepping across a kitchen counter to Erika. Stirring stuff, but let's get serious. 

Can the center, as in our globalist managerial elites, their satraps in the media and their, ahem, brain trust in academia and on, can this hold or will it be swept away. Rod Dreher, writing in the European Conservative, thinks its days are numbered.

Here's a snapshot:

Until Joe Biden took the stage in last week’s debate with Donald Trump, the most catastrophically stupid presidential political decision of the year was Emmanuel Macron’s calling a snap election after the National Rally’s impressive showing in European parliamentary elections. After events over the past few days, it is still uncertain as to which blunder will have been the most consequential. Whatever the outcome, we are all watching corrupt systems collapse in real time. Amid this apocalypse—literally, an unveiling—we are seeing a kind of Reformation, the messy birth of a new order.

This is more the case in France than in the United States. The strong National Rally results in Sunday’s first round of voting occasioned an outpouring on France’s streets that could have been scripted by Camp of the Saints author Jean Raspail. 

In some French cities, Antifa and other leftist protesters set fires to express outrage at the results. In Paris, thousands of Islamists and leftists rallied against the ‘far right.’ Look at this clip captured by Luc Auffret. In this vast left-wing crowd, some protesters have raised various standards—the flag of Palestine, the flag of Pride, and so forth—but notice: you cannot see a single French tricolor there. 

Compare this to the image from a National Rally victory party on Sunday. Thousands upon thousands of French voters waving the tricolor, and singing the Marseillaise. 

What does the contrast tell you? It hardly needs elaboration, does it? Among other things, it is visual confirmation that le Grand Remplacement is no conspiracy theory, but established fact. Renaud Camus defines the Great Replacement as “the change of people, the substitution of one or several peoples for the people whose ancestral roots are there, whose history had for hundreds or thousands of years coincided with the territory in question.” All those native Frenchmen in that leftist mob, the ethnically Gallic too ashamed of France to raise her flag, demonstrate that the Great Replacement is also a state of mind. 

France is now in the middle of a fight for its future as a nation. France’s enemies are the Frenchmen who hate her, and the aliens they have brought in to replace the French who resist. This could not possibly be clearer now. Until Sunday, France’s enemies also included the elite establishmentarians of both Left and Right who facilitated le Grand Remplacement, and who counted on the French public’s fear of Vichy to blind them to the emerging reality. 


Strong words, and Dreher's clearly employed by the Ministry of Truth. He goes on to quote Rénaud Camus, who predicts the Balkanization of Europe and "future violence," before focusing on the UK and US. He concludes:

We remember the Summer of 1914 as the last idyllic season before the West blew itself to bits with World War I. Will we recall the Summer of 2024 as the last idyll before the West destroyed itself with civil war, even if fought primarily through increasingly radical politics? That conclusion seems rash—for now—but one thing is undeniably clear: the center of Western politics no longer holds. It is dead, and the ones who killed it are not Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, and other politicians of the real Right, but rather the managerial liberals (including Republicans, Tories, and Gaullists) who lived by lies—and who, crucially, believed their own lies.

The historian Barbara Tuchman, writing about the folly of the Renaissance popes in provoking and failing to contain the Reformation, criticized their “obliviousness to the growing disaffection of constituents, primacy of self-aggrandizement, [and] illusion of invulnerable status.”

“They could not change” the system, Tuchman wrote, “because they were part of it, grew out of it, depended on it.” So it is with the liberal governing elites of the Western democracies. And now, a Reformation is upon us. 

I reckon Dreher's right in the X-Ring with this. You can and should read the whole thing here. Are we in that 1914 idyll? Your call.



Monday, July 1, 2024



So, we're gonna defeat Russia, coz we know the difference between men and wymxn, except we don't. It's a moot point for the genius patrol that runs our polity, but perhaps this Russikie infovid adds sword clarity:

Yours, pointedly, 


Go on, mess with her, just try that and see how it works out, I dare you

PS. Look, I know there's a whole "point" v "slash" thing going on. But here at the prestigious if irreg DLC we favor BOTH. Ask Melania, Hon. Colonel. Just saying. 

And by all means throw your Guinea down against the Monkey and see how it plays. He's a vicious beast,  I have to tell you, and perhaps Fortuna is on your side. Unlike, tragically, General Lee at Gettysburg. 

PPS. Melania rules.

Who's In Charge?


Look how she roars! Jill Biden, maybe she will save us from Pompey Redivivus, aka Orange Man Bad. Maybe she will, maybe she'll keep the Corrupt Old Fraud in power, forcing him to run again, even though he's a husk of a man, a burned out shell whom the demons have left like a discarded toy. But Jill's very much in play, here's Vogue:

Bait & Switch

We will decide our future. Like wow, are you sure you really want to say that, Dr. Jill? Because you're not even a doctor and really, we the people get a choice in this unmitigated fraud which has enriched you, your husband, his kids, and his friends  immeasurably? Really? 

At what point, dear friends, do you think people will have enough and rise up at the obvious, clear, brazen iniquity of it all. I don't know, but I do know this. Millions of people thought the Old Fraud, Joe Biden, was just fine util the other night.

Behold Your Ruler

What were they thinking, what world were they living in? One utterly divorced from reality, obviously. A world agitprop MSM told them to think, and they believed it, bizarrely. Now they're in disarray.

Let's see what emerges from the obvious and clear fact that Joe Biden is a shill, a husk, a man possessed by demons who have discarded their puppet. So who's in charge, the demons, Jill or both?

Your Pal,