Showing posts with label Vogue running damage control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vogue running damage control. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Who's In Charge?


Look how she roars! Jill Biden, maybe she will save us from Pompey Redivivus, aka Orange Man Bad. Maybe she will, maybe she'll keep the Corrupt Old Fraud in power, forcing him to run again, even though he's a husk of a man, a burned out shell whom the demons have left like a discarded toy. But Jill's very much in play, here's Vogue:

Bait & Switch

We will decide our future. Like wow, are you sure you really want to say that, Dr. Jill? Because you're not even a doctor and really, we the people get a choice in this unmitigated fraud which has enriched you, your husband, his kids, and his friends  immeasurably? Really? 

At what point, dear friends, do you think people will have enough and rise up at the obvious, clear, brazen iniquity of it all. I don't know, but I do know this. Millions of people thought the Old Fraud, Joe Biden, was just fine util the other night.

Behold Your Ruler

What were they thinking, what world were they living in? One utterly divorced from reality, obviously. A world agitprop MSM told them to think, and they believed it, bizarrely. Now they're in disarray.

Let's see what emerges from the obvious and clear fact that Joe Biden is a shill, a husk, a man possessed by demons who have discarded their puppet. So who's in charge, the demons, Jill or both?

Your Pal,