Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Rittenhouse


Via Kim in Substitute:

Because of all this woke bullshit, we are no longer allowed to use the word “Mozambique” for our favorite shooting drill (two shots in center-mass, one in the head) because raayyycisss.

As always, the solution can be found in the Old Country.  At the suggestion of Mr. Free Market, allow me to present the new drill, the Rittenhouse:

You may disagree, but here at the Compound we feel this infographic is awesome in its simplicity. Try the new drill, the RITTENHOUSE. Practical, eh? Thanks, RHT, for the H/T.



Friday, November 19, 2021



Kyle Rittenhouse, popularly known as the Kenosha Kid, was acquitted on all charges today. Turns out it's not illegal to defend yourself against felons, pedos, and wife beaters in Kenosha. 

And we have to ask, who or what were paying these goons to set fire to this flyover Wisconsin town. Don't say Democrats. Someone once said, "In '68 they went full riot and Democrat civic authority stopped it, but not today, they encourage it."

Exactly, to the point where kids with rifles are out there protecting businesses from Bolshevik nihilists. But not just any Bolshevik nihilists, these people are corporate sponsored, media darlings.

Unlike Kyle, who, I hope, sues them into oblivion. Speaking of money, how much ca$h has BLM put into black neighborhoods? You know, 'coz Black Lives Matter so much. Would that be... none? Beachfront mansions all 'round.

In the meanwhile, Kyle walks, what a great result. I wasn't show trial expecting it.

Your Respectful Friend,


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Watching The Grass Grow

There we were, out in the country, just me and the cows and we looked at one another over the gate. What's going on? Not much apart from a welcome respite from the news, and what news it is.

A show trial in Kenosha, the utter mendacity of the media, the VaxScam in which Big Pharma makes billions and you get an experimental shot which may or may not kill you. Then there's war. Curiously, my eldest says his unit's been pulled from deployment to the Ukraine along with many others. Good, he gets to go to Jordan instead. 

But imagine. Say we went to war with Russia because, I don't know, Putin's against rainbow bathrooms, what then. Would our soldiers fight to death and dismemberment on behalf of a globalist rainbow oligarchy which hates and despises them?

More succinctly, would they fight for a lie, a lie they see through because even the lowliest private can get on the internet, to say nothing of common sense. I'll leave it there. 

In the meanwhile, we've been busy watching the grass grow and that's no bad thing. There's a peace in the countryside and Karen's makes a dam fine bean/brisket. That much remains unchanged.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Kenosha Kid


You can read about the show trial goonshow here, on Zero, but what did the kid do? He shot a couple of serial bolshevik criminals in self-defense. He killed several and blew the bicep off another. 

The prosecution, which weirdly withheld evidence, says that bringing a gun to a threatening situation is, effectively, an incitement to violence. Uh Huh.

What? Having the means to defend yourself illegitimizes your self-defense? That doesn't make any sense, but none of this does. We've got a show trial running, and I hope the young man who put himself in the way of far greater forces than himself doesn't get crushed by them.

If he doesn't? Sue these race baiting profiteers for every inch of their not insubstantial, millionaire socialist bank accounts. And on. Remember Commies, and your corporate pol sponsors, there's a lotta Kyles. A lot.

Peace and Love,


Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Behold early morning Texas. Maybe you think the Lone Star State will roll over and become some kind of Swedish Leftist paradise. What a great idea, and lookout Beto, and think again.

What's a "Beto" you ask? Something between a Killery and a Kasich. Yum, what a delicious sandwich. Or perhaps you say "how revolting." That aside...
Arduus Ad Solem,


Monday, November 15, 2021

In Cars


Some days are all about gun, rod and church, others are about cars and that's exactly what went down today. The mission was simple, elegant even in its simplicity. Get a '71 El Camino and a '40s Ford Roadster hot rod out the door of the shop and into a hauler.

Great plan, but it fell apart on contact. The roadster wouldn't start for love or money so we pushed it out of the barn to make room for the Elkie, maybe that'd start and drive straight on through to the hauler and Californian Valhalla. No. It didn't.

Fire the Batteries

Go figure, the battery was dead, so we pumped it up via my rig and a neighbor's heavy duty cables. Throaty SS Chevy growl, the beast was in play and we let it idle. Roadster? After messing with carbs and battery it fired up like the show car it is. Drive that bad boy right up in the hauler.

The Elkie went next and got up to the ramps, and we left it growling at the foot of trailer triumph. Just look at those chrome exhausts and fat back tires standing on the runway waiting for takeoff. Great result. Then it stopped and died. Awful, hideous result.

Drive 'er up!

Maybe the fuel gauge wasn't working and the thing'd run out of gas. Someone went to get more and we refilled the tank. Still no result. Dam. The vehicle had to get on the hauler today and it wasn't running, utter disaster. What to do? 

Long, very long story short, it looked like the coil was busted, power in, no power out. This left us with one option, ratchet, no fooling the thing up into the hauler, which is what we did. A beast, but we got it loaded and off on its way California, harming no one, I think.


And that was that. The hauler's long suffering driver was from Kazakhstan, curiously. "Where are you from?" he asked, "From England," I replied, ratcheted out. "Ah! Football! Which team you support?" Good question and I replied "Millwall," and he grinned from ear to ear, "Yes! Much fight! F*ck you Westham!" No kidding, and I grinned back. 

"In Kazakhstan I drink pints, many pints, and watch football, and we fight. Manchester United hates Liverpool!" He even showed me his Man U tattoo, right there on his arm, under the big sky of Texas, "People here, they think I am Korean, but I am from the Caspian Sea."

SS Runs Outta Gas

Respect. Fella sleeps out of his dually until he has the money to get his wife and two children to the land of what used to be the home of the free and the brave. Good luck to him.

Mission Accomplished

More on vehicular action as it plays out. God bless you all,


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday Sermon - Apocalypse

The Apocalypse, prophesied by our Savior. False Christs, wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, famine, "troubles." The Gospel preached to all nations as the faithful are beaten in the synagogues and handed over to councils and kings, to the secular authority. 

And then the abomination of desolation, the visible triumph of blasphemous pagan power in the holy place, followed by the great tribulation, the reign of Antichrist mercifully cut short by God and the return of Christ in glory.

You can read it all in Mark 13 and the other synoptics, but what are we to make of this, like children on a road trip we want to know, are we there yet? Stand back and reflect. Have Christ's words been fulfilled, are they being so and will they be, at some point in the future. The answer, surely, is yes to all three.

Christ's prophecy was partially and accurately fulfilled in the sack of Jerusalem, and the persecution of the Church. St. Paul, notoriously, was brought before a "ruler,"  Caesar himself, and blasphemous pagan power ruled supreme over the world and the rubble of the Temple. 

But Christ didn't return, so this is a type or prefigurement of greater things to come, the final battle between good and evil, of Christ and Antichrist. Are we there yet, we ask and the answer is no, the Abomination has not yet been set up, whether from a rebuilt Temple, the Vatican, Canterbury Cathedral(!) or anywhere else. Pagan, blasphemous power is not yet triumphant. Yet.

This means, in terms of the prophecy, that we're at the "beginning of sorrows," the rest is to come and note, as we draw inevitably closer to the date so too does evil increase and wax large. This will continue until it's evidently triumphant, the abomination will be set up with all signs and wonders so as to deceive the very elect. The mystery of iniquity at work. Woe, flee to the hills.

Then Christ returns. Great will be the fall of the anti-kingdom before the might and irresistible power of God, and the elect, God's chosen people, his faithful, will be gathered to him in glory as evil is thrown down, utterly, for evermore into the lake of fire.

Apocalypse, and a message of hope. God wins, the Devil and his apostate angels don't, so be strong in your faith, "hang tough" said one church person, rightly. But consider this (I didn't preach it and maybe should've):

The Synoptic "Little Apocalypse" can be paraphrased as a lesser or desultory persecution, the blasphemous abomination, the great persecution and the triumphant return of Christ. Leaving aside Danielic math (think half weeks and three days) does this present us with the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ? Yes, it does.

Brought before councils, beaten in the synagogues, the scourging, a lesser tribulation. Golgotha, the sacrilegious desolation, and the Tomb, witness the effect of the greater persecution only to be followed by the return of Christ.

We, as Christians, share in this, we live in Christ and he in us. The apocalypse must, then, play out in our lives and as it does, by the grace of God may we be raised to glory, even as evil is cast into the lake of fire.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Behold Genius

Speaking of which, Belle Star's Bosque County hideout, aka "farm," is just a few miles from Mission #2. A church friend tells me there's not much there, just shards of brick and debris from the bandit homestead. So the message is clear, get out there and scope it out.

By the same token, sometime's it's best to go armed. We still have that right and I don't see it going away any time soon.



Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans Day


Here we are on Veterans Day, and if you want a great rant and a good one, visit the White Wolf Mine. If you want to be moved see NFO, for sound insight visit Borepatch, and on. Me? I'm with LL and I won't comment further except to offer some prayer.

Here, from the redoubtable 1928 BCP:

O LORD God of Hosts, stretch forth, we pray thee, thine almighty arm to strengthen and protect the soldiers of our country; Support them in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep them safe from all evil; endue them with courage and loyalty; and grant that in all things they may serve without reproach; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


For the Navy, Lord knows they rainbow need it:

O ETERNAL Lord God, who alone spreadest out the heavens, and rulest the raging of the sea; Vouchsafe to take into thy almighty and most gracious protection our country’s Navy, and all who serve therein. Preserve them from the dangers of the sea, and from the violence of the enemy; that they may be a safeguard unto the United States of America, and a security for such as pass on the seas upon their lawful occasions; that the inhabitants of our land may in peace and quietness serve thee our God, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


God bless you all,


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

A Fresh New Dawn


Things are looking up in the Compound. Not that they ever didn't, but people are going to church, there's ammo at Walmart, LRC$'s one of the few in the green and our old enemy, the weather, is sprinkling beneficent drops of skywater upon us, you might call it "rain."

It's all very autumnal, so upon a peak in Darien. Result. Then there's Evergrande. Looks like Communist inspired greed isn't as infallible as market pundits predicted. Whatever, do you see why people are piling into crypto? DeFi, decentralized finance, and that's just it. Your money outta the clutches of the banks and their Beltway shills. Hopefully. 

In other news, everything is racist, trees, highways, parks, the air, ships and anything you care to name. Remember this, punters, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect.



Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Danse Macabre


Saint-Saens. Then there's awesome.





Cars and strip malls. You can smell it when you park up in front of the credit union, Margeritas To Go, Chipotle, Sonic, Taco Bell and on. There they are, spewing out fast food exhaust as you park in front of the bank. Hey, I'm not judging but it was weird to venture into suburban DFW metrosprawl today.

This, I thought to myself, is how most people live here. Good, bad, indifferent? I don't know, but what I do know is that all it'd take would be one big tornado to strip it all to the ground. Great would be the faux adobe of its fall. But the wind didn't rise, much, and I35 back to the Compound was mercifully clear, result.

Now, food for thought. When everything gets nasty and money, water and food don't work, how are you going to get out of the cities? Will FEMA or the Army help you? Perhaps the apocalypse elves will spring into action and save everyone. Or not.

Here in this rural haven we're cleaning weapons, throwing last year's furniture in the fire, banking crypto and loading mags.

Your Pal,