Showing posts with label El Jefe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label El Jefe. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

A Fresh New Dawn


Things are looking up in the Compound. Not that they ever didn't, but people are going to church, there's ammo at Walmart, LRC$'s one of the few in the green and our old enemy, the weather, is sprinkling beneficent drops of skywater upon us, you might call it "rain."

It's all very autumnal, so upon a peak in Darien. Result. Then there's Evergrande. Looks like Communist inspired greed isn't as infallible as market pundits predicted. Whatever, do you see why people are piling into crypto? DeFi, decentralized finance, and that's just it. Your money outta the clutches of the banks and their Beltway shills. Hopefully. 

In other news, everything is racist, trees, highways, parks, the air, ships and anything you care to name. Remember this, punters, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect.



Sunday, October 11, 2020

Math is Racist

όταν  ό δαίμων άνδρΐ πορσύνῃ κακά, τον νουν εβλαφε πρώτον ώ βουλεύεται 

Did you know mathematics is racist because it "inherently carries human bias"? At least that's what the Mathematical Association of America thinks. Reflect on this homely, perhaps familiar scene.

There you are at the local pick 'n steal where you've been charged the outrageous sum of $8.60 for a pack of Marlboro Lights, and a coffee refill in your indestructible Yeti 20 Oz Tumbler. You hand over a $10.00 bill. 

So far so good, but thanks to your inherent racism you expect a sturdy Fascist $1.40 back in change. Whoa, El Jefe, Generalissimo! But you can't help it, it's the way you've been raised by white supremacy. So when you're given $1.00 back in change you'd better suck it up, you unrelenting, literal Nazi.

And why? Because according to rainbow logic people of color can't do math. If you think that's somehow racist you'd be right, which brings us back to the old axiom, Viz. Everything the Left attempts to effect produces the exact opposite of its intended result.

When a demon (δαίμων) plans harm (κακά, let the reader understand) against a man, he first damages the mind of the person he plots against. Or in military and concise Latin, quos deus vult perdere prius dementat, those whom god wishes to destroy he first makes mad.

Listen, if you can, to the beating wings of the Harpies before they dive into silence.

Your Classical Buddy,


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Olympia Trans Awesome

Do you remember a time when the Left was supposedly about helping the "working man"? You know, people in low paying jobs. Not any more; move over, proles, it's tranny time. Freedom or what. And bear in mind these people are protesting a trans event held by the city.

Scheming antics of the genderless, transnational globalist elite, risible identity politics, Illuminati Hivemind aside, I'm most in favor of The Royal Majesty,  being a Monarchist. But perhaps you have a different preference?

Thanks for the tip, GWB.

Over the rainbow,