Wednesday, November 10, 2021

A Fresh New Dawn


Things are looking up in the Compound. Not that they ever didn't, but people are going to church, there's ammo at Walmart, LRC$'s one of the few in the green and our old enemy, the weather, is sprinkling beneficent drops of skywater upon us, you might call it "rain."

It's all very autumnal, so upon a peak in Darien. Result. Then there's Evergrande. Looks like Communist inspired greed isn't as infallible as market pundits predicted. Whatever, do you see why people are piling into crypto? DeFi, decentralized finance, and that's just it. Your money outta the clutches of the banks and their Beltway shills. Hopefully. 

In other news, everything is racist, trees, highways, parks, the air, ships and anything you care to name. Remember this, punters, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect.




Bob said...

Anytime big money is involved the game is rigged.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

When I think of leftists I think of Nicholas Cage in Con Air: "Put the bunny back in the box."

The bunny of course represents leftism and the box is where all leftist ideas should be chained and locked so they don't harm innocent Americans.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Dude, please refrain from posting her picture.

LSP said...

Bob, what can I say? YES.

LSP said...

Yes, Infidel. But I'm concerned. Are you somehow disloyal to our elite rulers?

LSP said...

Sorry, Ed. I should've put up a warning.