Friday, November 5, 2021

You Utter Racists!


We must call people racist even harder. What a winning electoral strategy. Via the Bee:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Still reeling from their election losses, Democrats have vowed to adjust their strategy by calling people racist even harder. 

"The real reason we didn't win these elections is because we weren't calling people racist hard enough," said Joy Ann Reid, Democrat activist/journalist. "We called voters racist on the hour, when we really should have been doing it every minute. And we should have been doing it with more anger and passion.

"I really think it was that we didn't try hard enough to look like insane deranged lunatics. We really need to lean into that more." Reid then screamed at the sky to demonstrate what her fellow Democrat activists should have been doing the whole time.

Terry McAuliffe acknowledged his failure to call people racist with enough frequency and fervor. "I tried my hardest to suggest that the people I wanted to vote for me were hopelessly racist and bigoted. I failed at that task. Next time, I'll just wear a T-shirt 24/7 that says 'you are a racist, dummy' so people will get the picture." McAuliffe went on to say that he also thinks not emphasizing his plan to steal children's minds from their parents enough was a missed opportunity.

 At publishing time, the Lincoln Project had vowed to dress more people up as (Tiki) Nazis to really sway the election in their favor.


No further comment,



LL said...

The joke of it all is that the people who shout "racist" loudest, are themselves, the most bigoted among us.

LSP, the world is crazy.

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Joy Reid is a national treasure, she is a barometer that displays what the worst opinions and policies are so that we can steer clear of them.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Sadly, your source may be the only factual media source today.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

My systemic racism weighs me down.

No wait. Sorry. That was last night's pizza.

Ritchie said...

It has become incredibly obvious that white clouds are raciss.

LSP said...

Totally insane, LL.

LSP said...

Thanks for the Bee tip, Doctor, and... yes.

LSP said...

I'm afraid you're right, WSF. Well done, Bee.

LSP said...

I totally get that, Infidel. Maybe I need to change pizza vendors...

LSP said...

Well yes, Ritchie. This much is clear.

Old NFO said...

Sadly, that's not a joke.

Kid said...

Every democrat should be assigned a black person to house, feed, and protect.

LSP said...

Weirdly not, NFO. Bizarre.

LSP said...

They really should, Kid. What a good call, charitable to boot.

drjim said...

Kid nails it!

These people are the essence of Virtue Signaling combined with NIMBY.