Monday, August 19, 2024



Let's calm right down.

There you go, sleep tight.

Your Old Pal,



LL said...

Relaxing -

Beans said...

It must be me, but I can't stand the old pothead.

He's right up there with friggin Bob Dylan and Jim Morrison as 'most annoying musical men's voices' for me.

Wild, wild west said...

I'm kinda with Beans on this one.

And to that end, I'll need some counseling after this, but, me being me, here goes......

An old redneck chick gets a tattoo of Waylon Jennings on one thigh and Kris Christopherson on the other thigh. They weren't very good tattoos, but what with her aging eyesight, she didn't know that, so she was proud of them. At the beer joint that night she hikes up her skirt and says to sumdood, what do you think about my new tatoos?

Sumdood says, well, I don't recognize the ones on your thighs, but the one in the middle is Willie Nelson.

Beans said...

Ahahahaa. Good one.

LSP said...

My thoughts entirely, LL.

LSP said...

He is a wicked old pothead, Beans, but I like Stardust.

LSP said...

Wild, almost choked on m'claret!