Saturday, August 10, 2024

For Goodness Sake Simmer Down LSP


OK, there's only so much Taylor Swift Jihad, Rwandan savagery, Big Brother Rainbow Stasi, US Clownshow politics a man can take. So what to do? Go fishing, that's right, in the heat of a Texan day in August. Would the fish bite or would they be in some kind of piscine climate change shock, immobile like their human counterparts. I drove to the lake to find out.

Sure enough, it was mighty hot, right there on the tortured limestone of what had once been part of a fibrous reef in a vast inland sea, and's now Soldier's Bluff. So it's hot, that's a given, would the fish bite, not a given, but undaunted by prehistoric reverie and the searing light of the Sun, I cast off.

Whoa, tugs and bites at the first cast, probably a small, ferocious perch. And that's exactly what it was, a perch. I tell you, even if they're small they're big fun to catch on a light rod, they fight you see. Some five or six fish later it was time to head for home and Evening Prayer, 1928 BCP style. I just prefer it, the language is worshipful, liturgical and beautiful. Here's a link.

So that was that, an hour or so catching fish at the lake in the sun and clean air of the so far Free State of Texas. What a lot of fun and a good antidote against the appalling wickedness which surrounds us.

Das Boot

That in mind, I find fishing brings you right down to earth and calms the soul, or excites it when the catch is on. Not unlike shooting and riding, when you think on it.

Fish on,



Beans said...

Are you fishing catch-n-release or for the table?

Either way, yeah, you needed a break before the UK's secret squirrel squad comes to arrest you and take you back to gaol for having your own opinion.

LSP said...

Beans, just trying to get some respite.

Catch and release, this time.

Planning covert UK OP for October.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Overachiever! You have the creds to irritate the 'elites' in three countries.

Beans said...

I'd be seriously not traveling under British passport. Heck, I'd wear a shirt saying "Proud American Citizen."

You be careful over there, Padre.

LindaG said...

I do love catching bluegill/panfish.
You all be safe and God bless.

glasslass said...

A British police commissar has issued a statement yesterday that he's thinking/wants to come to America and arrest some bad speaking people. Might want to check to see if your on his list.

Old NFO said...

Nice sized perch there!

Anonymous said...

Right there with you LSP. I have taken up a hobby of restoring old tools and getting back into my photography (I even have a website...shhh). When you are outdoors, or working with your hands, you can get out of your head where the world likes to create problems. It's also hard (rare) to receive a "woke" comment when grinding on a tool. OH - this is Seamus1962 - it will only let me comment as anonymous - I'll figure it out.

LSP said...

Good advice and well received.

LSP said...

Ha! WSF, you have a point.

LSP said...

Just a lot of fun, Linda, and tasty to boot.

LSP said...

Glasslass, we can imagine our Beloved Rulers' cooperation.

LSP said...

Definitely a good one, NFo, fought like fury.


LSP said...

Nice one, Fr. Send a link to the blog if you like, and I'll boost it.

glasslass said...

Wow, would love to have to planers from 1900 set right.