Sunday, January 14, 2024

Taylor Swift Is Not An Intel Psyop


Like no kidding. Surely America's beloved Tay-Tay isn't some kind of CIA or NSA stooge. So maybe she's an FBI or an ATF stooge. What? Huh.

Hold on, could she be an IRS stooge on a DHS, DOE, NRO tip? Who knows, but Tay-Tay's net worth is a neat 1.1 BN USD.

Good socialist cash if you can make it, eh? Obviously not an Intel psyop, whatever that might happen to mean.

Never getting back together



Just coz:


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Daughter of a Nashville music row father, she has taken an average voice and a huge talent for promotion and showmanship into a fortune. Why these performers go left in politics is a mystery. Bonnie Raitt is another example. As to Taylor, I've never listened all the way through one of her songs.

Paul M said...

Swift is from Reading, PA, somehow managed to develop herself into a brand from such supposed humble beginnings (WSP’s comments not withstanding). But does she have joy, or is it one superficial busy day after another to keep the demons at bay?

(A massive assumption on my part, but if her life experience songwriting is any indicator she doesn’t sound too happy. I could be 100% wrong and will flog myself if necessary to repent from such overreach if proven otherwise.)

BTW, having never seen her myself are we sure she’s not some government AI Hologram to keep the yungin’s occupied…sorta like our Angry-fied Sauced-Up _Resident?

LSP said...

It's her eyes, WSF, migraine inducing.

LSP said...

Now that, Paul, is a very good question. Maybe some kind of DAARPA project?

Not sure who writes her songs... but whoever it is has helped make Tay-Tay incredibly rich.

Dad of Six said...

"...she doesn’t sound too happy." Godless existence usually brings that about. She's the current version of Madonna. My daughter and some of her cousins used to listen to her back in their early teens but no longer.

Dad of Six said...

And I forgot to ask- who is the woman in the last two photos? Eva Braun?

LSP said...

You know what, my mind went to Madonna too, DOS. My, how crazy/bizarre that multi-million dollar celeb went.

The woman in the last photos is the beautiful wife of Robert Ley, WWI vet, drunkard and, it seems, a wife beater. She committed suicide by throwing herself out of a window, I think. Here's a postscript:

"A ravishing blonde and much admired by Hitler. Wife of the drunkard Robert Ley, head of the Arbeitsfront, with whom she was very unhappy. An actress and ballerina by profession, she once took refuge from her husband in the Obersalzberg. After writing a letter to Hitler, which left him very depressed, she attempted suicide in 1943 by jumping out of a window. On October 24, 1945, her husband committed suicide in his cell while awaiting trial at Nuremberg. His suicide note stated that he could "no longer bear the shame". The villa of Robert and Inge Ley still stands on the Mehringdamm in Berlin's suburb of Templehof."

LSP said...

Sorry, DOS, she shot herself on December 29, 1942. The window suicide didn't work.