Wednesday, January 17, 2024



You're signing up for this, right? Here's a song:




Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, no chemical reaction gives a shit about the color of your skin. Maybe this racist professor has new insights.

Mike_C said...

Like Black on Rice (University).
Oh the irony.

Wild, wild west said...

We've reached that point of inversion, or perhaps it's just me, where it's impossible to determine if something is true or The Bee.

So: is this true or bee-ess?

I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

Seamus1962 said...

Last time I did science on my own terms it was in 1970 with my chemistry kit - kids had actual ones... I threw together unknown items in my test tube then lit it with the included alcohol burner. The results looked a bit like that poster and the "hood". Hair grows back ... science keeps its terms.

LSP said...

Anon, perhaps you misunderstand. This course is all about removing White Supremacy from Chemistry, so that Chemistry can be freed from systemic racist oppression and allowed, at last, to flourish. Finally, when all the white colonial scientists are removed, we can get back to the truth of the thing.

Yes, Zimbabwean Chemistry.

In the meanwhile, report yourself, immediately.

LSP said...

It's a remarkable thing, Mike.

Old NFO said...

Nopity nope... What happened to the likes of G.W. Carver, J. Ernest Wilkins, Edwin Russel, Ralph Gardner-Chavis, and the like?

LSP said...

Wild, Linda Ronstadt!


Obviously need to open up Juke Box Mondays.

LSP said...

Exactly, LL.



LSP said...


You must follow the Science. Or report yourself.

LSP said...

LL, the White Man's science is OPPRESSION.

Let's be clear about this.

LSP said...

NFO, are you somehow questioning our rulers?

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Decolonizing Science 101.

Mike_C said...

Serious comment without any intended irony or sarcasm: the signal from the likes of GWC, JEW, ER and RGC have been drowned out by the noise of made-up characters such as the three proud, sassy Black Womyn responsible for the US space program; the uncountable Black tech wizards (the smartest guy on the team, naturally) on action TV shows; the wise mentor figure (“the Morgan Freeman character”) who is more calm, patient, and far-seeingly humane than any other person in the movie; and so forth. By deliberately portraying Blacks as consistently intellectually and morally superior to other racial groups*, Pop Culture (meaning those who create it) are programming the general population to believe that any deviation from this standard MUST be due to racism. This is compounded by the fact that creators of much of our pop culture come from a background wherein they believe themselves to have been demonized and discriminated against throughout time and space, always for no reason at all.

*Whites are of course evil, mostly. Non-evil Whites are foolish, bumbling, and grossly insensitive. East Asians are mostly comic relief. Those few that aren’t socially-awkward nerds or harridan shopkeepers are kung fu experts. And so it goes.

Finally, much as I dislike talk (whining) about “the one-drop rule”, I gotta say, Wilkins, Russel, and Gardner-Chavis clearly have a LOT of European DNA based purely on physiognomy. Calling them “Black” makes sense only because our categories are vastly oversimplified. And GWC has features rather atypical for West Africans, for that matter.

LSP said...

Mike, what can I say?

Fantasy flounders, inevitably, upon the rock of reality. Where thence? Serious question.

See you at the Club.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Hustlers, hustle.