Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"The Cause" or "A Tale of the South"

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
This Is Not LSP.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Just Tell It Like It Is.

Nice one Jonah, all good grist for the LSP mill, not that I have a problem with the procession of the Spirit from the Father and the Son, you understand, but what about ACNA?
The last I heard more than a few had a perverse regard for Calvinist anti-sacramentalism - but at least they're not dismal devotees of the Sharia peddler that occupies the throne of Augustine, or fans of the Boy Bishop in New York either; maybe that will save them in the end.
I hope so, much as I dislike the 'heresies of the reformation' and the various detestable enormities of Sola Scriptura, infantile hymns and slavish devotion to Puritan 'divinity'. Despite all that, and far more, I'd like to see ACNA succeed because I think they really do want to believe the Faith, which is no bad thing. Only time will tell if they find it.
More of that anon. Looking forward to another episode of 'Horse & Stable' tomorrow a.m.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Shoot the Lee!

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Stay on the Horse, Mate!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Great Offender

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Huge Great Fish 2
Huge Great Fish
Monday, June 15, 2009
Theology, innit.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Aint Seen Nothing Like The Mighty - TRANTER
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Man at Prayer?
Monday, June 8, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009
What A Filthy Mess! Canine Postscipt

Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Dog Wars
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Mole Catcher
Years ago, in the hoary antiquity of the mid '90s, I found myself taking a break from parish life and working for a small company in London that was all about something called Lotus Notes. A lot of fun and led by the charismatic IT, Marketing and PR chieftan, MCP - Michael Chapman Pincher. But times moved on and we went our separate ways, me to
Then things changed; after a cataclysmic '07/08 we both ended up living in the country, Texas and Pershore respectively, each suffering from multiple, vicious back wounds. Anyhow, I visited him a few weeks back and as we hadn't seen each other for years it was straight down to a riverside pub to swap grisly knife in the back stories whilst admiring the sunlit pastoral idyll that is that part of Worcestershire. Beautiful. Then I noticed that my erstwhile guv'nor's hands were strangely calloused, as though he'd become a Son of the Soil, which is exactly what had happened.
When the IT thing ended MCP was thrown back to Pershore, his wits and the land. The Corporate World had turned his back on him - not so the country and he found new employment as a Trapper, a mole trapper. I understand it started off in a small way and then moved up; when I was there the business was expanding to rabbits and now, evidently, squirrels.
These had been digging up land used to pasture race horses and had to go - 12 traps per beast, which seemed intense but I gather they're pretty wiley. As were the rabbits who were conspicious by their absence; no doubt sensing the risk of death they were keeping their heads down. Still, nothing daunted, we set up a trap at the warren and paused for a moment's reflection. I asked my friend if he'd changed his theological point of view from believing that "it's all down to carbon boys" to something else:
"So what d'you think about God these days?" After a long pause and gaze at the field he replied, "Well, I spend a lot of time on my knees right now..."
Excellent and well done - I'd say that the Deity has shown uncommon kindness; after all, what's better? Hideous corporate world, or living in a beautiful house in a country town whilst carving out a new niche in edible (rabbit/squirrel) pest control?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Horse Latitudes

Monday, June 1, 2009
The Horned God
Hog Wild