Saturday, April 23, 2022

St. George's Day


It's the Feast of St. George today, the patron Saint of England, and what a saint he was, a Roman officer who was martyred in Diocletian's persecution and won fame for rescuing the people of a Middle Eastern town from a ferocious dragon. He stands for the fight of good v. evil, of light versus dark and the triumph of the Church Militant over the raging forces of Hell.

George never visited England, that we know of, but became beloved of its Kings and people, a model of Christian valor and chivalry. He was canonized by Pope Gelasius in 494 AD as the city of Rome still stood, imperial grandeur intact. A testimony, when you think on it, to the triumph of the Cross.

St. George, a Christian warrior who did not bow down to the heathen secular power of his age, pray for us.

For St. George and England,


Friday, April 22, 2022

A Day of Rest


After the rigors of Holy Week it only seemed right to take a day of rest at family HQ in Dallas. Blue agreed and wasted no time falling to sleep on a Moslem rug, not that he's a Moslem, by the beard of the Prophet, but he does like their rugs.

As do I, but rugs aside you may have noticed something about the soldiers fighting in the Ukraine. There's all sorts, obviously, but some seem more equal than others, they're bigger and older, as if construction worker turned gunfighter. 

Shades, when you think on it, of the German veterans who went into the Ardennes, or something like that. Huh. Modern war as deconstruction site and soldiers as its lethal tradesmen and laborers? Respect to both, but still.

Speaking of the Ardennes, imagine you were wandering around inna woods of Ukraine with, say, an SS dagger, just coz, and you were captured by some Chechens. What would you say:

A. I just found it, honest!

B. I'm a battlefield archeologist, my good sir.

C. Give a crisp Seig Heil, sing a verse of Erika and wait to be recruited into the WAGNER PMC?


All options are risky and I'd have gone for unspoken option D. Lose that bad boy before you get captured. Some guy didn't the other day in Mariupol and looked more than a little sheepish. Maybe he's still alive, unlike this unfortunate.

Seriously, what's with all the NSDAP in Eastern Europe? Well, therein lies another tale.

Mind how you go,


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday Roundabout


Rolled into Dallas down the hellway that is I35. But it wasn't so bad, 80 pretty much all the way. Then disaster. Locked the keys in the rig.

Texas Farm Bureau had a solution, fortunately, and the truck was freed. Nice. In the meanwhile, Tucker's on downstairs. He questions the validity of our most popular president. And let's not forget, Biden's the most popular president in US history, with a solid 81 million votes.

a pal with a snake

That means, when you follow the logic, that a vote against Biden is a vote against the people. And being an enemy of the people? You do the math. Meanwhile, our beloved leader's greeting people who aren't there. 

What does this mean. That Biden's simply demented and out of place or that he's speaking to spirits, to ghosts of the dead and demons? I'm no exorcist but perhaps you'll be betting on the latter. Guinea on.

Vade Ratro,


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Clown Force Multiplier

Already smarting from defeat in northern Ukraine, Russian forces face a new threat as they begin a new offensive in Donbas. Yes, US boots on the ground in the "can you see your belt buckle" shape of MSNBC reporter turned empty chest rig warrior Malcolm Nance.

stay frosty Nutbag

Codenamed Nutbag Dandy, Nance served in the US Navy as a Chief Petty Officer where he translated foreign languages. Now he's in the Ukraine as a force multiplier. "I am here to help this country fight," said the hefty leftist journo, "This is an existential war and Russia has brought it to these people and they are mass murdering civilians, and there are people here like me who are here to do something about it."


Nance, who is not a fop dandy buffoon, is coordinating asymmetric warfare from Lvov, lending his bulk to the Ukrainian Army as part of a "Foreign Legion" of international volunteers, none of whom are Nazis. Nutbag Dandy described the Legion, slamming detractors:

"It is literally a multinational force of men and women who are here to defend Ukraine... they were here for the right reasons.Tell them to shut the f--k up since they’re obviously p-----s who have never been in combat." 

Nutbag was a cryptographer in the Navy and he's "done talking." Malcolm's net socialist worth is an estimated $1-5 million. 

Are we at pyramid peak weird or will it get weirder still? Money on the monkey, what?

Advance to Contact,


Who Runs This Clownshow?


Here in the Compound's fast-paced newsroom we've been confused. Who's running this great nation, a demented old sock puppet or some other thing? Disturbing photo evidence from the Easter weekend says it's not Old Joe.

Look. A giant masked cosplay bunny.

The masks are off as Biden's handler redirects the Big Guy.

And here it is again, briefing the press.

Wow.  But so what if a giant rabbit's running the show of state, after all, bunnies are harmless, right? Not so fast, readers.


Monday, April 18, 2022



Here's a Ukrainian army, AZOV, standard or totem. St. Vladimir put an end to this, baptizing Rus in the Dnieper and destroying the demonic idols. 

Some thousand years on and they're back, gleefully ignored or encouraged by the same Western power which says there's no such thing as a man or a women, think it as you will and note, Baphomet's trans.

Whatev. Here's some music:

God bless,


The Fall of Mariupol, or Total War Cometh?


Here we are, on Easter Monday, and birds sing, the sky is mostly clear of chemtrails, and all's well except for the fact that the most ferocious war on European soil since the '40s is taking place before our eyes. No small thing, and some of you doubtless have friends engaged in the conflict. Get home safe, guys. But what's the story?

I don't pretend to know, though it's curious that Western State agitprop's been lockstep in defending cokehead, actor clown Zelensky. And we have to ask, how many of our overlord$ were making ma$$ive amounts of cash out of this unfortunate eastern European country?

It seems the Ukraine, like some kind of casino where the bank always wins and you are the bank, was jackbot all the way. Regardless. Mariupol's about to fall after an extreme fight, and what next? Phase two of this ill-begotten war. As in Russia goes hard. Let's see how that pans out.

In the meanwhile, Russians With Attitude offer analysis:

They (Ukrainians believe they are) fighting an apocalyptic battle against the forces of evil who are trying to eradicate all of humanity. This is what they sincerely believe, but they also sincerely believe the Russians are not somehow serious about war and will not not fight the war like a war. It's super weird.

Super weird? A bit like the western left ascendancy defending literal Odin Valhalla Nazis on the Donbass front. OK, equivalent to Wagner? Next step, acceleration. Please bring this hideousness to an end.

Your Pal,


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Cooking With LSP - Bread


I know, man shall not live on bread alone. That in mind, we notoriously have bodies which need to be fed and the aerogel rubbish which passes for bread in our supermarkets, if you can even find it, doesn't cut the ticket. Problem? Solution. Make it yourself. Here's how. 

Get a mixing bowl and add 3 1/4 cups all purpose flour, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast, and 1 1/2 cups of warm water. Mix that beast around, stir it up, then cover the thing and rest it, covered, somewhere out of reach of animals. And here's the thing.

Let the dough rest and rise overnight++, ignore it, let it do its thing as though it were an errant teen. Then, somewhere before Vespers on Holy Saturday, remove the dough onto a floured surface and form it into a ball. Let it rest some more in a bowl on parchment paper as heavy metal heats up in the oven at 450*.

After the metal's hot, about 30 minutes, pull it out and transfer the dough to the pot, parchment paper and all, then cover the thing, put it back in the oven and kick back for 30 minutes. Maybe clean a gun or sharpen a kukri, not that any of you have such things. They were lost at sea. Whatever, your call, no rule.

After 30, uncover the metal and finish off the loaf for around 10 minutes. Result? Behold your delicious, life giving bread and fall upon that scoff, like a warrior.

Song of a Baker,


Holy Saturday


The body of Jesus lays in the tomb, and all is still.

GRANT, O Lord, that as we are baptized into the death of thy blessed Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, so by continual mortifying our corrupt affections we may be buried with him; and that through the grave, and gate of death, we may pass to our joyful resurrection; for his merits, who died, and was buried, and rose again for us, the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


God bless,


Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday #2

It's Good Friday so let's have some Donne:

Let mans Soule be a Spheare, and then, in this,
The intelligence that moves, devotion is,
And as the other Spheares, by being growne
Subject to forraigne motion, lose their owne,
And being by others hurried every day,
Scarce in a yeare their naturall forme obey:

Pleasure or businesse, so, our Soules admit
For their first mover, and are whirld by it.
Hence is't, that I am carryed towards the West
This day, when my Soules forme bends toward the East.

There I should see a Sunne, by rising set,
And by that setting endlesse day beget;
But that Christ on this Crosse, did rise and fall,
Sinne had eternally benighted all.

Yet dare I'almost be glad, I do not see
That spectacle of too much weight for mee.
Who sees Gods face, that is selfe life, must dye;
What a death were it then to see God dye?

It made his owne Lieutenant Nature shrinke,
It made his footstoole crack, and the Sunne winke.
Could I behold those hands which span the Poles,
And tune all spheares at once peirc'd with those holes?

Could I behold that endlesse height which is
Zenith to us, and our Antipodes,
Humbled below us? or that blood which is
The seat of all our Soules, if not of his,
Made durt of dust, or that flesh which was worne
By God, for his apparell, rag'd, and torne?

If on these things I durst not looke, durst I
Upon his miserable mother cast mine eye,
Who was Gods partner here, and furnish'd thus
Halfe of that Sacrifice, which ransom'd us?
Though these things, as I ride, be from mine eye,
They'are present yet unto my memory,
For that looks towards them; and thou look'st towards mee,

O Saviour, as thou hang'st upon the tree;
I turne my backe to thee, but to receive
Corrections, till thy mercies bid thee leave.
O thinke mee worth thine anger, punish mee,
Burne off my rusts, and my deformity,
Restore thine Image, so much, by thy grace,
That thou may'st know mee, and I'll turne my face.

Yes, they speld differentlie in those dayes,