Sunday, January 17, 2021

Is Lady Gaga a Satanist?


Is sultry superstar Lady Gaga an Illuminati NWO Satanist or just another workaday Millionaire Socialist? Good question, and there's no doubt that the talented songstress is a millionaire and a socialist. But if the genius behind smash hits like Poker Face, Telephone and Born This Way  isn't a satanist, why is she good friends with America's top PR Witch, Marina Abramovic?

Here's Gaga with ABRA:

Nothing remotely devilish about that, at all. I mean to say, they're only pretending to be cannibals in the name of art. Nothing decadent, depraved, evil and corrupt about this at all. On the contrary, totally innocent, harmless, creative, uplifting fun.

You might remember ABRA was caught out "spirit cooking" with top DNC players like Podesta. Here she is again, look closely at the background.

Serious question. How many of our ruling elite, regardless of party affiliation, are ritual occultists? I don't pretend to know, but I'll wager the aging if ferocious monkey against any six of your wimmyn priestesses that there's more than a few.

Lady Gaga's slated to sing at the Corpse's virtual inauguration, her net worth's a nifty socialist $320 million. 

Your Pal,




As I read LL's excellent sermon on the nature of Truth and Mathematics, my mind went back to the good old days of the Church of England, the days before womyn priestesses. In fact, to the day of a "viva," OK, interview, with the suffragan bishop figure of Tewkesbury, which is a picturesque town in Gloucestershire noted for hippies, a battle and an abbey church, now a cathedral.

"Can we say," asked the grey-clad prelate in his unpleasantly low-ceilinged 'lounge,' "that there is such a thing as right and wrong?"

It was a genuine question and the fighting monkey was young in those days, so I answered, "Oh, I think there is. Say I took a baby and skinned it, alive. Would that be right or wrong?" 

He muttered something like, "Ahem, yes," and moved on, doubtless mentally oppressed by the stifling lowness of the ceiling above him, and the ferocity of the monkey. I apparently passed muster, curiously.

Point of the parable? That there is such a thing as Truth, with a capital T, that which is, and our minds are in conformity with it or not. And, ultimately, this Truth is God, He who is, I AM that I AM, self-existent being which speaks all things into being. Try saying no to that and see how far you get.

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. Reflect on that and do not dare, unless you are a fool, to go against it, reality Himself.

Here endeth the Lesson,


Saturday, January 16, 2021

The New Feudalism?

Hilaire Belloc wrote this, in Europe and the Faith (1920) about the fall of the Roman Empire. 

All that happened was that Roman civilization having grown very old, failed to maintain that vigorous and universal method of local government subordinated to the capital, which it had for four or five hundred years supported. The machinery of taxation gradually weakened; the whole of central bureaucratic action weakened; the greater men in each locality began to acquire a sort of independence, and sundry soldiers benefited by the slow (and enormous) change, occupied the local "palaces" as they were called, of Roman administration, secured such revenues as the remains of Roman taxation could give them, and, conversely, had thrust upon them so much of the duty of government as the decline of civilization could still maintain. That is what happened, and that is all that happened.

All that happened? Belloc was known for hyperbole and he was busy refuting a false view of history in the wake of World War I. Still, his insight into the murky transition of the Western Roman Empire into the Dark Ages and medievalism is well worth the read, to my mind at least. 

Check it out if you have the time. But what's always grabbed my attention is this, The machinery of taxation gradually weakened; the whole of central bureaucratic action weakened; the greater men in each locality began to acquire a sort of independence.

His point being that power began to coalesce into the hands of increasingly wealthy landowners at the expense of central government. Landowners who were effectively exempt from taxation and at the command, he argues, of military force. A small step from that to feudalism, and so to today.

According to Zerohedge and Forbes, Bill Gates in his wisdom has acquired over 200,000 acres of farmland in the US. Likewise, media mogul John Malone owns 2.2 million acres and CNN founder Ted Turner 2 million.

That's a lot of land, which by the way isn't being made anymore, and it doesn't take a vast amount of insight to draw the Roman parallel. Where will it end? Most obviously, to people being villains, serfs and tenant farmers on their billionaire socialist rulers' land. Also to devolution and Balkanization. History evidently rhymes.

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam,


Friday, January 15, 2021

Zadok The Priest


Yes. Because awesome, obviously. May the King live forever. In the meanwhile we stand to, ready to do our duty.



Hail To the Chief Or What


Just a few days to go until the Inauguration of the 46th President of the most powerful country of the world, and not just any President. No, 80 year old millionaire career politician Joe Biden is the most popular presidential candidate in the history of the United States. By a lot, by over 80 million votes.

How did Sleepy Joe, popularly known as "The Corpse," get all those votes, by campaigning? No, he didn't have to. He relied on charisma and mass, popular, grass roots appeal. That's why more people voted for him than for any other president in the history of ever. He's just that popular, hands down, no holds barred.

No wonder, then, that the Corpse's Inauguration party will be limited to members of Congress. They'll be fortunate enough to hear acclaimed Illuminati popstar genius Lady Gaga sing the national anthem as they exchange gifts en lieu of the traditional lunch. And they'll also be guarded by some 25,000 part time soldiers, because Joe Biden's just that popular.

Seriously, if you buy into this shameless, brazen, autocratic fraud you need your head examined. And don't even think of blaming Trump on Jamiroquai's Capitol takeover. If 45 had wanted a coup or a putsch he could have called it, right there and then on January 6. He had the people and he had the numbers, unlike the Corpse. But he didn't. So stop the stupid, ignorant, low-info, dumbass rhetoric about Beer Hall. 

No, Trump didn't attempt a bizarre latter day Fascist coup, but someone else has, and DC's occupied by what, two divisions of soldiers. And why? Because Joe Biden's just so very, very popular. What a fraudulent, faked up, exhibition of chicanery, malfeasance and skulduggery. To put it mildly.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Dorset Ooser


The news cycle moves fast, but some may remember the horned DC protester popularly known as "Jamiroquai." Is the horned anarchist the latest example of the ancient pagan cult of the Dorset Ooser, alive and kicking in the US? Alan Delgarde reports from the UK:

The horned headdress of a protestor at the heart of the riots and invasion of the  US Capitol building  in Washington on 6th January may have been inspired by an ancient  ritual mask known as the 'Dorset Ooser.'  

The horned protester has been named in news reports as Jake Angeli  who goes by the on-line moniker 'QAnon Shaman.' He stood out among demonstrators  at the centre of the invasion of the US Capitol on 6th January  and features on photos which have circulated around the world. His distinctive headgear resembles the image of the Dorset Ooser, still used in  in mid-winter and mid-summer re-enactments and  ceremonies today. 


A replica of the horned headgear is preserved at Dorset County Musuem in Dorset. It is a copy of the originals of the mid-winter mask once used at Melbury Osmund and also at Shillingstone where, by the 19th century, it had become known as 'the Christmas Bull'.

The donning of horns, weird masks and strange  animal costumes is a widespread tradition and, in various forms, is recognised as a European wide-folk custom practised in rural areas since ancient times. The custom was  condemned by the early Church and later associated with the figure of the devil. 

In Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury's (668-690 AD) Liber Poenitentialis (Penitential Book) wearing animal heads was condemned as 'devilish.' 

"(He) goes about as a stag or a bull; that is, making himself into a wild animal and dressing in the skin of a herd animal, and putting on the heads of beasts; those who in such wise transform themselves into the appearance of a wild animal, penance for three years because this is devilish."

It is striking how this headgear worn by the 21st century protester so closely resembles the seasonal folk costume worn for centuries in  disorderly folk customs in ancient Britain and Europe, and is now sported  at exactly the same point in the winter calendar in the Capitol of the United States.


Is the QAnon Shaman an example of a faked up Fed mimicking Old World archetypal folk customs emerging in the New World or just another Anarcho-Marxist crisis actor out for cheap thrills and kicks, or both?

As always, you the reader be the judge.

Your Friend,





Wednesday, January 13, 2021

El Novio de la Muerte


Slay the Red Dragon.



A Miracle!


I managed to buy a valupak of 12 ammo today and celebrated the miracle with hot dogs. Thanks, LL, for the inspiration. Speaking of which, here's a photo of a Tech Giant caught in the act of taking down Parler. Via Virtual Mirage:

Let's hope this sinister enemy of free speech was brought to swift and decisive justice.

Shoot straight, if you can find any bullets.



Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021

Your Mind Has Left your Body


Just be sure and pick it up on your way out the door.





Yeah, thanks but no thanks, and so the Night of the Long Routers continues. For goodness sake, don't these geeks have anything better to do than x out small MAGA accounts? Apparently not. So I fell back on Gab and post there @LSP, not that it's easy to access because Gab's getting around 500k+ new users a day, and their servers are swamped. But here's the thing.

How long before Gab et al get taken down for, I don't know, domestic terrorism. For that matter, how much longer will Blogger tolerate anything that's not globalist, millionaire/billionaire socialist Google party line? I'm not betting the aging monkey.

Maybe we need to fall back on coded handwritten letters, perhaps in Greek - see Indian Mutiny - courier pigeons, steam powered free-press servers and speakeasies (what? Ed.). Or something like that, but make no mistake, our Corporate Overlords and their political shills are barreling down the pike to silence their competition. See Parler, nuked.

What's amusing, to me, is the spectacle of rank and file NYT style Dems supporting this in the name of STICK IT TO THE MAN! Like what, Tech, Banks, Hollywood, the Military Industrial Complex, Academia, Media, Pfizer, and Chase have become magical icons of anti-establishment freedom? 

Bizarre ain't in it. In the meanwhile, the snow melts at the Compound but was great while it lasted. More please.



Sunday, January 10, 2021

They're Coming to Gitchoo


They are? And in league with transnational capital to boot, clearly McCarthy didn't go far enough. In similar vein, the Corpse is promising special stimulus to POC (Person of Color) owned small businesses. Fortunate for the POC, not so hot if you're not. But seriously, since when were taxpayer handouts awarded on account of skin color?

Since right about now, and don't you dare say racist or you'll get banned for being a Nazi. As in, how dare you stand for equality, regardless of ethnicity, you Fascist. In similar vein, have you noticed how the Left is full of hate, vitriol and spite at the moment?

You'd think they'd be happy and magnanimous, their guy won, apparently. But no, they're baying for blood. And this inner state of being will surely manifest itself outwardly, it already is, which doesn't bode well. 

That in mind, I'll spare you the sermon, but I will say this. They're coming to gitchoo. Good luck with that, Bolsheviks.
