Thursday, August 29, 2019

What A Great Time To Be Alive

BREXIT, MAGA, leftist heads exploding into the stratosphere like a frothing pumpkin luvvy latte Vesuvius. London awash in floods of liberal tears and Comey exposed for the lying mountebank we all knew he was. OK, no indictment yet, but this show ain't over and pundits are saying McCabe's going down. Yes, please, drain the swamp.

Speaking of which, the Archbishop of Canterbury's been found in the icy wastes of the Antarctic. "Justsin, in the Antarctic?" said one anonymous Lambeth source, "Travelers Club, Hollow Earth, Hollow Church? I'm awfully afraid, LSP, that I can't comment." More on this exciting story later.

Then, in evidence of a beneficent Creator ruling the cosmos, an HVAC tech turned up today in Dallas who was 1. Competent and 2. Got the job done. I think. Mustn't presume on miracles.

Like the miracle of the nihilist, globalist left and their millionaire billionaire backers being rolled back in the US and the UK.

Keep it coming,


Wednesday, August 28, 2019


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson got the Queen's permission to prorogue or suspend Parliament today, clearing the way for Brexit and the UK's return to sovereignty as opposed to satrapy under the heel of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. And guess what?

Leftist heads are exploding all over the Sceptred Isle as the New York Times spins like a dreidel. Here's Hugh Grant (language!):

Response was swift and predictably deadly. I liked this, which you can read here.

And on, and on. Johnson's brilliant, heroic, patriotic and clever move has caused storms of outrage amongst the badly outsmarted left. They're saying it's "undemocratic," as in bypassing Parliament.

Note, This War Hero is 90

But what kind of Parliamentary democracy is it that traitorously ignores the will of the people it's supposed to represent? To say nothing of constitutional precedent.

No democracy at all, will of the people be damned. And that's just it, we're dealing with absolutist revolutionaries who will not, ever, take no for an answer. Until they do, and it looks like Great Britain's following the US in that. Well done, BoJo.

God Save The Queen,


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Beto Burger

Remember Beto? Neither do we, but here he is miserably failing to fry up a burger in a risible attempt to persuade you that he, the millionaire socialist, is really one of the people.

What's wrong, buddy, the cook's sick? You obviously need more and better servants, and what's with the weird broccoli side? "Oh, I'll have a side of steam-damp broccoli with my burger on a toasted English Muffin," said no one ever.

I mean really, you couldn't make this sh*t  up if you tried. Good work, Beto, you're gonna beat 45 2020, right along with those Kraft Singles. Pathetic.

Dems are flailing. Has Satan abandoned its toys? 



Copperhead Road

As you were. 

Carry on, 


Boy's At Basic

Joining the US Army's quite a process. It took my eldest son, the Recruit, four months and I have to hand it to the recruiters, they kept the boy engaged. Given the nature of the teen beast, things could easily have turned out differently. 

But they didn't, and the kid shipped out to Fort Benning yesterday to be with the Army in Georgia; he  left a very soldierly(!) sounding message last night, excited to be on his way. Of course he has the pleasure of looking forward to this:

Well you know what they say, character building, and in the long term so much better than sitting around playing Death Metal, awesome as that is. So well done Recruit, get through Basic and evolve up.

More on this exciting story as it unfolds.

Go Army, 


Sunday, August 25, 2019


This one's for our Georgia correspondent and no comment except, "Vatican 2? Empty the pew."

God bless,


The Cane

Here's the thing. The broad path of licentiousness, of "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," of "No Gods No Masters!" is all very well until you get to the rodeo and end up with 3 screws in your femur. Don't do that, enter by the "strait gate" instead, or its anemic friend "narrow door."

Lectionary notes aside, the Recruit suggested I try out a cane at Walmart and guess what, it worked. This means bye-bye walking frame, hello cane. And I tell you, I like the evolution. So does the dog. The appalling frame confused Blue Eschaton. But perhaps you're asking "is there a sword in that stick?" and "if not why not?"

Don't worry, we'll sort it out. In the meanwhile, the kid's with Uncle Sam, waiting to fly out to Ft. Benning tomorrow. More on that later.



Saturday, August 24, 2019

Trans Genius

Beautiful, right? But here's @XplosiveTweets:

There's genius and there's genius. I won't comment because that'd be redundant.



Friday, August 23, 2019

#MillSoc Mountebanks

Millionaire socialists Barack and Michelle Obama, estimated net worth $135 million, loved their seaside summer rental so much they decided to buy it, for less than $14.85 million. 

That's right, this socialist paradise of a summer house, featuring seven guest rooms, servants quarters and so much more, costs less than $15 million. And it's a prime oceanfront property.

But wasn't global warming going to raise sea levels, flooding out the coasts? Wow, that's really serious, like War on Weather serious, which is why Barack said this in his 2015 State of the Union address, "No challenge – no challenge – poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."

Yeah, that's why you bought a mansion on the Atlantic coast, you #MillSoc mountebank. But hey, at least it cost less than $15 million so when the waves wash it all away, not so bad. Plenty more cash where that came from, and we have to wonder. 

"There’s only so big a house you can have,” said Barack to South Africa,  “There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.” Quite.

Leaving aside egregious #MillSoc hypocrisy, are the Obamas corrupt, ignorant, deluded, living-in-a-bubble liars, or all that together? Have they reached Marie Antionette (RIP) levels of hubris? Your call. 

And their multi-million dollar house is common.



Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Democrat Slate

Nailed it? Via Armed And Dangerous:

How the D candidates would introduce themselves at the next debate if they were honest
Hi, I’m Joe Biden. I’m the perfect apparatchik – no principles, no convictions, and no plan. I’m senile, and I have a problem with groping children. But vote for me anyway because orange man bad.
Hi, I’m Kamala Harris. My white ancestors owned slaves, but I use the melanin I got from my Indian ancestors to pretend to be black. My own father has publicly rebuked me for the pandering lies I tell. I fellated my way into politics; put me into the White house so I can suck even more!
Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!
Hi, I’m Bernie Sanders. I honeymooned in the Soviet Union. I’m an unreconstructed, hammer-and-sickle-worshiping Communist.
Hi, I’m Kirsten Gillibrand. I used to be what passes for a moderate among Democrats – I even supported gun rights. Now I’ve swung hard left, and will let you just guess whether I ever had any issue convictions or it was just pandering all the way down. Tee-hee!
Hi, I’m Amy Klobuchar, and I’ve demonstrated my grasp on the leadership skills necessarily for the leader of the Free World by being notoriously abusive towards my staff.
Hi, I’m Robert Francis O’Rourke. I’m occupying the “imitate the Kennedy” lane in this race, and my credentials for it include DUI and fleeing an accident scene. The rumors that I’m a furry are false; the rumors that I’m a dimwitted child of privilege are true. But vote for me anyway, crucial white-suburban-female demographic, because I have such a winning smile!
Hi, I’m Pete Buttigieg. I was such a failure as the mayor of South Bend that my own constituents criticize me for having entered this race, but the Acela Corridor press loves me because I’m fashionably gay. And how right they are; any candidate you choose is going to bugger you up the ass eventually, but I’ll do it like an expert!
Hi, I’m Bill de Blasio. I’m as Communist as Bernie, but I hide it better. And if Pete thinks his constituents don’t want him in this race? Hold…my…beer!
Hi, I’m Cory Booker, and I’m totally not gay. OK, maybe I’m just a little gay. My city was a shithole when I was elected and I’ve done nothing to change that; I’m really just an empty suit with a plausible line of patter, especially the “I am Spartacus” part. But you should totally vote for me because I’m…what was the phrase? Oh, yeah. “Clean and articulate.”
Hi, I’m Marianne Williamson. If elected, I will redecorate the White House so it has proper feng shui. I am the sanest and least pretentious person on this stage.

Here at the Compound we hope you appreciate this lighthearted satire.

Your Progressive Pal,


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ursula von der Leyen Zapfenstreich!

Germany's outgoing Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen got quite the sendoff  on her way to become President of the European Commission. Look, here's a short video.

I like martial tradition, a lot, but where have we seen this sort of thing before? The "great replacement" might want to take note of precedent. 

That aside, the German military are obviously pleased to see their Defense Minister go, and who can blame them? They've been training with broomsticks, their planes don't fly, their subs don't work, and they have these weird little tents. Hardly good for morale. 

Not to worry, Fatherland, Ursula's taking her, ahem, warlike qualifications to Fortress Europa, where plans are afoot for a grand EU Army.

The world quakes at the dread prospect of the rainbow legion! Except that it doesn't. You see, behind every dark cloud there's a silver lining.

Your Old Friend,