Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Revolution Starts At Chicken Time

Black Lives Matter? Oh yes, especially in Bristol where they threw a brazen Edward Colston into the river, and replaced the racist excrescence with a fiberglass monument to zhir power. But hey, it's all a larf 'til you wake up and playtime's over.

Use your words! Oh my, behold the K-12 voice of the Revolution.

Power to Zhirpeople,


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Commies Hate Christianity - Wake Up

Some Christians, notably Archbishop figures, think the Left can be appeased and lived with. All they do is apologise for "racism" as their Churches are attacked by radical Marxists. These idiots, Archbishop and beyond,  should read Solzhenitsyn:

Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends. Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails the destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly go about carrying them out.

As it stands, three churches have burned in the last few days in North America, along with two statues of the Virgin. Perhaps you think this somehow contrived, exaggerated. If so, think on this. 

Some 77 million Christians have been martyred since the Faith began. Fully half, 33 million, are accounted for by Marxists in the last century. And the Communist persecution continues today, notably in China.

From our religious leaders, the press, politicians? A resounding silence, crickets. It's almost as though they were part of the problem. Imagine that.

Stand up and be counted,


Monday, July 13, 2020

Cheer Up Kids - Here's Johnny

Thank you, Mr. Cash,


Behold The Revolution!

Don't know about you, but I'm quaking. Scary or what, right? Here's Tucker, on theme:

Attacking people on the basis of your race is a sin... resist... fight back. Well said.

Now, when the fightback occurs, which it inevitably will, how d'ye rate the prospects of the rainbow hair-dye brigade? Good heavens, just reach out and find a piercing. One tug and it's gone, eh?

Guinea on the Monkey and twice as fast.



Sunday, July 12, 2020

Undoing Whiteness

You may or may not have noticed, racists, that there's a nationwide movement afoot. That's right, it's called "undoing whiteness," and it's all about making white people feel bad for being, well, white.

Being white, you see, is evil and oppressive, so you've got to "undo" it or you're a racist, which you are already, you white racists.

Here's a partial list of resources to assist you in interrupting your white racism and reversing it: "Little White Lies – An Interview with anti-racist activist Tim Wise" and "When Whites Just Don’t Get It."

Feeling bad about yourself? Don't worry, there's more:

11 Ways White America Avoids Taking Responsibility for its Racism
White Supremacy Culture Characteristics and Antidotes
Why White People Freak Out
How white people handle diversity training in the workplace

Interesting, isn't it. Now do a small thought experiment per Dreher, and replace "White" with "Jewish." Speaking of which, a clever group of academics rewrote a chapter or two of Mein Kampf. You might enjoy Joe Rogan's interview, here's an excerpt:

I remind you, it's almost an axiom, that pretty much everything the Left effects produces the exact opposite of its intended result. The backlash, when it comes, will be immense. 



Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Valkyries Ride Again

Whoa. Awesome meets awesome. I like the bit where... that's untrue, I like all of it. You may disagree, commies, that's up to you. It's not like there's some kind of "rule."

Let's have the Bosphorus back. Erdogan's been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

1453 + 27,


Hagia Sophia Goes Mosque - Does The West Give a Damn?

Hagia Sophia, Holy Wisdom Cathedral in Istanbul, Justinian's remarkable church and the onetime center of Eastern Christianity has been turned back into a mosque by Turkey's President Sultan, Erdogan.

Built in the 6th century by Emperor Justinian, Hagia Sophia was the principal church of the Eastern Roman Empire and perhaps its greatest monument, rising above the Bosphorus. It remained intact, a Christian Cathedral  until May 1453, when Constantinople was finally seized after a 57 day seige by Ottoman Turks led by Sultan Mehmet II.

The night before the city's fall to the Moslems, Hagia Sophia was full:

Meanwhile the great church of Saint Sophia was crowded. Thousands of people were moving towards the church. Inside, Orthodox and Catholic priests were holding mass. People were singing hymns, others were openly crying, others were asking each other for forgiveness. Those who were not serving on the ramparts also went to the church, among them was seen, for a brief moment, the Emperor. People confessed and took communion. Then those who were going to fight rode or walked back to the ramparts.

The next day tragically saw the collapse of Constantinople's defense and Mehmet's victory. Moslem soldiers entered the city and its great Cathedral, killing, raping and enslaving:

The great doors of Saint Sophia were forced open, and crowds of angry soldiers came in and fell upon the unfortunate worshippers. Pillaging and killing in the holy place went on for hours. Similar was the fate of worshippers in most churches in the city. Everything that could be taken from the splendid buildings was taken by the new masters of the Imperial capital. Icons were destroyed, precious manuscripts were lost forever. Thousands of civilians were enslaved, soldiers fought over young boys and young women. Death and enslavement did not distinguish among social classes. Nobles and peasants were treated with equal ruthlessness.

St. Sophia became a mosque after the Moslem conquest, only to become a museum in 1936. It's now a mosque again, thanks to the Sultanic aspirations of Erdogan. And as it was in 1453 so it is now, does anyone in the West give a damn, or am I an army of one?

“A threat to Hagia Sophia is a threat to the entire Christian civilization and, therefore, to our spirituality and history. To this day Hagia Sophia remains a great Christian shrine for every Russian Orthodox believer.”

Kirill continues:

“One should take into account that Russia is a country with the majority of population professing Orthodoxy, and so, what may happen to Hagia Sophia will inflict great pain on the Russian people.”

Christians, wake up and defend the Faith. It's well beyond time.

Non Draco,


Friday, July 10, 2020

Freed Roger Stone

And not before time. Let's see some real crooks put to justice.

And btw, Homburgs rock.

Your Pal,


Yet More Vicious Racism - Warning Graphic

Sure, it looks normal, just another HVAC van come to fix a broken unit, nothing, you know, sytemically racist about that is there. So you think. I went to get a closer look.

Do you see the problem? I did. There it was, in all its shameless, white colonialist, brazen, literal racism, right there on the ladder. Knowing that silence is complicity, let's zoom in.

WOW.  It's maybe not even conscious but that makes it worse, part of your psyche, in your head. Kick the black man off the ladder! So who's at fault? Here, have a look.

Smiling all the way to his white male supremacy privilege award. Sorry, so-called "Lennox," we've got your number. Which, as a matter of fact we do, because Sims actually does good work at a fair price, and they even turn up when they say they'll do. Imagine that.

Readers, if anyone does actually read this shallow mind-blog, do not give an inch to the new Maoism. It's the same as the old Maoism but even worse, because it comes like a rainbow.

Your Friend,


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Rainbow Skidmarks

Skidmarks, ahem, on a rainbow? Are we reaching peak 2020? In related news, my Fascist ladder attacked me with vicious white supremacism. Have a look.

Wow. What. A. Racist. In case you've been asleep under a Klansman's hood for the past thirty years, the "OK sign" is a thinly veiled White Power symbol. This helpful infographic explains its meaning:

OK, all hail /pol but please, please, someone, anyone make it stop. By "stop" I mean rainbow Maoism, obviously.



Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Parable of the Sower

I've been reflecting on the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 because it's the Gospel for Sunday in our newfangled, confusing, tripartite lectionary. We all know the story and how it illustrates the four different conditions of human heart or soul upon which the Word falls. 

Although the letter said
On thistles that men look not grapes to gather,
I read the story rather
How soldiers platting thorns around Christ’s Head
Grapes grew and drops of wine were shed.

Though when the sower sowed,
The wingèd fowls took part, part fell in thorn,
And never turned to corn,
Part found no root upon the flinty road—
Christ at all hazards fruit hath shewed.

From wastes of rock He brings
Food for five thousand: on the thorns He shed
Grains from His drooping Head;
And would not have that legion of winged things
Bear Him to heaven on easeful wings.

Christ, in Himself, transforms and redeems our fallen nature, turning hard, rocky, thorn-choked ground into abundant life. He invites us to share in this victory; God grant us the humility to enter into compassion and life, to repent.

Your Ancient Friend,


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Eat A Peach - Cooking With LSP

There you are, in the midst of an Agenda 21, Kalergi replacement project when one of the the test subjects asks if you'd like some peaches. "Sure, that'd be great," and there they were, thanks to Eduardo and Maria, a basket of wild fruit. What to do?

Not tender enough to eat, so boil 'em up, blanche with ice water, remove skins, or not, and slice those peaches up. Then add a few tablespoons of brown sugar, flour and lemon juice to the mix. Bring to a boil and set the fruity thing aside.

In the meanwhile, combine 1 cup of flour, 3/4 of a cup of light brown sugar, cinnamon and a lot of butter, a stick (8 Tbls). Mix it up with your fingers until the thing's crumbly but clings together. This is your "crumble" or "topping" or whatever, it's not like there's some kind of weird rule.

Congratulate yourself on this achievement and watch Geobbels on BitChute. How could he have been such a monster as to kill his beautiful children? Same applies to you, Magda. Well, there's a special place in Hell for those who kill children, but let's not dwell on the infernal logic of the Pit.

Instead, put the beast in the oven for around 40 minutes at #375, take it out, let it cool for a bit and then, fall on your scoff like a warrior. Don't be shy, soldiers.

Your Ally,